Alma Patron Record Access Policies

Alma Patron Record Access Policies


Staff with the Fulfillment Operator Extended Plus role in Alma have access to look up library users by name, which enables them to see patron loan history as well as addresses, delinquencies, and blocks. The Harvard Library recognizes that its circulation records and other library records identifying the names of library users with specific materials are to be kept confidential by all employees with access to those records and are restricted to staff with this elevated level of security.

Staff with access to this patron data are required to review and acknowledge the Policy on the Confidentiality of Library Records each year. 

Policy on the Confidentiality of Library Records

The Harvard Library has formally adopted the American Library Association’s Policy on the Confidentiality of Library Records. In compliance with the ALA policy:

  • The Harvard Library recognizes that its circulation records and other library records identifying the names of library users with specific materials are to be kept confidential by all employees with access to those records.
  • Such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigatory power.
  • Harvard Library employees must contact supervisory staff and/or the individual library director if confidential information is so requested in order that the University’s Office of General Counsel may first be contacted.
  • The Harvard Library will resist the issuance or enforcement of any such process, order, or subpoena until such time as a proper showing of good cause has been made in a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • ("Confidentiality of Library Records", from the ALA Handbook of Organization 1989/1990 and Membership Directory, 1989, pp.243-244)

Users with access to patron records should also be aware of University policies regarding the confidentiality of this information.

Harvard Policy on Confidentiality and Data Security

For more information on Harvard Library’s and Harvard University’s policies on confidentiality, privacy, and data security, see the following information: