IV.5. 041 : Language Code

IV.5. 041 : Language Code

This field is used for languages associated with an item when the language code in field 008/35-37 of the record is insufficient to convey full information.  This includes records for multilingual items, items that involve translation, and items where the medium of communication is a sign language. Sources of the codes are found in MARC Code List for Languages.

Languages may also be recorded in textual form in field 546 (Language Note).  Field 041 may also be used to express the original language of the work.

Use field 041 in conjunction with Lang field. If Lang is coded zxx (no linguistic content), do not record a code in field 041 in subfield $$a or subfield $$d. If Lang contains a code other than zxx, record the same code from Lang in field 041 in subfield $$a or subfield $$d.

Use field 041 when:

  • The item contains more than one language, one of which may be a sign language
  • The item is or includes a translation
  • The language of the abstracts, accompanying material, or summaries differs from the language of the main item
  • The language of a table of contents differs from the language of the main item

Do not use field 041 to record the MARC language code if there is only one language associated with the item already recorded in Lang.

See various examples from the OCLC Bibliographic Standards & Formats. 

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