Items & Holdings 2 - Class Materials and Script

Items & Holdings 2 - Class Materials and Script

Spring 2019 Update

The scripts and training materials in this section were used by Alma peer trainers & facilitators during the active Implementation project phase (April 2018 - June 2019).

These materials are now archived and may contain outdated information/past practice - do not use as-is. This content was last updated March 2019.

For current Alma training, please visit the Learning Alma - for Staff and Managers page.

Handouts, resources and display documents for the class

Handout – Items and Holdings Advanced Handout.docx (3) (6).docx (word doc)  – Trainer: fill out your name and the date of the class and bring these with you to class

Exercises – Trainer: point class to these exercises for post-class practice:

Links to any pre-reading and reference documents 

Outline for the class and links to related documentation

Class titleOutline of topicsLinks to related documentation
Items & Holdings 2
  • Adding items and holdings
  • Duplicating items and holdings
  • Deleting (which Alma calls Withdrawing) items and holdings
  • Suppressing and unsuppressing holdings
  • Using templates to create and expand holdings
  • Moving holdings and items

Script for the class


Welcome to the Items & Holdings 2 class, which builds on what you've learned in Items & Holdings 1. In this class, we will look at adding, duplicating, moving, and deleting holdings and items(Alma calls deleting item records "withdrawing"). We'll also look at using templates to create and expand holdings. Because there is so much content to cover, this class will probably not include time for hands-on practice.

A few notes:

  • Alma went live on July 3rd and, as expected, we're learning new things about it as staff work with real data in the system. Everyone is continuing to learn Alma, and will have the support they need to do so.

  • We are training on the tool of Alma, and while there is usually more than one way to do anything in Alma, we will show you one verified or preferred way to do tasks. Once you've learned the best practice, we encourage staff to discuss local procedures and workflows in your units.

  • We also encourage everyone to come together in Learning Circles - either cross-functional within units or on the same functions across units - to discuss how the implementation is going and how the new features and workflows in Alma might change work at Harvard.

  • Please continue to use the LTS Alma Support form to ask questions and report issues with Alma data, workflows, or roles & permissions. Asking these questions, and working groups providing answers, is an important part of everyone learning more about Alma. You can find the link in the Notifications widget in Alma, along with the link to Alma documentation on the LTS wiki.

  • You have a 1-page handout that contains a link to the Alma sandbox, the wiki page for this class, and a few other useful links. (If there are other handouts, describe them.) The script and all materials for this class are available to review on the wiki, and will continue to be updated with any changes in procedures.

Some quick logistics information: 

  • The nearest bathrooms & water supply are:
    • Lamont rooms: Restrooms are gendered by floor. Lamont 310 is on a men's room floor, Lamont B-30 is on a women's room floor.
    • 90 Mt Auburn: Two restrooms are on the opposite side of the building on the basement level, water is in the kitchenette and in a fountain by the restrooms
    • 625 Mass Ave: Restrooms are at the opposite end of the building on the 3rd floor, by the water fountain
  • Please ask questions when they come up; I will also pause between sections for questions and to make sure things are clear.

Let's start by introducing ourselves. (Go around the room and ask everyone to share their name, library/unit, and how this class relates to their work.)

Now, if you haven't already, please log in to Alma.



There is a lot of content to cover in this class.

I will go over it with you today, but there will not be a lot of time for practice.

We are making practice exercises available so that after class, you can try out in the Sandbox what you've learned. 

We are setting up optional practice sessions during which we can go over the exercises together and answer questions.

Even though we now have access to the Alma Production site, the Sandbox will remain indefinitely for continued practice.

Remember in the Sandbox, to be able to edit materials and see the full range of options for an item, we need to use the locations we have access to.

  • We'll want to focus our work on items from Lamont, ITS 625 Acquisitions or Schlesinger or Widener while working in the Sandbox, so we have the full range of editing possibilities.



Creating an item – from MD Editor

 In Items & Holdings 1, you learned how to create an item record using the "Quick Cataloging" method.  You can also create an item right from the MD Editor.  

