Completed Alma Projects

Completed Alma Projects

RequestorRequest Date Completed DatePrioritized DateSizePriorityTitle/ScopeLTS LeadLibrary OwnerStatus Update DateImpact
Andrea Schulman5/31/2018

SmallLowCapital IQKara Young

From Andrea: Like the wsj.com, it will require individual logins. They are implementing SAML for single sign-on.  We have also proxied a page where new users can register for an account with a Harvard email.  

Alma Tech Team7/18/2019

SmallSmallClean up legacy NCIP-ILL Add-on itemsKara Young
Summer 2023Need to clean up pre-Alma migrated and legacy items.
Andrea Schulman5/31/2018

SmallLowCapital IQKara Young

From Andrea: Like the wsj.com, it will require individual logins. They are implementing SAML for single sign-on.  We have also proxied a page where new users can register for an account with a Harvard email.  

ITS ERS9/30/2021

SmallMediumSwitch Alma EZProxy prefix string from http to httpsKara Young / Emily KellyKasia Maciak???

The HL EZProxy prefix string used in Alma/Primo is still plain http:// rather than https://. One of Harvard's e-resource vendors (ASTM) recently revamped their website, and they now state in their EZProxy stanza specs that all EZP requests must come by https, not by plain http. ITS ERS confirms that the resource is still working over plain html, but they request that we start planning to switch the EZP prefix over to https.

  • Project size: small – simple change to one Alma config field, but need to test access to major resources and known http-only websites
  • Project Impact: High – Updating the ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu integration profile prefix in Alma will affect all e-resource access over Primo that goes through the main proxy server – thorough testing will be key. 
Kara/Resource SharingAugust 2019

SmallLowUse API calls to automatically create move requests for requested Borrow direct/ILL (Lending) itemsKaraJason Clarke12/4/23

Jason indicated they are okay using workorders for this purpose. Can always revisit if necessary.

So that items are automatically routed to Widener for processing from branch libraries.

Anne Adams3/30/217/1/2023
Medium(Suggest priority Medium)Batch tool to update sets of bibs with newer OCLC copyCorinna BaksikAnne Adams w/ Alma TSWG12/4/23

Completed via Import Profile

When a bib already has an OCLC number, there is no straightforward way to update it with newer copy other than one at a time. This tool would allow staff to identify sets of records in Alma that are not fully cataloged, or less cataloged, and update with newer copy from OCLC.

Alma Tech Team7/1/20176/1/20

Mispaired non-Latin fields flipped to vernacular

Corinna Baksik

Loss of non-Latin data in local records. (More detail on Known Issues page)

ICQ reports that staff fixed these manually in 2020. 

Elizabeth Vernon11/15/2018

NA as of 11/30/23. 

this was resolved by adding the 966 as one of the Analytics Holdings Local Parameters fields. So, while it would be nice to have the 866 and 966 contents in a single field, it's possible to concatenate the two fields after downloading results as Excel.

?MediumConversion of Harvard Alma 966 fields to 853/863 PairsTBD

An important feature of Alma Analytics reporting is that Analytics contains a summary holding field, making it possible to easily include holdings -- including serial holdings -- in a tabular report. This data is critical for the purposes for collaborative collection development with our ReCAP and Ivy Plus partners -- to identify strengths of and holes in holdings. This summary holdings information also serves to support several other key areas of library operations, including  periodical deduplication and weeding, digitization projects, remote storage transfer projects, and more. However, any holdings data stored in a 966 field is invisible to Analytics.

The Analytics summary holding field is populated with the aggregate contents of the 866 fields in the holding record. The 866 fields in Alma are generated as display versions of the 863/863 fields. 

The data that was previously stored in an 866 field in Aleph was converted as a 966 field in Alma. The old 866 (now 966) holdings data includes both serial holdings that were done in summary form (particuarly from retrospective conversion projects of periodical holdings recorded on cards, but also certain categories of more recent titles), as well as holdings for monographs and collections.  

The problem is that the data in the 966 field does not populate the Analytics holdings summary field -- it only recognizes the 866 field.  This means that the holdings for approximately 783K records -- of which 173K are serials -- display as blank fields in Analytics. Without this holdings information being reportable through the holdings field, compiling this data will be complex and time-consuming.  

