IV.23. 7XX : Added Entry

IV.23. 7XX : Added Entry


Always trace printers and publishers/booksellers for pre-1801 imprints, and trace them selectively up through 1820.  When multiple publishers/booksellers are listed (e.g. 18th century imprints), trace only the first, or those given prominence.  Use the appropriate relator term.

For establishing names, follow the instructions in RDA, Chapters 9-11 (including LC-PCC PS for

N.B. For guidance in establishing certain names (e.g., for widows and partnerships), consult LC-PCC PS on establishing authorized access points.

Parallel translations:

In the case of a manifestation containing an expression of the work in the original language and an expression in another language, also known as a parallel translation, record both languages in the 041, omit the 240 and repeat the 700 to include both expressions.


0411_ $$a eng $$a fre $$h fre

7001_ $$a Picasso, Bernard Ruiz. $$t Pages de garde.

7001_ $$a Picasso, Bernard Ruiz. $$t Pages de garde. $$l English.

Named Collections:

Names of collections will sometimes be selectively added to bibliographic records with 710 to explicitly identify individual items as part of a collection. Usually (but not always) this is because the collections are dispersed within Houghton rather than kept together physically (e.g., given their own classification); the additional access points will allow them to be kept together as "virtual" collections.  Ideally, an authority record should be established for each heading.  Always add $$5 at the end.


710 2# $$a Donald and Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Houghton Library) $$5 hou
710 2# $$a John Milton and Ruth Neils Ward Collection (Harvard Theatre Collection) $$5 the

Former Owners:

All former owners (with the exception of immediate former owner) of an item whose names can be deciphered at least in part should be traced in 700/710 fields. Use the established form of the name when possible; otherwise construct a form using whatever information is at hand, adding $$d when useful to distinguish individuals with similar names.  Also add $$e "former owner" with $$5 [library code].  When tracing a former owner, make sure to include 561 in the holdings record that explains the tracing in detail.

A major resource for identifying former owners is Houghton Library's old provenance card file (in the stacks on SB level).  Maintained at Houghton from 1942 until 1992, this file records all provenances (inscriptions, bookplates, stamps, armorials, etc.) noted in books cataloged for Houghton classifications, as well as provenance for many items transferred from Widener.  It is especially useful for locating Houghton books with provenances similar to that in the item being cataloged, so that the markings can be compared and confirmed.  This file may now be consulted online, where it has been divided into 4 separate files:

Houghton Library. Printed Book Provenance File, A-D

Houghton Library. Printed Book Provenance File, E-K

Houghton Library. Printed Book Provenance File, L-Q

Houghton Library. Printed Book Provenance File, R-Z (and unidentified)


While tracing donors is not prohibited, Houghton does not trace immediate former owner/donor.  When cataloging large collections, if there is any doubt about whether a donor should be traced or not, catalogers should consult with the appropriate curator.

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