  • Trainer: quickly demonstrate creating an item record. Say what you are doing as you do it.
  • I'm going to search as a Physical Title, When One Has Lived a Long Time Alone.
  • I open the record in the MD Editor by clicking on Edit Record,
  • Next I click on the View Inventory icon, that looks like a file cabinet with a magnifying glass.  
  • Let's add another Widener item.  I'll click on "Edit" to the right of the information about the Widener holding in the right window. Doing this will open the Widener holdings record in the active window in the Main Pane. 
    • Note that you won't get the Edit button if the holdings is locked by someone else. If that is the case, you have to click View Items, then click Add Item; but since adding an item usually entails having to look at the holdings record, it's probably best to contact the person and have them unlock the record and stick to the procedure described.
  • Then I'll click on the "Add Item" icon.
  • This takes me to the Physical Item Editor, which we looked at in the first Items & Holdings Class.
  • For item policy, I will select Regular Loan.
  • Then I will click on Save. 
  • You'll see the new item record has been saved with a system-supplied barcode. 

Item records can also be created during the acquisitions process, which is covered in classes having to do with One-time and continuous orders.

Duplicating an item

 The quickest way to make a new item is sometimes to duplicate an existing one–for example, when adding multiple copies or adding another volume to a multipart monograph. 

Item records can be duplicated on more than one screen in Alma.  For example:  

  • They can be duplicated from the List of Items
    • To demonstrate, I'll again search as a Physical Title "When One Has Lived a Long Time Alone." Below the list of 3 holdings records under "Physical," I will click on "Items."
      • Trainer, you may wish to de-select the "Expand" button if it's already selected
    • This opens the List of Items.
    • I will then look for the item record I want to duplicate and then I will click on the ellipsis to the right of the item. You do not need to select the item record that you want to duplicate by checking it.  
    • Then I'll click on "Duplicate."  It will then automatically create a new item record with a system-supplied barcode (which you would then probably replace with a printed barcode)
  • Items can also be duplicated in Acquisitions workflows, from the Receiving List (for continuous orders only). Trainer: ok to skip these details --mention that there is also an Acquisitions workflow for duplication
    • There, you click on "Manage Items" and then "Receive New Items."  In the section with "Last Received Item Details," you would click on "Duplicate."
    •  This is demonstrated in the Continuous Orders 2 class.  

Please remember that duplicated items inherit data from the original item record, so you should edit appropriate data before saving them.

Deleting (withdrawing) an item


Withdrawing is the process of deleting items from the catalog to ensure that the catalog is up-to-date and represents only those items that are actually in the collection.

Although withdrawn items do not appear in Alma and are not published to Primo, staff can view a historical record of these items in Analytics reports.

While withdrawing an item, you can delete holdings records that do not have any other items. Suppression should only be used for items that Harvard still owns that should not be visible to the public.

Please make sure you're familiar with the policy on Suppressing vs. Deleting bibs and holdings: Collection Management - Policy for Suppression and Deletion

Withdrawing one or more items - steps

Search for the item(s) that you want to withdraw.

Depending on the type of search that I initiate and what's available in the inventory, clicking Items may display different results. For example:

  • I am selecting a Physical titles search and I see there is only one holdings record – example: Mouth of the dragon (the journal). Trainer: another possible example is "just one more thing peter falk"–this example has one holdings with multiple items.

    • I click on "Items" in the expanded view below, or in the row action item (ellipsis) menu.

    • I can either withdraw one item at a time by selecting "withdraw" from the ellipsis menu at the end of each row; or I can check off multiple items and select "withdraw" at the top of the page.

    • Trainer: no need to confirm the action. Select cancel instead. After class check and make sure there is still one holdings record and at least two items.


  • I am selecting a Physical titles search and I see there are multiple holdings records – example: Bossypants

    • I click on "Items" in the expanded view below, or in the row action item (ellipsis) menu.

    • I can withdraw one item at a time by selecting "withdraw" from the ellipsis menu at the end of each row.

      • It is not possible to check off multiple items. Trainer: point out that the withdraw items link does not appear at the top of the list like it does when there is only one holdings.  

  • In either case, I click "withdraw" on the row action item.
    • I get a pop-up confirmation message.
    • I select "confirm". Trainer: no need to confirm the action. Select cancel instead. After class check and make sure there are still multiple holdings record and several items.
    • I see a confirmation message "Item has been successfully deleted".
      • If the item is currently on loan, Alma will ask you to address the loan before withdrawing the item.

If the last item was removed from a holdings record, the Last Item dialog box appears. Note that the default button selected is "don't change the holdings record". Trainer: switch to Alma wiki training page for Items & Holdings 2 and show dialog box. 