The remedy to this problem is to convert the data in 966 fields 853 / 863 pairs via batch job, according to the following pattern:

853 02 $$8 1 $$a (*)
863 40 $$8 1 $$a [contents of converted 966]

ITS ERS9/30/20212022
SmallMediumSwitch Alma EZProxy prefix string from http to httpsKara Young / Emily KellyKasia Maciak

The HL EZProxy prefix string used in Alma/Primo is still plain http:// rather than https://. One of Harvard's e-resource vendors (ASTM) recently revamped their website, and they now state in their EZProxy stanza specs that all EZP requests must come by https, not by plain http. ITS ERS confirms that the resource is still working over plain html, but they request that we start planning to switch the EZP prefix over to https.

  • Project size: small – simple change to one Alma config field, but need to test access to major resources and known http-only websites
  • Project Impact: High – Updating the ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu integration profile prefix in Alma will affect all e-resource access over Primo that goes through the main proxy server – thorough testing will be key. 

1/1/2017(Project inactive - no response from ITS)
MediumMediumHFA loadsCorinna Baksik

Lack of new/updated HFA data in HOLLIS

9/22/21 - ITS will review and determine if this is still a continued need.

Stu Snydman12/14/20194/15/202212/16/2019MediumHighCreation of an Alma open metadata service.Corinna BaksikStu Sydman4/15/22

POD workflow is complete and in production. 

HLS8/17/2018 4/15/20229/1/2019MediumMediumSHARIAsource project (http://ilsp.law.harvard.edu/shariasource/Corinna Baksik 

POD login provided to Law

Len Levin5/1/2212/1/226/1/22SmallHighCountway withdraw project - PART 1Corinna BaksikLen Levin6/15/22

Part 1 entailed marking items as unavailable, and some serial clean-up performed by ITS

Project info: /wiki/spaces/LibraryStaffDoc/pages/43289303

HL - various1/1/219/30/21-SmallHighAlma-D for special collectionsCorinna Baksik(see notes)6/15/22

Crucial for access during COVID. Online Reading Room model.

  • HUA - Robin McElaney. Status: complete
  • HFA - Amy Sloper. Status: Library does not have resources at this time. 
Alma Tech Team1/1/2017


1/1/2017MediumMediumOCLC BNS for Books and SerialsCorinna BaksikITS 4/15/22

MediumMediumUpdate HART to include Aleph Archived DataAllison Powers

Data like the full order log, item history, request history and z00r did not migrate to Aleph. This project will provide access to this this data via Cognos. Tables to be added to Cognos Metadata Model: HVD01.Z00R, HVD60.Z00R, HVD10.Z00R, HVD12.Z00R, Order, subscription and invoice log (Z71), Hold Requests History (Z37H), Item history (Z30H). Allison is checking to make sure these are in LRW. The full set of Aleph tables will be reviewed by LRW and select tables with high priority need will added to HART data model.

ARWG has identified need for Aleph circulation history (Z30, Z36H). Other Aleph tables will be archived. 

Michael Leach11/26/20199/30/202112/16/2019MediumHighCreation of SEC libraryWilliam WalshMichael Leach/Robyn Rosenberg
  • Creation of SEC library in Alma to support circulation and technical services for SEC collection

Status: SEC Library created/configured in production Alma in August 2021. Awaiting confirmation to enable circulation, which is expected in mid-September 2021.    

HUA9/20/20219/27/20219/20/2021SmallHighAlma-D for HUA Crimson Confi GuideCorinna BaksikRuss Mulcare
  • Creation of collection and access policy in Alma. 
  • Reviewing workflow for creating records in Alma.   
  • Consult on any batch options (if needed).

See checklist for more information.

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017Summer 20212/2/2021SmallLowLongterm HD loansBill WalshRob Steere

Determine if issues still exist with items in transit to HD/ReCAP not appearing in end of day files and requiring periodic reconciliation. Inventory all current issues with Alma/HD item status mismatches and determine which need to be resolved prior to SCSB go live.

Status: Have created reports for Rob to review. Will determine remediation steps for specific items in consultation with Access Services.

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017June 1, 20211/1/2017MediumLowAlma Item file export for GFA/HD Accession ChecksLaura MorseAS

HD GFA accession checks relies on copy of full file of item records. Need to work with GFA to both ingest Alma item xml as well as revise checks for Alma coding.

With accession checks currently off in LAS, we are anticipating a fair amount of errors that will impact patron requests. For example, an item that should be refiled at ReCAP, that was never on file at HD, might be accessioned into HD instead of being returned to ReCAP. The longer these checks aren't done the way they used to be, the more cleanup there will be down the road, which could leave a number of partial trays. Cleanup work is also contingent upon ALMA data in Library Reporting Warehouse.

