Removing/suppressing published records

Removing/suppressing published records


Procedure for removing records which have already been published to HOLLIS and HOLLIS Images (All repositories except Graduate School of Design and Fine Arts Library. For those repositories, see below.)

1)     Uncheck Send to Harvard box. Uncheck the send to Harvard box on the item record.  At the next ingest of the data into HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images, the record should be removed from those systems.  This may take several days.

2)     Confirm Removal from HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images. Confirm that the record has been removed from HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images by performing a search for it.  If this step is not followed before step 3, it is possible that old (incorrect) and new records will exist in HOLLIS/HOLLIS images simultaneously.  If this does happen, the only way to remove the incorrect record will be to contact Library Technology Services (LTS) to remove it.

3)     Proceed with changes in JSTOR Forum. After confirmation that the record is no longer in the public systems, proceed with either re-linking the record to a different work, re-cataloging it entirely, or deleting it from JSTOR Forum.

4)     Recheck Send to Harvard box.


Procedure for removing and suppressing records which have already been published to HOLLIS, HOLLIS Images, and to ARTSTOR, for Graduate School of Design and Fine Arts Library only.

1)     Uncheck Send to Harvard box. Uncheck the send to Harvard box on the item record. At the next ingest of that data into HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images, the record should be removed from those systems. This may take several days.

2)     Suppress Record. Under the Options menu, choose Suppress.  (You will see suppression options from both OAI and ARTSTOR.  It is fine to suppress from both systems.) This will remove the record from ARTSTOR the next time ARTSTOR picks up publishing information from Harvard.

3)     Confirm Removal from HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images and ARTSTOR.

a)     Confirm that the record has been removed from HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images by performing a search for it. If this step is not followed before step 3, it is possible that the old (incorrect) and new records will exist in HOLLIS/HOLLIS images simultaneously.  If this does happen, the only way to remove the incorrect record will be to contact LTS to remove it.

b)     Confirm that the record has been removed from ARTSTOR.  Note that removal of the record from ARTSTOR will probably happen before removal from HOLLIS/HOLLIS Images.  But you should wait until confirmation that it is removed from all systems.

4)     Proceed with changes in JSTOR Forum. After confirmation that the record is no longer in the public systems, proceed with either relinking the record to a different work, re-cataloging it entirely, or deleting it from JSTOR Forum.

5)     Recheck Send to Harvard box AND Republish record.