IV.8. 240 : Uniform Title

IV.8. 240 : Uniform Title

  • Remain mindful of the format changes, as well as work vs. expression AAPs, from AACR2 to RDA.
  • Catalogers are reminded that subfield f is not used in RDA AAPs to break a conflict for works. So, rather than

Works. $$k Selections. $$f 2015

the correct form of the heading is

Works. $$k Selections (2015)

  • See RDA Appendix E, and specifically E.1.2.5 for an outline of RDA punctuation practices for the AAP.

PCC Policy Change for Partial Compilations of a Single Author (April 2021)

  • As of April 8, 2021, the PCC policy for cataloging partial compilations of a single author has changed.  In brief, the policy states:

"For compilations containing works created after 1500: Instead of recording the preferred title for each of the works in the compilation, record the title proper of the compilation as its preferred title. Optionally, give authorized access points for any or all of the individual works or expressions in the compilation in 7XX added entry fields. (See LC-PCC PS 25.1 and LC-PCC PS 26.1)."

N.B.  Music and law are exceptions to this policy change.  In addition, 8xx series tracings in bibliographic records for multipart monographs and analyzable monographs in a series may continue to use conventional collective titles (CCTs). 

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