Status: LTS scripting complete. Waiting on go-ahead from GFA to push to prod.

Marty Schreiner 9/4/20187/22/202111/30/2018MediumMediumUpdated POE, DOC, and MIC to be LAM locationsKara YoungLamont

Lamont would like to incorporate these libraries as Lamont locations.

Status DOC/MIC: Asked for confirmation 3/3/21 from Amy & Steve to see if DOC/MIC updates could move forward.

Status POE: Batch updates completed 5/24.  A handful of errors were sent to Susan for manual correction.

Marty Schreiner 9/4/201811/30/2018
MediumMediumUpdated POE, DOC, and MIC to be LAM locationsKara YoungLamont

Lamont would like to incorporate these libraries as Lamont locations.

Status DOC/MIC: Asked for confirmation 3/3/21 from Amy & Steve to see if DOC/MIC updates could move forward.

Status POE: Batch updates completed 5/24.  A handful of errors were sent to Susan for manual correction.

Rebecca Y. Martin3/22/21Aug. 20215/31/21Small
Implement publishing profiles, analyses etc. for ingest to OCLC GreenglassAllison PowersRebecca Y. Martin
Data feeds of print item level data and circulation history and e-book holdings as specified by OCLC to support Gutman collection analysis using Greenglass.
Spruill Harder10/24/2019Fall 202012/16/2019MediumHighOnboard Medical School for LegantoLaura MorseSpruill Harder

Allow MED faculty to add Course Reserves in Canvas Course Sites.

Project includes: Integrate MED Canvas Course feed to Alma, training of staff on workflows, Alma configuration.

Close this. Work is complete for the courses in the central Canvas system. No current request to integrate with their Canvas.

Anne Adams9/27/2017 Jan 2020
SmallMediumOCLC sync for p level records (RECCO/MUS)Corinna Baksik

In an effort to provide better access for recordings that have H08$ap level cataloging, a batch overlay of these records with updated OCLC records (I and blank encoding levels) could provide better access points for older records, allowing us to possible change them to H08$ac.

More information in ALEPH SUPPORT: ISSUE=21777 PROJ=14

Alma EOC Note: This request should be scoped more broadly when it gets worked on.  There would likely be additional eligible record sets that would benefit from this.

This was implemented in the form of a new import profile.

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017


1/1/2017MediumLowLibrary Services Dispatcher - Phase 2TBD

  • Switch to Python 3
  • Add date picker

Vitaly Zakuta for:

  • Judaica Division
  • Buddhist Resource Center
  • MCZ / BHL
3/6/2019 2020
?MediumBulk-create holdings with URNs to DRS itemsCorinna Baksik

Multiple repositories previously used Aleph functionality to bulk-add new suppressed (or unsuppressed) holdings to existing Bibs with URNs to DRS items. The old process took a CSV of HOLLIS numbers and URNs and then created new digital holdings with URNs. These repositories would like Alma to offer similar functionality. This is especially critical for large scale projects when thousands of records in Alma need to be updated with new digital holdings with DRS URNs.

Resolved by creating Alma import profile for Judaica. Other units can request via Footprints.

Alma Tech Team2/1/20192/1/20202/1/2019MediumMediumO&M ProjectsTim ElliotVarious
  • Patron Loader Enhancements - various issues discovered with new flow from IAM PDS and Alma terms of use

    Status: Complete
Suzanne Wones/Franziska Frey6/30/2019September 2020
MediumMediumHathi Annual Print Holdings Disclosure

Allison Powers

Redesign process for the HathiTrust “print holdings” report.
Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 2020n/aSmallLowGeneric Alma ExportCorinna Baksik

Alma Tech Team1/1/20173/1/211/1/2017SmallHighIRIS exportsCorinna Baksik Berenson

Lack of new/updated BER data in Italian research consortium

D2D9/20/2019March 202010/20/2019SmallMedium852 $z Consult Judaica cleanupCorinnaElizabeth Vernon
FP #6519 Alma Support: Judaica would like to batch remove all 852$z that read "Consult Judaica
Division" or "Consult Judaica Div" or "Consult Judaica Div." This would help
bring our records more in line with the current LTS cleanup removing "Consult
Circ Desk" public notes in the holding. We have already spoken to Corinna about
this, and she asked us to put it in a ticket. N.B. - A significant number of
these holding records also overlap with Judaica's 977 cleanup project
(ISSUE=5734 PROJ=60), and when the times to process this ticket, it should be
decided whether they should be done in tandem.
LTS8/9/2018 2/29/2020
MediumHighEzProxy to CASKara Young/ Lindsay Whitacre


It is proving problematic implementing changes to AMS while it still has to support the EZProxy gateway.  I know that it was planned to move EZProxy off AMS and on to Shib/CAS. 

