Exporting from Connexion Client to Alma Using F5

Exporting from Connexion Client to Alma Using F5

If a Record Exists in Alma

If a record exists in Alma, you can use Search Resources from within Alma to update the Alma record per the instructions for "Bringing in updated copy for an EXISTING record," found on the Creating Bib Records... page.

If you use Connexion's F5 Export when a record with a matching OCLC number exists in Alma: 

  • You will not be able to target a specific Alma bib number - this method targets matching OCLC numbers
  • The Alma record with the matching OCLC number will be replaced with the Connexion record (local fields retained)
  • The update will not work if you have the record open in the MDE when you use F5 (you must release it first then use F5)
  • If the Alma record has a higher Brief Level than the OCLC record, it will not merge. 
  • If Alma has multiple records with the same OCLC number, the export will fail. OCLC will have a pop-up box that says: "Import failed. Reason: Multi matches found for this record."

Using F5 is preferred over Search Resources if you have long 505 or 520 fields that will get split by Search Resources.  

If There is No Record in Alma

  1. In Connexion, with the OCLC record on your screen, choose Export from the Action menu (key shortcut F5).

  2. The OCLC Gateway Export Status box will appear on your screen. 

  3. When the status changes from “Waiting for local system response” to “Export processing completed,” the record has been successfully exported and can be used and edited in Alma. 

  4. The MMS ID number will display in the Host Messages box. Copy this number to retrieve the record in Alma.

  5. In Alma, search for the record using the persistent search bar.

    1. Make sure to use the All titles search type/index in Alma. If you use the Physical titles search type, you will not retrieve the record because it does not yet have physical inventory.

    2. Use the MMS ID criterion and paste in the MMSID to search for the record.
  6. Once you are satisfied that the record has been correctly exported, you may close the OCLC Gateway Export Status box. 

  7. If export is unsuccessful, highlight and copy or take a screenshot of the message that appears on the screen and contact LTS.

When you bring a record into Alma via Connexion, the record in Alma will indicate that it was Created by Ex Libris and Modified by System. If the record is later saved by a staff member within Alma, the Created by will change to the staff member's name, but the timestamp of the Created by... remains that of the Connexion export date.

Managing Accidental Changes and Imports

  • If you accidentally modified a record, go to View Versions for that record and revert. See [OLD] Metadata Editor (MDE): Navigation and Overview for more information on Record history.

  • If you accidentally brought in a new record you don't want, delete it.

    • If you do not have permissions to delete records, use the File >> Assign Record to Another Cataloger option to assign it to a colleague who can delete it.

Other Tips

  • If you add information to the OCLC record and do not replace the record in Connexion, that information will still export to Alma.

  • The 035 with the Aleph number is in the Alma bib record for migration purposes. It does not need to be retained. The Aleph number continues to be searchable in the 900 local field.