Course Reserves Training Examples

Course Reserves Training Examples

Spring 2019 Update

The scripts and training materials in this section were used by Alma peer trainers & facilitators during the active Implementation project phase (April 2018 - June 2019).

These materials are now archived and may contain outdated information/past practice - do not use as-is. This content was last updated June 2018.

For current Alma training, please visit the Learning Alma - for Staff and Managers page.

Physical Requests

Course NumberCourse TitleCitation Barcode 1Citation Barcode 2Citation Barcode 3Citation Barcode 4Citation Barcode 5
449707Advanced Fiction: Writing Suspense Fiction 32044025872136320441349177643204408456177832044119640258HXN1II
449992Basic Journalism in the Digital Age3204412683665932044076747252320441363024453204413203901732044133801829
450165Autobiographical Memory Across the Lifespan3204413166631532044132014010320440961885033204411713088032044072366305
449834Assessing the Food Nexus3204413096532032044124814922320441268331283204413030915632044140770223
449896French Novels3204406076785232044031239023320441089595943204411966433232044037870839
449827Build your own Weather Station32044130964893HNYSRD320441059008313204405013592032044051274967
449813Comics and Graphic Novels3204412682757532044036460970320441438650953204413385467932044061096376
449960Darwin, Evolution, and the Meaning of Life3204400667410532044090471350320440606012263204406090373932044006077531
449747How to be a Successful Art Thief3204400667410532044109675264320440139085463204407674478832044025866948
449636Aliens: Are We Alone in the Universe?3204413478700132044112453055320440014537603204410894216032044134978840
449971Frida Kahlo's Mexico3204405126403432044140681842320441432674173204404748066032044113619530
450109The Fat Lady Still Sings: Why Opera Isn’t Over3204400803109832044119434645320440723532123204414291184132044121001739
449727Social Media and Today’s Teen3204412689418732044009367194320441360829553204413412956832044140650771
449673Ichthyology for the Enthusiast3204412684736732044119422855320441268550713204406108823332044133766105
450101The Books of Stephen King3204412738912032044129764718320441438633713204414379667032044061064044


EReserve Requests

Course codeCourse Title
450758DEMO EPI 528 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

DEMO EPI 527 Design and Conduct of Trials in Preventive Medicine


DEMO SBS 506 An Intro to History, Politics, & Public Health: Theories of Disease Distr. & Health Inequities


DEMO SBS 507: Adv Sem on History, Politics, and Public Health: Theories of Disease Distr and Health Inequities.

451152GOV 2160 Politics and Economics

ETHRSON 44 The Theory and Practice of Republican Government

451511GOV 1368 The Politics of American Education

HIST 2463 Graduate Readings in 20th-Century African-American History: Seminar

451645ECON 1018 Cultural Economics
451803ECON 1420 American Economic Policy
451875GOV 2710 International Relations: Field Seminar

ETHRSON 12 Political Justice and Political Trials


HIST 74N U.S. History: Major Themes in the Twentieth Century

452216AESTHINT 53 Anime as Global Popular Culture

EMREAS 20. Why is There No Cure for Health Care?



Mix of Physical and EReserves Requests

Course CodeCourse TitleCitation Barcode 1Citation Barcode 2Citation Barcode 3Citation Barcode 4Citation Barcode 5
338906Abnormal Psychology320440610853383204407228185032044126865914  
242754Aesthetic and Interpretive Understanding 11. Poetry Without Borders320440514069813204407231204432044051634475  
301049Anthropology 1758. Globalization and Popular Culture3204400884770932044051832483   
171787English 101. The History and Structure of the English Language32044076092816320440514580813204412963119832044060778651 
263567English 104. Epic, romance, and saga: orality and literary history320440611014813204404743406332044050160357  
214379English 112. Chaucer and the Invention of Middle English Literature320440185870973204403502503032044006015564  
198703Environmental Science and Public Policy 90 a. Public Communication and the Science and Politics of Global Climate Change320440221113713204403674507332044060789997  
443300AFRAMER 122X. The History of African Americans from the Civil War to Present Day3204412962108232044129748943   
433415Buddist Lives32044076090257320440760902573691812-1580  
432795The World's Religions320441200808413204404743701732044006274377  
289049History of Art and Architecture 101: The Making of Art and Artifacts: History, Material and Technique320440518375993204400867918532044011315082  
365876ECON 1661. Fundamentals of Environmental Economics and Policy3204407675314432044011264611   
265563Freshman Seminar 49z. The Art of the Impossible:  Political Leadership in the 20th Century320440512748503204407771651232044099269136 (dual)  
327981American Legal History: Law and Social Reform, 1929-1973.32044129622445320440516572373204407675329232044076753292 
254379Aging, Livecourse Social Conditions, and Pulbic Health.3204400386466732044005319413