Status: LTS is configuring test version of EzP. HL EResources will partner for testing in July/August.

LTS DevOPS8/1/20191/31/20208/1/2019MediumHighMigrate ILLiad test to hosted OCLC environmentEmily KellyJason Clarke
Minimize security risk/devops footprint by moving test environment to hosted, inline with production.
HL6/2019 6/1/2020
LargeMediumPermanent Retention notes - Adding retention notes to recordsAllison Powers.


Adding retention notes to support collaborative partnerships (Hathi, ReCAP, LoR, JSTOR Retention)

HLS8/17/2018 Cancelled9/1/2019MediumMediumSHARIAsource project (http://ilsp.law.harvard.edu/shariasource/Corinna Baksik (analysis)

Replacement for metadata for lilCloud. Test file sent in November 2019
SWG1/1/20202/12/20202/1/2020SmallMediumWithdraw Development Office Library items/holdings/bibs from AlmaEmily Kelly / Corinna BaksikScott Wicks
Clean-up database of records for libraries that were closed prior to Alma migration. These items have status 88 which is no longer valid.
Shalimar White7/20171/31/20209/1/2017MediumMediumConsolidate Rubel collections in Fine ArtsKara YoungJessica Aberle

Circulation and management of Rubel collections separate from Fine Arts present issues with patron interfaces (Rubel appears as a pick-up location) and with staff workflows (staff have to flip "currently at" location to discharge Rubel items to put "in place"). Consolidation would simplify patron request options and provide more efficiency in circulation workflows.

Status: Mapping location codes

SWG9/1/20192/1/202010/1/2019LowMediumWithdraw Hilles/Quad items/holdings/bibs from AlmaEmily Kelly / Corinna BaksikScott Wicks
Clean-up database of records for libraries that were closed over a decade ago. These items have status 88 which is no longer valid.
HL Finance7/1/201812/15/20199/1/2019SmallMediumIngest of ReCAP LAS data into LRW/CognosAllison PowersRachel Lewellen/David King
Ingest of ReCAP data to allow for statistics and annual reporting.
MediumMediumCreate a view of reserves lists in HOLLISCorinna BaksikD2D
Allow users to access lists/find materials in HOLLIS directly. Useful at circulation desk when trying to find the item needed.
Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 7/31/2019 (LTS work complete 7/6/19)
MediumMediumEbookplatesCorinna Baksik ADSC?

Lack of digital bookplates in HOLLIS for new receipts.

Status: 7/25/19 - everything is done except waiting on decision from Leadership re: CZ records. We are logging CZ records that could not be updated so we'll consider this project complete. If leadership wants to do something with them we'll be able to provide them.

HUA/Kate Bowers/Marilyn RackleyMarch 201910/1/2019

HUA Aeon integration

Corinna Baksik / Kara YoungArchives

Create 200K+ item records for HUA Aeon implementation.

Cleanup required related to items that require modification of holdings update script

MediumMediumBaker 3.0 API ProjectLaura MorseBaker - Kelsey DeMello 

Requires framework for extending HOLLIS APIs.

  • Policy and process defined and distributed to Baker. Sandbox Keys generated for Baker 5/24/2019.
  • Full set of forms for project team received from Baker 7/18/2019.
  • Sandbox API key distributed 7/18/2019.

Status: Waiting for confirmation of receipt of keys/access from Baker.

Sharon Bayer11/201712/31/2018

Preliminary use of Alma webhooks to monitor success of Alma jobs complete. Enhancement needed to add in database, etc.

