Closing and More Information - Searching Module

Closing and More Information - Searching Module

This is the sixth section of the searching module of the Alma Overviews course. The video is at the top of the page, followed by the script.

In this video, you'll review:

What We've Covered, and What's Next

At this point in the Searching module of the Alma Overviews online course, we have reviewed basic search, we have reviewed the results list and everything you can do to limit and focus your search and actions you can take from the search results list. We’ve talked about all the different possibilities for what you can do after you’ve gotten your search results, and we’ve looked at the basics of advanced search.

The next two videos in this module will review the Alma inventory model for materials records and the difference between the Institution Zone and the Community Zone. The remainder of the videos in this module walk through example searches in different functional areas of Alma. We can’t cover every possibility in this series, but we want to demonstrate the power of searching in Alma, and the many ways you can do so. We will introduce some additional search functions in the Metadata Editor and in various menu lists that will be covered more thoroughly in later functional training.

More Information About Alma and Search

As always, if you have any questions about Alma, please visit the Alma Documentation Center to read the documentation for that topic or use the Alma LTS Support Center form in the Notifications widget to ask the Alma Support team. This will get your question answered and will add to the LTS Support knowledgebase about Alma to help those staff support other folks.

Thanks you for watching, and we hope you enjoy the rest of the videos in this sequence.

Search and Sets section in the Alma documentation