JSTOR Forum/Artstor/JSTOR Transition Project Charter

JSTOR Forum/Artstor/JSTOR Transition Project Charter

JSTOR Forum/Artstor/JSTOR Transition

Project Goals

  • Continue uninterrupted access to images through ITHAKA suite JSTOR and JSTOR Forum products for students, faculty and library staff by:
    • Assuring migration of Harvard Artstor images to JSTOR
    • Assuring publication of retrospective restricted Harvard images in JSTOR Forum to JSTOR
    • Assuring continuing publication of ongoing stream of restricted Harvard images in JSTOR Forum to JSTOR
    • Assuring transition of Harvard JSTOR Forum work records to JSTOR Forum container records

Problem and Value Statements

Problem Statement

ITHAKA has announced several changes in the JSTOR Forum/Artstor/JSTOR product suite that require Harvard to take action to maintain ongoing access to visual resource collections for researchers:

  • Artstor will be retired in August 2024. ITHAKA will facilitate migration from Artstor to JSTOR in February 2024.
  • JSTOR Forum will retire the Works service for Harvard on April 1 2024.

Harvard needs to work with ITHAKA to move content to new platform and data structure in order to continue uninterrupted access to the content for students, faculty and library staff.

Solution Business Value

With this project, Library Technology Services (LTS) aims to transition the Harvard University community to the use of the new JSTOR platform, in order to achieve long-term sustainability and usability of visual materials for teaching in Art History and Architecture courses and beyond, and share images for research, teaching and learning.

Alignment with Harvard Library Multi-Year Goals and Objectives

This projects aligns with FY 24 HL Goals:

  • Diversify and expand access to knowledge
  • Evolve our digital infrastructure to meet our directional goals

Alignment with HUIT Objectives

This project aligns with the following FY 23 HUIT Goal:

  • Identify 20 candidate services that are “at risk” or “unsustainable” and produce action and/or remediation plans

Vision and Approach

Our approach includes two main components: assuring migration of retrospective content from ARTstor to JSTOR and setting up new cataloging and image delivery workflows for prospective content.

In order to assure migration of retrospective content, Harvard will work with ITHAKA to map all current metadata fields from works and records in JSTOR Forum to containers and assets as well as design and implement the process for delivering retrospective restricted images to JSTOR. In addition, Harvard will work with JSTOR to update the JSTOR-to-Harvard export workflow that will be using the new export schema.

In collaboration with Harvard visual materials catalogers, Harvard will overhaul visual cataloging practices based on the functionality of new tooling from ITHAKA (containers and assets in overhauled JSTOR Forum). Harvard LTS will work with ITHAKA to establish new image delivery workflows that accommodate JSTOR Forum functionality so that both public and restricted images are delivered to JSTOR Forum on an ongoing basis. 

In Scope/Out of Scope

In Scope

  • Migration from Artstor to JSTOR
  • Overhaul of Harvard cataloging practices to be in line with changed JSTOR Forum functionality with containers and assets
  • Updates to JSTOR-to-Harvard export process that will be using the new JSTOR schema to facilitate loading of records from JSTOR into Harvard discovery systems
  • Implementation of LTS solution for delivering retrospective and prospective Harvard restricted images to JSTOR

Out of Scope

  • Building an in-house solution that mirrors current JSTOR Forum functionality (works and item records)
  • Contracting with a vendor to build a Harvard specific cataloging module

Deliverables and Work Products

Key Tasks and Outcomes

TaskOutcomeResponsible Parties
Records and images that are in Artstor migrated to JSTOR 

Harvard updates its internal record import process to process records from JSTOR using the new schema and deliver them to Harvard discovery services

Restricted images marked in JSTOR Forum as published in Artstor delivered to ITHAKA for publication to JSTOR

Enable publication of prospective restricted images for existing contributors to JSTOR Forum at Harvard

Overhaul Harvard visual resources cataloging practices to be in line with new JSTOR Forum functionality (containers and assets)

Definition of Done


(Who is sponsoring the work? Who is funding the work? Who will accept the work? What organizations, departments, or people will benefit from this work? Link to /wiki/spaces/librarymeetings/overview where relevant.)


Project Team

(Roles include: Product Owner, Project Manager, Scrum Master, Business Analyst, Quality Assurance Analyst, Architect, Software Engineer, Systems Engineer, UI Designer, Metadata Analyst, Subject Matter Expert, Release Coordinator)

Team MemberProject Role(s)Affiliation

Estimated Schedule

(Define the resource commitment, project phases with their associated activities, deliverables and milestones. Include a plan for transitioning to a stabilization phase, if needed, and then operations and maintenance. This section may not be relevant for projects for which schedule/date-based information is not available at the time the charter is being written. In that case, be sure to document the schedule, milestones, and deliverable dates in other ways with stakeholders and be transparent about accomplishing them.)

PhasePhase StartPhase EndCompletion Milestone

Assumptions, Constraints, Dependencies, and Risks

Project Assumptions

    • Stakeholders have identified the appropriate subject matter experts to participate in the Working Group and who can accurately and completely define the business requirements for the project
    • Stakeholders will have made available the time required to participate in project activities and to complete tasks as requested
    • Project sponsor and other stakeholders are empowered to make the decision required for the project to be a success
    • Project sponsor will provide written approval to move forward with system development when requested as part of incremental/iterative system demonstrations

Project Constraints

    • Scope
    • Time
    • Cost

Project Dependencies

Project Risks

(Update during course of project as needed.)


Accepted by <Project Sponsor Name>, <Date>

Prepared by <Project Manager Name>

Effective Date: <Date>