Claire DeMarco

Robin Wendler

Small?Create Holdings records for digitized GovDocsTBD

Batch creation of Holdings records with Digital Master information and URLs. Possibly also delete item records and existing holdings. FootPrints ticket 20772 in Discovery and Portal. ME believes that this can only be done with an API, i.e. existing jobs are not sufficient.
MediumHighCluster print and electronic journal titles in PrimoCorinna Baksik

In Aleph, policy was to use single record approach cataloging for print/electronic reproductions. In Alma we're using separate records per Metadata Standards recommendation. This has been a problem for users and been reported as a high priority issue by public services staff. Records for print and electronic version of same title appear separately in search results, and often not next to each other. (Complete for journals).
Alma Tech Team1/1/20178/1/2018 
MediumHighestAleph Library Reporting Warehouse Data Updates - Archiving Key Aleph data that did not migrate to AlmaAllison Powers

Data like the full order log, item history, request history and z00r did not migrate to Aleph. This project will archive this data in the Library Reporting Warehouse prior to decommission of Aleph on 9/30/2018. Tables to be archived: HVD01.Z00R, HVD60.Z00R, HVD10.Z00R, HVD12.Z00R, Order, subscription and invoice log (Z71), Hold Requests History (Z37H), Item history (Z30H).

MediumMediumAuthorizations in sandboxTBD

Securing sandbox access


SmallHighEnable direct links for HOLLIS permanent IDsBobbi Fox

Links now resolve to the record in search results, requiring user to click through to the full record.
LargeHighestDevelop "Day 1" Training for all Harvard Library staffJennifer Koerber

Prepared 700+ library staff to begin work in Alma as of Day 1/Go-Live (7/3/2018). Training in the following classes was offered weekly between May 16 and August 31, 2018:

  • "Introduction to Alma" and "Search and Sets," required of all staff
  • Items & Holdings 1 & 2
  • Acquisitions training: Searching for Funds, Vendors, and Invoices; One-Time Orders 1 & 2; Continuous Orders 1 & 2; Order Maintenance
  • Fulfillment 1 & 2
  • Cataloging 1 & 2
MediumHighPhase 2 / Additional Alma TrainingJennifer Koerber

Provided in-person Alma training on additional topics identified by working groups, managers, and staff. Training in the following classes was offered as-needed between September and December 2018:

  • eResources 1
  • Course Reserves 1
  • Analytics Overview
  • Creating Analytics
  • Cataloging Templates
  • Batch Upload (pilot project)
  • Work Orders
  • Alma Overviews online course (modules launched between December 2018 - March 2019)

In addition, all training materials are available to managers & staff to work through as needed until the Phase 3 training materials are complete.

Feb 2019 update: Additional class developed on Change Physical Items job as a pilot for extending batch/job functionality to staff outside LTS. Cohort trained in late January 2019.

April 2019 update: Further jobs/batch processes trainings developed and cohorts trained in March/April 2019.

  • Change Physical Items job
  • Import Records (Bibs/Holdings/Items) from Excel or MARC file
  • Update PO Lines Information job
  • Withdraw Items job (2 staff trained)
  • Initiate Work Orders job (2 staff trained)
  • Change PO Lines Status job (documentation only, no training)
  • Update PO Lines Workflow job (documentation only, no training)
Alma Tech Team1/1/20179/1/2018
MediumHighestAleph Library Reporting Warehouse Data Updates - Archiving Key Aleph data that did not migrate to AlmaAllison Powers

Data like the full order log, item history, request history and z00r did not migrate to Aleph. This project will archive this data in the Library Reporting Warehouse prior to decommission of Aleph on 9/30/2018. Tables to be archived: HVD01.Z00R, HVD60.Z00R, HVD10.Z00R, HVD12.Z00R, Order, subscription and invoice log (Z71), Hold Requests History (Z37H), Item history (Z30H).

Laura Morse9/5/201810/30/2018
MediumHighAlma Widget - Update Item DescriptionMichael Edwards

Create an app that will accept an input file and update items in batch

Michael Edwards9/5/201810/30/2018
MediumHighAlma Widget - Create ItemsMichael Edwards

Create an app that will accept a file of bib and holding mms ids to create file. Needed for additional Aeon records that were not identified in Aeon project.
Alma Tech Team1/1/20181/24/2019
MediumHighTermbill FeedsLaura Morse

Export Alma fines and fees data Termbill. Data through November sent via manual process. Next up - scripting automated feed.
Alma Tech Team1/1/20181/24/2019
MediumLow A/R FeedsLaura Morse

Export Alma fines and fees data to A/R.
Suzanne Wones11/201712/15/2018
SmallHighHathi disability scansBenson

Transfer Scans and Metadata to Hathi for local scanned files for disability
Eliz Kirk9/7/20182/31/2019
MediumHighMark Records for ReCAP Shared CollectionAllison

  • Determine recommendation for marking committed records. September - December (Complete)
  • Create itemized sets of items in Alma using spreadsheet data provided by Jim Hodgson as input. - December 2018 (Complete)
  • Update items identified for retention with a note in Statistics Note 2. - December 2018 - January 2018 (Complete)
  • Apply a norm rule to add the 583 holdings linked to items in the set.  Norm rule will first check that an 583 $f ReCAP Shared Collection is not present already. - January 2018 - February 2018 (Complete)
Alma EOC7/31/201812/21/2018
MediumHighVendor Records LoadBill Walsh

ITS is having difficulty processing three month backlog of materials. Automated scripts or processes in place to manage them at bulk. In some cases in may be due to connectivity issues.