Best practice is to choose: Delete bibliographic records that have no other holdings . 

  • This option will delete the bibliographic record with which the item is associated if the bibliographic record has no other holdings. 
  • In this case, both the holdings record and the bibliographic record with which the item is associated are deleted.
  • If there are other libraries with holdings, but we have withdrawn the last items from our holdings record, we should choose the option, "Delete the holdings record."


Again, please make sure you're familiar with the policy on Suppressing vs. Deleting bibs and holdings: Collection Management - Policy for Suppression and Deletion


Adding a holding

When you place a one-time order for a physical item, Alma will automatically create a holdings and item for you.  (Please note: when you place a continuous order, only a holdings record is created.)

However, there may be some workflows where you need to create a holdings record manually–for example, you might be processing a gift book.

There is more than one way to perform this task this in Alma.  Trainer: select one of the two scenarios below to demonstrate.

  • To add an additional holding to a bib that already has a holding, first search for the bib record. Example: In the darkroom. We will add a WID HD holding.
    • From the search result, I'll click the "Holdings" link. Then I'll click "Add New Holdings."
    • This opens the workform for a new holding in the MD Editor. Notice that in this scenario, it is not necessary to have the bib record open when adding a holding, which is different from Aleph.  
  • If the bib record was already open in the MD Editor, I would have clicked on the Add holdings icon, or typed CTRL + ALT + H.
    • This would open a holdings workform in split screen mode. 
  • Once I am viewing the workform for the new holding: 
    • I will key in the 852 $b and $c which are mandatory. So I will add WID and HD. You can also use Control+F in this field to open a Form Editor to choose from a drop down list of libraries and locations.  
  • Next I'll click the Save icon or hit CTRL + S
    • When I save the record, Alma will copy the bib record's 050 into the holding 852 $h $i, if:
      • 1) these subfields were blank
      • 2) the library/location is configured to default to LC classification. 
  • You'll see that WID HD is set up to default to LC classification, so the call number was copied from the bib record's 050.

Trainer: remember to delete the WID HD holding you created and any created by students after class or this example won't work for the next trainer.

(Alternate MD Editor-centric scenario of the above):

  • To add an additional holding to a bib that already has a holding, I first search for the bib record. Example:  In the darkroom. I then will add a WID HD holding.
    • I open the record in the MD Editor by clicking on "Edit Record," 
      Next I click on the ""Add Holdings" icon, that looks like a file cabinet with a plus sign
    • This would open a holdings workform in split screen mode. 
  • Once I am viewing the workform for the new holding: 
    • I will key in the 852 $b and $c which are mandatory. So I will add WID and HD. You can also use Control+F in this field to open a Form Editor to choose from a drop down list of libraries and locations.  
  • Next I'll click the Save icon or hit CTRL + SYou'll see that WID HD is set up to default to LC classification, so the call number was copied from the bib record's 050.
    • When I save the record, Alma will copy the bib record's 050 into the holding 852 $h $i, if:
      • 1) these subfields were blank
      • 2) the library/location is configured to default to LC classification. 


Trainer: remember to delete the WID HD holding you created and any created by students after class or this example won't work for the next trainer.

Duplicating a holding

Another way of creating holdings is by duplicating an existing one.  One typical situation in which this function would come in handy is when a library holds several copies of a serial run. Holdings can easily be duplicated in the MD Editor.

  • I will search as a Physical title "Lucy Stone, a chronicle play." I will click on "Holdings."
  • From the List of Holdings, I will find the Widener holdings I want to duplicate. Then I will click on the ellipsis and select "Edit." You do not need to select the holding record that you want to duplicate by checking it.  
  • In the MD Editor, select File >Duplicate.  The duplicate holdings record now displays in the Main Pane.
  • To get the original holdings and the duplicate holdings to display side by side, I will select the original holdings from the Left Pane.
  • Now I select the Split Editor icon.
  • Next I select the duplicate holdings from the Left Pane. Now both records display side by side–the original holdings is on the left, and the duplicate holdings is on the right. Note that the data in the 852 field exactly matches the data in the existing holdings record.
  • Edit the holdings record as appropriate.  At the very least, if you are using the very same field 852 data in your new holdings record, you need to add $$t to the field to differentiate that field from the 852 in the existing record.  More information is available on the wiki: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wIOUAg (I wonder if that documentation should provide an example of the use of subfield $t)
  • Trainer: show the class the Alert for the 852 that appears when the duplicate holding is in focus. Add the subfield $t and save the record, but remember to delete the new holding you created and any created by students after class.

