IV.22. 1XX, 7XX (Relationship Designators)

IV.22. 1XX, 7XX (Relationship Designators)

Houghton uses appropriate relationship designators maintained by RBMS; see also RDA's appendices I and J.  We do not currently use relator codes.

Some guidelines:

  • In pre-1821 imprints, when both printer and publisher are named in the record, use the appropriate term with each name.  If only one is present, generally use the term "printer."  For modern imprints when an entry is called for, it is usually the printer we are interested in tracing.
  • If both illustrators and engravers are traced, use the appropriate term with each.
  • In cases where a person fills more than one function:
    • When both names are added entries, use multiple relators in separate subfield $$e.
    • When the name is also serving as the authorized access point, make an added entry with the appropriate subfield $$e (e.g., "illustrator" or "former owner")
      • Occasional exceptions can be made, for instance, in the case of a vanity publications, one need not make an added entry for the name serving as authorized access point with $$e publisher
  • While the abbreviations "ed., "tr.", and "ill." were formerly practiced, PCC now recommends that catalogers apply RDA relationship designators rather than MARC relator terms and codes in all new PCC cataloging.
  • Terms not on RDA-established lists are acceptable. These lists include:
  • Establishing our own local relationship designator is not desirable.  If one is needed, such term needs to be proposed and approved by the Head of the Rare Book Section.
  • RDA Appendix I.1 states:  "If the relationship element is considered sufficient for the purposes of the agency creating the data, do not use a relationship designator to indicate the specific nature of the relationship." While not all corporate access points need relationship designators, they are encouraged, most particularly if the relationship between the corporate access point and the item being cataloged is not clear.

  • Always place relationship designators in subfield $$e. Do NOT use subfield $$4 relator term codes.


PCC Table of MARC relators and RDA relationship designators may have been consulted in the past; however, this spreadsheet does not appear to be have been updated for several years and catalogers should consult the appropriate PCC, LC, or RBMS websites.

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