SmallMediumOne-time Patron Visiting Researchers Patron LoadKara Young

Patrons at this location are mostly short-term Visiting Researchers who will now need accounts in Alma (DDO used Pseudopatrons in aleph).
Alma Tech Team1/1/20171/15/2019
MediumHighSelf Check machinesKara Young

Lamont, Cabot, Wolbach, HKS, Center for Hellenic Studies, DDO. LTS work complete. Pending fix of issue from Bibliotheca/HUIT for CAB.
Naomi Handler6/18/20181/15/2019
 Medium HighSmartlocker Self-check integrationKara Young

Lamont is purchasing a SmartLocker system, which will integrate to Alma via shelf-check protocols. 
Alma Tech Team10/1/20181/31/2019
SmallHighRecords that failed Primo re-normalization and cannot be found in HOLLIS (603 records in last full publish)Corinna Baksik

Records cannot be found in HOLLIS:

  • non-latin pairing issues - Manual cleanup by Debbie Funkhouser
  • decomposed diacritics in call number - open case with Ex Libris for long term fix, manual cleanup by Debbie Funkhouser
Alma Tech Team8/1/201812/15/2018
MediumHighStorage FacilityKara Young

Design batch processes for updating item/holdings records to remote storage locations and setting items in transit. Pilot projects:

  • DIV Transfer for renovation - Fall 2018 (In process of support transfer)
  • Google Scanning - Phase 3 - Fall 2018 (In process of support transfer)
  • Pusey 3 Transfer - Winter 2019 (waiting for requirements from HLAS) (Johnny handling manually piece-by-piece for transfer to ReCAP).
Marilyn Rackley8/28/20184/1/2018
MediumMediumEnhancements to Aeon HOLLIS requestsCorinna/Kara

Add other fields to the OpenURL link: add the 506 first indicator, $a, $c, and $3 and the material type that displays to the patron (the one that controls with material type icon shows in HOLLIS). Also requested: temp loc (currently only perm loc is delivered)

PENDING ExL development plan for item-level GES options`

Eliz Kirk9/7/20182/31/2019
MediumHighMark Records for Hathi Shared CollectionAllison

  • Determine recommendation for marking committed records. January 2019 (Complete)
  • Create itemized sets of items in Alma using spreadsheet data provided by Jim Hodgson as input. - February 2019 (Complete)
  • Update items identified for retention with a note in Statistics Note 2. - February 2019 (Complete)
  • Apply a norm rule to add the 583 holdings linked to items in the set.  Norm rule will first check that an 583 $f Hathi Shared Collection is not present already. - February 2019 (Complete)
Kevin Garewal8/1/20185/1/2019
MediumHighIvy Plus - Collection AnalysisAllison

 Scope data extract for Gold Rush - Fall 2018 (complete)
  • Configure Alma (analytics location mapping tables, general publishing profile, norm rules) - Fall 2018 (complete)
  • Test extracts/output review - Fall 2018 (complete)
  • Publish extract and transfer file - Fall 2018 (complete)
  • Review compiled data - January 2019 (Complete)
  • Further tasks TBD - Spring 2019
Lidia Uziel
Small?Document process for allocated fund batch updatesTBD

Create workflow to allow libraries to generate sets of order records and submit requests to update of allocated funds.
Hathi Disability Disclosure6/15/181/31/2019
SmallMediumUpdate holdings in HathiBenson Smith

Provide scans and metadata from accessibility scanning project to Hathi.
 Alma EOC10/19/20186/30/2019
LargeMediumPhase 3/Long-Term Alma TrainingJennifer Koerber

Develop and launch a sustainable training platform for staff to work through under manager supervision. Will be developed in the first 6 months of 2019.

Gutman Library

Karen Carlson Young/Rebecca Martin

February 20197/1/2019
SmallLowCreate itemsKara Gutman

GSE project to relocate special collections and accession much to HD.