  • Trainer: delete the duplicate holdings record you create and any created by students after class.


(Again, another possible alternate MDE-centric scenario of the above):

Another way of creating holdings is by duplicating an existing one.  One typical situation in which this function would come in handy is when a library holds several copies of a serial run. Holdings can easily be duplicated in the MD Editor.

  • I will search as a Physical title "Lucy Stone, a chronicle play."  I open the record in the MD Editor by clicking on "Edit Record," 
  • Next I click on the "View Inventory" icon, that looks like a file cabinet with a magnifying glass.
  • I select the holdings record I wish to duplicate by clicking "Edit" to the right of the information about the Widener holding in the right window. Doing this will open the Widener holdings record in the right window of the Split Editor. 
  • With the holdings record activated, I select File >Duplicate.  The duplicate holdings record now displays in the right window.
  • To get the original holdings and the duplicate holdings to display side by side, I activate the left window and will now select the original holdings from the Left Pane (the holdings with the blue house).
  • Now both records display side by side–the original holdings is on the left, and the duplicate holdings is on the right. Note that the data in the 852 field exactly matches the data in the existing holdings record.
  • Edit the holdings record as appropriate.  At the very least, if you are using the very same field 852 data in your new holdings record, you need to add $$t to the field to differentiate that field from the 852 in the existing record.  More information is available on the wiki: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wIOUAg (I wonder if that documentation should provide an example of the use of subfield $t)
  • Trainer: show the class the Alert for the 852 that appears when the duplicate holding is in focus. Add the subfield $t and save the record, but remember to delete the new holding you created and any created by students after class.


Creating and expanding a holding using a template

We are going to cover only the basics of creating and expanding a holdings using a template. Much more information about working with templates in Alma can be found on the LTS Resource Management wiki page on Working with Templates: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/M6KVAg

Creating holding using a template

New holdings records can be created using templates in the MD Editor. This is done by using a template found in the Template tab in the Left Pane.

  • Using an "All titles" search (because there is no inventory yet), I will open the bib record for "Lovely periodical for training purposes" in the MD Editor.
  • Then I will open the Templates tab in the Left Pane.
  • We next select the appropriate template from the MARC21 Holdings folder. In this case, I'll choose the first "Serial prediction" template I see in the Shared folder. From the drop-down set of choices, I'll select "New."
  • This will open a new holdings record in the MD Editor based on the template I selected. Since you already have a bib record open, Alma will associate the draft holdings record with that bib record.
  • You can see I have saved a lot of detailed keying by using the template.
  • I could then edit the draft holdings record as appropriate, and save it. Trainer: no need to edit the holdings record or save it.  You can exit.
Expanding holding using a template

Existing holdings records can be expanded using templates in the MD Editor.

  • I want to expand the Widener holdings record attached to the bib record "Another lovely periodical for training purposes." In the MD Editor, I open the Widener holdings record in the Main Pane and make sure that window is in focus.
  • I'll select Edit > Expand from Template OR hit Ctl + E to display the Expand from Template dialog box.

  • Next I'll select an available "Serial prediction" template from the Choose Template drop-down list and click OK to expand.
  • Please note that when the target record and the template have some of the same fields, the results can be complicated (consult the "Working with Templates" documentation mentioned above). This has a major impact on our ability to use templates to add new 853 fields with new prediction patterns to existing holdings for serials. 
  • After I have expanded the holdings using a template, I could edit as appropriate, and save the record.Trainer: no need to edit the holdings record or save it.  You can exit.


Suppressing a holding

Unlike Aleph, in which a MARC STA (status) tag was used to indicate record suppression, Alma has a workflow for suppressing a holding. Again, suppression should only be used for items that Harvard still owns that should not be visible to the public.

  1. First, I'll search for a title
  2. In the results list, I'll click Holdings on the right.
  3. A list of holdings appears
  4. I'll choose a holding, and click on Edit.
  5. I am taken to the MD Editor with the holdings record visible.
  6. I click on the Tools drop-down menu in the MD Editor.
  7. Next, I click Set Management Tags from that Tools Menu.
  8. I click on Suppress from Discovery – which is a check box that has a toggle function.
  9. The holdings record is now suppressed – you can see this by looking at how the blue house icon in the left pane of the MD Editor turns into the “evil eye” icon (gray circle with red slash through it). 

