For Trainers & Facilitators

For Trainers & Facilitators

Trainer & Facilitator Schedule

Alma training schedule for trainer & facilitator sign-up is available via Google Doc. Please email Jennifer Koerber for the link.

Trainer & Facilitator Resources

About Being an Alma Trainer or Facilitator

Trainers & Facilitators

We'll need two types of volunteers for staff training:

Trainers will lead hands-on and demo sessions at the front of the room, presenting prepared material and answering group questions.

Facilitators will walk around and assist individual learners to help keep the session on track.

Both trainers and facilitators will receive the same training, and for the most part, they will choose whether they are a trainer or facilitator for any given class. The same person can be a trainer for one subject and a facilitator for another.

Trainer/Facilitator Training

Trainer/Facilitator training will happen during April and early May, with a minimum requirement of 4 hours/week. This includes at least one 2-hour training session plus practice time outside of the session. Trainer/Facilitator training sessions will be led by Training Working Group members, supported by Alma working group members.

In order to train or facilitate, you must attend one Intro to Alma/Search and Sets session and all sessions in your functional area. We recommend taking all of the sessions in your area so you understand where your training topic(s) fit into the larger functional area.

Trainer-Facilitator training sessions - final version.xlsx

Trainer/Facilitator training sessions will be using a near-final draft of the curriculum for staff training. You'll learn via these materials, then teach with them once they're finalized. We'll be actively seeking your feedback on the training curriculum/materials, to improve them for the general staff training program.

You'll also receive access to Alma when you start your training, so you'll have extra time to practice and explore before Go Live in July.

Time Commitment

  • During Train the Trainer (April/early May): minimum of 4 hours/week, at least one 2-hour training session and 2 hours of independent practice time.
  • During Staff Training (May - August): minimum of 3 hours/week, leading or facilitating at least one 2-hour training session + class maintenance tasks (resetting examples, confirming attendance)

For Phase 1 training, we hope that volunteers are able to commit to train/facilitate at least one 2-hour class per week, each week from late May through July. We will work with trainers/facilitators to accommodate your schedules and leave.

Trainers will not be expected to develop curriculum or exercises, unless you want to use your subject knowledge to add to the list of exercises (please don't change the curriculum!). We'll provide you with everything you need to run each class.

Trainers and facilitators will both take the same training for your functional area(s) of expertise; this will be your training on Alma in those areas as well as what you need to assist other staff in learning. The extra "learning leader" materials are equally useful whether you're in front of the class or walking around to help.

Trainers and facilitators will choose the classes you want to train/facilitate.

Trainers and facilitators will both give and receive feedback on the training and materials, and asked to help generate examples for staff training. We will evaluate the Trainer/Facilitator training and the general staff training separately.

Trainer/Facilitator Expectations

  • Be learners as the Training Working Group "dress rehearses" the training classes
  • Help the working group figure out if adjustments are needed to class length/topic/pacing 
  • Help generate examples to use during training
  • Help to delete/revert back examples used during training for the following session
  • Give feedback to fellow trainers – both positive and constructive
  • Learn tips on how to be an effective trainer/facilitator
  • Create a "Parking Lot" for questions both during your training and during staff trainings – it's ok to say "I'm not sure; I'll check and get back to you"
  • Help to develop and review a training FAQ document, which will have answers to questions staff may ask during training
  • Help to build and review the basic "training script" components, including notes about Alma that need to be repeated as often as possible