IV.17. 510 : Citation/References

IV.17. 510 : Citation/References

Use the 510 field for bibliographical descriptions of the described item.

One or more 510 fields can be added to a single record, particularly if these have been used to supply elements of the description and also when "the cited source would serve to distinguish an edition (or variant) from similar editions (or variants), substantiate information provided by the cataloger, or provide a more detailed description of the publication being cataloged."  See DCRM(B), 7B14.2.

Follow the form given in Standard Citation Forms for Rare Book Cataloging, or construct the form based on the guidelines given therein.

Houghton does not have a list of mandatory bibliographic resources which should always be cited in 510 fields. Instead, an annotated list of recommended references is maintained; this list is in a state of constant update and expansion.

N.B.  "Not in" references, if required, are placed in 500, not 510.  See DCRM(B) 7B14.3, or DCRMR

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