Big difference from Aleph: when you suppress a holding in Alma, all attached item records are also suppressed from discovery (e.g. Primo)  Trainer: Point out that you can still view the items–there is nothing in the item record that tells you it is suppressed, unless it had been suppressed prior to migration (in which case it retains the (88))

UNsuppress holding

It is easy to remove record suppression in Alma.

  • With the holdings record open in the MD Editor, I click on the Tools drop-down menu.
    • Then I click “Set Management Tags” from that Tools Menu
      • I next UNcheck “Suppress from Discovery”. 
        • You can see the evil eye go away.

This same process also applies to suppressing/unsuppressing bibliographic records. 

Practice time: Now let's try doing some more work with holdings.  Using the instructions on the screen, find a holdings to edit.  Try suppressing and unsuppressing holdings and creating items.

Moving holdings and items

We will now go over methods for moving holdings and moving items.

Because of time, I am only going through the basics. There is more documentation about these two topics on the wiki: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/C4OUAg

For those of you who perform Fulfillment tasks, please be certain to check this information, because there is an important warning there about using a Fulfillment tool in Alma when moving the last item on a holding. 

The methods we'll discuss should only be used when the holding that needs to be moved is one of multiple holdings attached to the bib record. If there is only a single holding attached to the bib record, use Merge Records and Combine Inventory as you learned in your Cat 2 training. 

Moving holding

Important things to know
  • This method will not touch the bib record of the holding that is moved.  The bib record will continue to be active.

  • Any items attached to the holding will also move.
  • If there is an active request on an item, you will not be able to relink the holding.  You'll need first to handle the requests or move all the items first.
  • I am showing you one method here, but if a PO line is involved, the best method is to relink the PO line. This is because PO lines related to the holdings record will not move using the method I will demonstrate. You need to follow separate instructions for relinking a PO line, which are taught in Order Maintenance: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aoSUAg. When you relink a PO line to a different bib record, the corresponding holdings and items will also move.
To move a holding when it is one of multiple holdings on a bib record

Let's say you realize that your library's holding is attached to the bib record for the 1st edition, but the book owned is really the 2nd edition.  You need to move your holding to the right bib record, and leave intact other holdings on the record for the 1st edition.

Before you start, it is helpful to have information about the target record ready (like its OCLC number or its title) to facilitate searching for that record later in the process. Example: Practice record to beat all practice records. 2nd edition.

  • First, I'll conduct a physical items search for the bib record with the holding that I want to move. Example: Widener holding on: Practice record to beat all practice records. 1st edition.
  • I click on "Holdings."
  • Then I check the check box for the holding to be moved, click on the ellipsis, and choose "Relink."
  • The MD Editor opens with the holding on the left and a search panel on the right.  I will use the search panel to locate the "target" bib–the bib record to which I want the holding to be attached.
  • My bib search results appear with "View" and "Relink" options.  I'll click on "Relink." 
  • Let's look at the results.  Once I have the holdings in the left pane, I can click on the icon "View Bibliographic Record" to display the bib to which the holdings is now linked.
  • I should release the holding record from the MD Editor unless I'm going to edit it. Trainer: relink WID holdings back to 1st edition before next class.

Moving items

Moving an item on another holding on the same bib record

Let's say we are sending half of a serial set (v. 1-2) from the stacks to HD.  We'll need to move items from the stacks holding to the HD holding. I've already edited the holdings records to reflect the transfer.

  • First, I'll search the repository for the item to be moved. Example: Dastardly annual madness.
  • For the results list, I'll click "Items" for the bib record with multiple holdings.  The List of Items will appear.
  • I'll select the item I want to move by using the checkbox.  Then I'll click on "Change Holdings."
  • The list of holdings appears.  I'll select the holdings to which I want to move the item, and then I'll click "Select."
  • To review the results, I can click on the "View All Holdings" link. To the right of the holdings I want to see, I click on the ellipsis, and select "View Items."
  • If the result were a holding with zero items (not in this example), I can select the row with that holdings, click "Delete Holdings," and click "Confirm" in the confirmation dialogue box. Instructor: move items back to WID WIDLC holdings for next class.
Moving an item to another/new holding on a different bib record

Let's say we learn that a serial title changed with vol. 2, not vol. 3, so we need to move the item for vol. 2 to the bib record for the later title. Other Harvard libraries own the earlier title, so more than one holding exists on that record.  Example:  former title = Advances in wonderment; later title = Advances in wonderment and fun. The holdings record has already been updated.

