Creating analytics training class homework
The following hands-on exercises are presented as demonstrations when this class is taught online. Participants are asked to do these exercises before the next session.
Set your preferences
Analytics displays your Alma ID in the upper right corner with the label "Signed In As". Hover over your ID and click on My Account. This is where you adjust your Preferences settings.
Set up your Preferences as follows:
- Time Zone: Your time zone. This is important because it determines the timestamp on your report output.
- Subject Area Sort Order: Sort order of the subject areas and subject area folders within the Subject Areas pane. We will select Sort A to Z. You can change it, but for this training I want your display to match mine.
- Analysis Editor: Specify which editor to use in Analytics. Select Full Editor, and the option Start on Criteria tab when editing Analysis.
Click OK.
Create a Folder
My Folders is a personal folder accessible only to you. This is where you can put analyses that you are developing, or that you create for your own use. You can organize My Folders in whatever way works for you. Let's step through the process of creating a new folder in My Folders.
- Click on My Folders or a subfolder to highlight the tier where you want to create your new folder
- Click on the New icon from the Toolbar
- Click on Folder icon
- Type a name your new folder
- Click OK
Do a search now to produce a list of reports in the Harvard University/Funds Expenditure folder that have "expenditure" in the title or description
- Click on Funds Expenditure to highlight it
- Select the Search icon (binoculars)
- Type in expenditure
- Click Search
To return to the Folders Pane, select the Show/Hide Folders Pane icon from the Toolbar.
Open (run) an analysis
Open the _Training folder
Find this analysis: Exercise: Acquisitions - Flexible - Encumbrance Transactions (Orders)
From below the Description, select Open to run an analysis right from the Catalog.
Fill in the following prompts:
- In POL Owner Code type or select from drop down: DDO
- In Reporting Code (Object Code) type or select from drop down: 7030
- In BUDGET_YEAR type or select from drop down: FY-2020
- Click OK