October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016

Shared Shelf Users Group Meeting



Demonstration of the master work/copy and paste functionality, and bulk creation of works (available on wiki).

Showed Harvard Library Shared Shelf cataloging wiki, https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/LibraryStaffDoc/Shared+Shelf.

Walked through new documentation; workflows (particularly image linking); contact information.


Plans to add links to training documentation (Artstor and develop what we need), etc.


Calendar of users group meetings - set meeting time, quarterly - mornings (not Thurs), 3rd or 4th Tuesday, 10am.  Shared Shelf Cataloging Working Group will establish regular meeting time for ShSh Users Group.


Master record demo:

(Note: nomenclature change, now Item Record instead of Display Record.) Walked through steps that are on the wiki, (‘Sample Workflow for Copy & Paste for works’)

Creates template record. 

Filling in even just a few fields can save a lot of time -- like repository, work type, notes, etc.

Then you can save your record.

Bill mentioned that if you are copying a work from a legacy record, you will want to delete legacy information.


Showed Create Name and Create Work from gear box at Item Record screen.


Bulk creation of work records: Testing multiple work creation. Small button on upper right, 'Save as multiple works.' Then you save the amount you want. Then create item records and use works as needed. Making edits and changes as needed.

[Question as to can we delete work records, we can’t at the moment.  Ask Sh Sh, when can we? What’s the timeline for this functionality?]


Question about ability to delete name records and best practices, can't delete, see wiki for best practices.  Must include source.


Discussed VIA going away. Been approved, but not scheduled. HOLLIS+ will serve as interim solution with some changes made to HOLLIS+ to support this use.


To follow up:

Brought up inability to change image access restrictions without suppressing and reloading into ShSh. ShSh should be fixing for 2017 1st quarter release.

**Related information is not being pulled into HOLLIS+, so none of those images are showing up. Inconsistent, can't figure out. ShSh CWG will follow up on. It’s been documented.


Notes taken by Alix Reiskind.