  • Collection codes:
    • Karen will continue to work with Kara on using an Alma batch process to move existing items from the old SPEC* collection codes to the new HD SPEC* collection codes.
  • Item creation:
    • Karen will continue to work with Kara on using an Alma batch process to create items for holdings without items based on the report and template Marilyn had provided to Gutman Library. Karen will loop Marilyn into any updates on this process. We will be sure that all Special Collections items stay non-requestable until go-live.
Access Services1/1/198/6/2019


AR Credit FeedBenson

Create feed of AR credit information to AS Privileges team for review and manual remediation.

Kristin Stoklosa8/31/20188/1/2019
SmallLowSafari/O'Reilly SSO authenticationKara Young

Authenticate new platform via EzP with Shared Secret OR via SAML SSO.
MediumLow852 $z Consult Circ Desk clean-upCorinna

For some historical reason, for things at HD, staff added these (now incorrect) notes to items at HD: “Consult Circ. Desk for HW6P17.” This is deeply misleading to patrons because they do not have to consult the circ desk, they just have to click the request link in the catalog. 

Leila Smith7/3/201810/2/2019
MediumHIghRapidILL integrationMichael/Bill

Develop and implement the publishing profiles for sending Harvard Library holdings to RAPID. LTS work complete, test file sent to RAPID. Monthly incremental publishing jobs active.

Alma Tech Team1/1/20173/30/2019
SmallMediumETD loadsCorinna Baksik OSC

New DASH / print dissertation records not represented in catalog

  • Alma process defined. Testing with ETD extract and loads in process
  • Process for file retrieval needed. Tim and Dave to discuss.

Status: On hold pending DASH/Vireo work

Alma Tech Team6/20199/1/2019
MediumMediumO&M ProjectsTim ElliotVarious

Update holding script

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 9/15/2019
MediumHighLibrary CloudAllison Powers

Robin Wendler

Publish of Alma data for use in Library Cloud.

Status: Full republish for bibs/holdings/items in process. Stakeholders need to confirm this meets requirements.

Alma Tech Team10/201812/18/2019
MediumMediumCreate Invoices via APIBill/TimITS
Use invoice APIs to create invoices for vendors unable to supply EDI invoicing.
CCDSC12/13/20198/14/202012/16/2019MediumHighImplement GOBI Holdings ServiceWilliam Walsh

Test and implement GOBI Holdings Service for Harvard Collections

HL Resource Sharing8/6/20198/13/2020
LowMediumUpgrade test and prod ILLiad to 9.1Emily KellyJason Clarke
OCLC performed upgrades on hosted servers with no sisues.
Access Services/HD2/23/2021


SmallMediumOpen work ordersBill WalshRob Steere
Closed ~2500 open tech services work orders that had been scanned at HD. Created Analytics report for Tech Services staff to monitor for future issues and sent outreach message to Harvard Alma list about importance of closing work orders.
Access ServicesSpring 2021March 2021
SmallHighSet up a process in Alma to facilitate requests for mailing materials to patronsKara YoungJulie Petzold, J Armstrong
  • Set up new circulation desk
  • Customize several notices
  • Test
  • Move to production (March 2021)
  • Final signoff May 2021
Alma Tech Team6/30/201812/14/2018
SmallLowItems to be withdrawn that are on loan or have open POLBill WalshAS
Items with open POL were addressed/withdrawn in December 2018.
Alma Tech Team9/01/20189/01/2021
SmallMediumEDI OrderingTim ElliotVarious
  • EDI ordering implemented December 2020.
  • Ex Libris addressed remaining issue with vendor configuration September 2021.
Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 3/1/20201/1/2017LargeMediumIngest of Alma Bibs/holdings/items into Library Reporting WarehouseAllison PowersElizabeth Vernon

Ingest data into LRW

  • Specifications - Complete
  • Item Table - Complete
  • Holdings Table - Complete
  • Bib Table - Complete
Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 3/1/20201/1/2017LargeMediumModelling of Alma Bibs/holdings/items in HART Data ModelAllison PowersElizabeth Vernon

Model data in HART

  • Specifications - Complete
  • Item Table - Complete
  • Holdings Table - Complete
  • Bib Table - Complete
Suzanne Wones10/24/20186/30/20222/1/2019SmallHighExport Google Scanning Metadata to HathiBenson Smith / Corinna BaksikSuzanne Wones3/17/2022

Hathi will download GBS scans and provide access to Harvard Researchers. Requires GLIB process to complete.

