Work Orders and Closing - Fulfillment Overview Module

Work Orders and Closing - Fulfillment Overview Module

This is the fifth section of the Fulfillment module to the Alma Overviews course. The video is at the top of the page, followed by the script.

In this video, you'll review:


Before we end the Fulfillment Overview module, let’s look briefly at work orders. Work Orders are covered in depth in the Work Orders module of this course, but we’ll review them quickly now.

Work Orders

Work Orders are staff-initiated tools to track physical materials as they move through library processes like cataloging, collections care, digitization, or other non-circulation functions. They use the same functionality and are monitored in the same way as patron requests, and can be initiated for materials in hand or that need to be pulled from the shelves.

Fulfillment staff will most often use work orders to send materials that need repair to Collections Care, either when the items are returned, when a patron brings them to the desk to check out, or when staff pull them from the stacks to fill a request. In each case, you would find the item in Alma and choose Work Order from the row action item list for that item record. Then, choose the Work Order type, write a note about what needs to be done, and choose a department to send it to. Once you click Submit, the work order has been initiated and you can scan in the item to place it in transit to Collections Care.

Again, watch the Work Orders module for more details on what work orders are and how they work.


This is the end of the Fulfillment module of the Alma Overviews online course. We reviewed how to view a patron record; loan, renew, and return items; mark materials missing, claimed returned, or lost; request an item; view the pick and hold shelf lists; and initiate a very simple work order.

If you have any additional questions, please look at the Fulfillment section of the Functional Documentation on the Alma wiki, click on Help for this Page in Alma to view the Ex Libris Knowledge Center documents, or submit a ticket to LTS Support using the link on the Alma home page. Thank you for watching!