Known Problems in Migrated Metadata

Known Problems in Migrated Metadata

Record Type

Field / MetadataProblemResolution
ItemDescriptionIf the Work record lacked a Description field, the item record Description field duplicates the metadata now in Inscription, Notes, and State/Edition fields.

The duplicate metadata will be dropped by the Harvard pipeline before the records enter HOLLIS or LibraryCloud.

Duplicate content in any Description field that begins "Inscription: ", Note - ", or "State/Edition" may be deleted.

ItemRights/Access InformationRights Type did not reliably propagate to item records.

90% of Rights Type occurrences were "Copyright", so Harvard central systems will treat Rights/Access Information values without a right type prefix as copyright.

For item records linked to containers, the Rights/Access Information field from the container, which is complete, will be used in Harvard systems, not the version in the item record.

For item records that are not linked to containers, the rights type "Access Restrictions: “ should be added where applicable if you choose to ensure the proper display to users. These fields can be correctly individually, by using bulk edit function, or via spreadsheet export/import.

ContainerFormer RepositoryFormer Repositories were mapped as Notes. However, not all of them migrated into containers. For items linked to containers, the former repository note in the item will not be processed by Harvard systems.Staff may copy former repository notes from item records into containers as needed.