Create process to export google scanning metadata to Hathi.

  • Test Alma to Hathi record export (in process)
  • Finalize Hathi Project Request with Hathi (next up)
  • Need to confirm when to send another batch

Export 2018 - Oct 2019 Google Scanning Metadata to Hathi. - 2018 data complete. 2019 data next up. Cleanup may needed; waiting until 2019 data sent (items scanned that were not in Alma to send to Hathi, various Hathi ingest errors). Will need to do another batch in July 2020.

Status: Moved to new charter - Google and HathiTrust Discovery and Data Maintenance (Ongoing Data Flows, Data Sync) 

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017 6/30/202210/1/2019MediumLowGLIB (FIG Updates)Benson Smith / Corinna BaksikSuzanne Wones3/17/2022

 Required for HL priorities related to content scanned by Google.

  • Finalize process for destructive scanning (waiting on HL for information)
  • Update of GLIB with GBS availability information (not yet scheduled)
  • FIG holdings/portfolios - creation/maintenance (not yet scheduled)
  • Local copy of digitized item (not yet determined if this is an HL Priority)

Status: Moved to new charter - Google and HathiTrust Discovery and Data Maintenance (Ongoing Data Flows, Data Sync) 

  Cancelled projects

RequestorRequest Date Cancelled DateSizePriorityTitle/ScopeLTS LeadLibrary OwnerImpact

Wendy Gogel6/15/2018

MediumMediumAdding VC subject data to Alma recordsTBD

VC included a local database that stored additional subject data not present in underlying database of records. With migration of VC to Spotlight, this data needs to migrate to a new home. This project is includes investigation of possible fields in Alma MARC records to store these subjects (they are not a controlled vocabulary), as well as planning for load of data into Alma.

Cancellation note: curators were either able to recreate the browse categories/canned searches they wanted with existing catalog metadata or they didn't ask/don't have a desire to recreate the old canned searches.

Berenson7/3CANCELLED; Determined by Berenson to not be neededSmallMediumPotential patron loader changesKara Young
Berenson visiting scholars currently come through patron loader as staff members. This results in longer loan periods than Berenson would like for these short-term visitors. Analysis is required to determine whether such a change is possible.

Kara5/17/2019 Cancelled; will use Alma functionality instead ( Bulk Scan In Alma cloud app )

Batch cancel work ordersKara Young
Use  Bulk Scan In Alma cloud app (March 2021)

Laura Morse9/5/2018 Canceled: Can use Bulk Scan In Alma cloud app.
MediumMediumAlma Widget - Take Item out of TS WorkorderBill Walsh

Create an app that will accept a file of barcodes and receive the item to remove acq status

  • 6200+ items identified so far as unavailable to patrons, but on shelf at HD or RD

Access ServicesFall 2020Summer 2021
LowLowMigrate reading list data from Ares to Alma for HKSKara YoungJulie Petzold
  • Crosswalk Ares data into Alma format for ingest as Alma reading lists (January-February 2021)
    • Test with sample data (March 2021)
  • Load on production (Done)

Rachel Lewellen5/1/2018Cancelled 1/12/2021 by Rachel Lewellen
LargeLowIngest of Alma Local Backup Service data in Library Reporting WarehouseLaura Morse

Certain Data Elements may not be available in Alma Analytics for reporting. In addition, some data points may be needed in LRW to cross with other data sources, like HD data. This project would evaluate whether a subscription to this service and ingest of data into LRW would meet assessment and reporting needs not met by Alma analytics directly.

9/22/21 - Laura to ask Rachel for status?

Alma Tech Team1/1/2017See milestone timeline at Data Sync Project Outline1/1/2017LargeHighOCLC Export - Creation of Alma to OCLC scripts for maintaining holdings & OCLC Holdings Symbol ConsolidationAllison Powers ADSC

Alma created holdings will not be in sync with WorldCat. Requires full synchronization of database prior to ongoing maintenance processes. There are several Harvard prerequisites prior to starting the synchronization for each symbol.

Status: Phase 2, implementation of ongoing Bibliographic Data Sync is complete. Phase 3, implementation of Local Holdings Records (LHR) Data Sync has started. See timeline for details.

Alma Tech Team1/1/20179/1/21
MediumMediumOngoing updates to HARTAllison Powers

This work is tracked on the HART wiki page. See also Additional Data Sets planned for HART.