General Trainer Script - Intro and Closing

General Trainer Script - Intro and Closing

Each course will have a specific script - this is the generic opening and closing we'd like you to use around that script.

Introductions & Opening Remarks

  • This is the follow up class to XXXX, we hope you took that prerequisite
  • A few notes about the training process:
    • We are all learning and working on Alma together.
    • This is a complex process, and many things won’t be perfect on Day 1.
    • Switching systems like this can be a challenging process, but the end results will be good/worth it.
    • No one expects you to be an expert in Alma right away.
    • Starting today, please use the LTS Alma Support form to ask questions and report issues with Alma data, workflows, or roles & permissions. Answering these questions is an important part of everyone learning more about Alma. You can find the link on the home page in Alma, in the Notifications widget; if you need to add the notifications widget, go to the Introduction to Alma wiki page link on your handout from that class.
    • We will all have the time we need to learn Alma – before and after go live – and the support you need to do your work.

Introductory script

  • Opening Remarks

    • Logistics:
      • The nearest bathrooms are...
      • The nearest water fountain/supply is...
      • Please log in to your computers using the following username and password: (Whatever it is for those computers - if possible, put it into a Word document and project it on the screen)
    • Quick recap of essential training elements:
      • This is Phase 1 of Training. We are trying to make sure people are prepared to do 80% of their job on day 1
      • We are training on the tool of Alma, not on specific workflows or local procedures
      • We will show you one verified way to do tasks – there are almost certainly several other ways to do the same thing, and possibly better ways – you can go back, practice and find out.
      • We are all learners!
        • learning something new can cause anxiety – and our brains and body learn things better when we are relaxed. Can use fidgits to help calm and focus your mind and body
      • Learning can also be exhausting.
        • If you are feeling tired at any point, feel free to stand up in your area, stand along the wall, etc.

    • Q's: ask q's when they come up; I will also pause between sections for q's & to make sure things are clear

    • Introduce ourselves, and/or
    • Turn & talk for 2 min: turn to your neighbor and share ONE thing you are hoping you'll know at the end of the class
    • Review class outline together – show resources on LTS wiki
      • Note: suggested pre-reading (we will cover together today)
      • what TtT means on doc title
      • review vocab map
      • can everyone see screen ok?

    • Regarding the computers
      • They are there for the practice time we will take.
      • Not necessary to follow along on your machine as I show things unless you want to/unless it helps you.
      • We will outline the basic steps you'll need to take to repeat what I'm showing you when practice time comes up.

    • And regarding practice time:
      • We will show some options of what you could try during this time. They are not required and there will be no test!
      • If you want to do something else, go for it!
      • T/Fs will circulate to assist and answer questions at this time.

    • Log into computers
    • Navigate to Alma

Closing Remarks

In the next day or two, you'll receive an email that includes an evaluation for this class. Please take a few moments to fill it out - your feedback will help us improve this class and will help me improve my training skills.

If you have any questions, use the LTS Alma Support form in the Notifications wiki to submit them.

Is everyone signed up for the next class in their sequence, or would you like more information about that class?