  • First, I'll search for the Widener item for v. 2 that needs to be moved. Right now it is attached to the former title, so I'll do a Physical Title search for that title.
  • From the results list, I'll click on "Items" for the bib record (with multiple holdings). The List of Items will appear.
  • I'll select the item I want to move by using the checkbox. Then I'll click on "Relink to another Bib."
  • In the pop-up screen, I'll search for the bib record to which I want to move the item. If I have the OCLC number, I can search for "Other System Number."
  • I'll select the bib record I want from the list. The list of of holdings for that bib appears.
  • In this case, I want to move the item to an existing holding, so I'll show you that.  I will use the checkbox to select the target holding, and chose "Select" in the upper righthand corner.
  • I get a message that the item was successfully relinked.

  • What if I want to move the item to a new holding, rather than an existing holding, on the bib record for the later title?  Let's move the item for Schlesinger's vol. 2 from the earlier title to the later title.  There is no holdings record for Schlesinger attached to the later title.
  • Again, I'll do a Physical Title search for the earlier title.
  • From the results list, I'll click on "Items" for the bib record (with multiple holdings). The List of Items will appear.
  • I'll select the Schlesinger item I want to move by using the checkbox. Then I'll click on "Relink to another Bib."
  • In the pop-up screen, I'll search for the bib record to which I want to move the item. If I have the OCLC number, I can search for "Other System Number."
  • I'll select the bib record I want from the list. The list of of holdings for that bib appears.
  • I'll click on "Add new holdings."
  • The MD Editor opens a new holdings workform. I need to add the 852 info (in this case, SCH GEN), Save & Release the record and then select the Back button.  
  • Your new holding is now in the list, but notice it has 0 items attached. The little circle next to your holding is already filled in. Click on Select. You'll see a blue message that the item record for v. 2 was successfully relinked to the new holding on the later record.

    Trainer: move item records back to source record for next class and delete newly-created SCH holdings record.

Note: if I am moving the last item off of a holding, Alma will provide a list of options for the original holding (suppress, delete, do nothing).  The best practice is to delete the holdings record. 

We cannot have practice time at this point, because... 

Most of what we just covered about moving holdings and items is complicated to practice because it takes time to set up practice records in certain configurations beforehand.  For that reason, we are providing you with exercises to do after class.

Additional topics

Local fields and holdings statements (paired and textual)

Trainer: it  might be a lot easier to talk about these fields if you have them written on the board before class begins and can point to them. Or you can switch the Alma wiki page.


  • The holdings fields 866/867/868 for textual holdings statements are used differently in Alma than they were in Aleph.
    • In Alma, fields 866, etc. are generated automatically when a record is saved and paired enum/chron fields (863/864/865) are present. For example, let's look at the autogenerated 866 field in the WID holdings record for Advances in wonderment.
      • You should NOT modify fields 866, etc.in Alma.
      • The system is configured to generate these fields for the purposes of Primo display
    • Instead of using fields 866, etc. to record textual holdings statements as you may have in Aleph, in Alma, you need to use the new local holdings fields 966/967/968. For example, see the holdings record attached to Ed's favorite newspaper gone wild.
      • These fields will display in Primo.
      • Aleph textual holdings fields 866, etc. migrated to Alma as fields 966, etc.
      • You can create and edit fields 966, etc. as you would have done to fields 866, etc. in Aleph.
    • More information is available on the wiki: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wIOUAg
    • Please remember that Harvard's best practice is to use paired enum/chron fields, not textual holdings fields, except in exceptional cases.

Differences between working with item records in the List of Items vs. the Receiving List

Acquisitions staff members who work with items in the Receiving List and in the List of Items need to know about differences in functionality in the two lists.  These differences are outlined in a chart available on the wiki: https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/lIOUAg


In the next day or two, you'll receive an email that includes an evaluation for this class. Please take a few moments to fill it out - your feedback will help us improve this class and will help me/us improve my/our training skills. 

If you have any questions, use the LTS Alma Support form in the Notifications wiki to submit them.

Please be looking for an email announcing optional review sessions during which we'll go over the list of exercises.

Thank you for attending today's class.