Aviary Pilot Project Charter

Aviary Pilot Project Charter

I. Problem/Value Statement

Problem Statement

Harvard's AV delivery infrastructure needs to be scaled up and redesigned for evolving needs of our users. As Harvard completes its IIIF infrastructure modernization effort, which has focused primarily on image delivery infrastructure, we are ready to turn our attention to the infrastructure that supports time-based media, to bring it in-line with modern requirements and emerging use cases that have been collected in the AV Modernization Discovery Phase work.

Business Value

As Harvard embarks on its first large scale AV mass digitization effort, with the goal of digitizing over 200,000 items currently on physical media in Harvard special collections, there is a need for a modern scalable performant AV infrastructure that can support this effort. Building on the new IIIF-enabled Media Preservation Service platform, LTS is partnering with AVP to pilot Aviary as a platform and player for performant delivery of AV content. Aviary will enable curators to easily check digitized items, add metadata, create playlists and then offer this rich metadata and playlists to our users.

II. Vision and Approach

The vision for this project is to successfully pilot and explore use of Aviary for Harvard mass digitization efforts and delivery of existing digital content originating in Harvard's DRS Digital Repository. This will involve evaluation of Aviary as AV hosting and metadata description platform as well evaluation of Aviary embedded player for delivery of AV content in the context of Harvard discovery systems, such as CURIOSity, HOLLIS and HOLLIS for Archival Discovery. The latter will include an accessibility review of the embedded player in various Harvard contexts.

III. In Scope/Out of Scope

In Scope

Essential interface components

  • Aviary AV player
  • Aviary staff interface

Essential interoperability components

  • Aviary interoperability with Harvard MPS infrastructure
  • Aviary interoperability with Harvard discovery systems (ArchivesSpace, LibraryCloud, HOLLIS, CURIOSity, Harvard Digital Collections)
  • Aviary embedded player usability and accessibility evaluation

Essential infrastructure components

  • TBD

Out of Scope

  • Aviary as discovery platform

IV. Deliverables/Work Products

Definition of "Done"

The Aviary pilot will be considered done when:

V. Stakeholders and Project Team





Kaylie Ackerman

Use cases, requirements, conceptual design




Project Team**

Team Member



Vanessa VentiProduct OwnerHarvard Library
Kaylie AckermanService Owner, Technical Consultant, Analysis, Liaison with AV Advisory GroupHarvard Library
Robin WendlerProject Manager, Metadata AnalystLTS
Andrew WoodsTechnical Product Owner, Architect, Project SponsorLTS
Enrique DiazProject Sponsor, UI ConsultantLTS
Vitaly ZakutaProject Manager, Business AnalystLTS
Sharon BayerSecurity and Infrastructure, OperationsLTS
Janet TaylorUsability and AccessibilityLTS
Meg McMahonUsability and AccessibilityHarvard Library
Kevin GlickUser Experience and SupportAviary

** Other team members may be added if work requires it

VI. Schedule


Phase Start

Phase End


Milestone Date


Project Charter approved by all stakeholders


Technical design complete


All development tasks are complete

Move to Production

Move to production complete and accepted by stakeholders

VII. Key tasks and outcomes



Responsible Parties

Approve Project Charter

Agree on Project Charter with regards to:

  • Stakeholders

  • Scope

  • Deliverables

  • Schedule

Business Sponsor

Meeting schedule

Sprint ceremonies

Project Manager

Project infrastructure

  • Populate Jira project board

  • Set up wiki page for LTS Operations

  • Set up dev/qa environments

  • Provision code repository

Project Manager, Tech Lead, Architect, ProdOps


  • Implementation of user stories

  • Based on scope and deliverables from charter

  • Reviewed and accepted by Product Owner

Project Team

Communication & Outreach planning

  • Demos to stakeholders

  • Email communication

  • Live updates to stakeholders (monthly?)

Project Manager; Business Owner

Move to production

Project Team

VIII. Assumptions, Risks, and Constraints




  • Risk:
  • Plan:
  • Impact:
  • Owner:


Definitions of Roles

  • Business Owner - Provide vision and direction of product
  • Product Owner - Define, prioritize, and accept work done for project
  • Project Manager - Maintain project schedule and communication
  • Scrum Master - Lead, guide, and assist project team through development work
  • Business Analyst - Provide insight into user needs to inform and refine work stories
  • Technical Lead -Lead technical design and development
  • Architect - Provide technical architecture for the solution
  • Software Engineer - Update and build software to accommodate new storage architecture
  • Production Operations - Administer new storage solution system and provide insight into its operation
  • DB Admin - Administer databases to accommodate needed functionality and facilitate needed changes
  • UI/UX - Create wireframes / mockups of new/updated UI components, and provide guidance on usability of new/updated functionality
