Resource Management Training Materials

Spring 2019 Update

The scripts and training materials in this section were used by Alma peer trainers & facilitators during the active Implementation project phase (April 2018 - June 2019).

These materials are now archived and may contain outdated information/past practice - do not use as-is.

For current Alma training, please visit the Learning Alma - for Staff and Managers page.

To all trainers and facilitators:

  • Click the "Watch" icon in the upper right on this page to be alerted when changes are made to this page, such as when documents are added or updated.
  • Do take advantage of all training resources available from this part of the wiki:
  • For questions, suggestions, or corrections for these documents, please contact:
  • Reference material and step-by-step class documentation for all staff: Resource Management (incl Cataloging).