Travel to Chile Instructions + Checklist
Travel to Chile Instructions + Checklist
Note: the procedure for travel to Rubin, both the Recinto and the summit, is in flux. This is accurate as of September 2023, but probably will be out of date by the end of the year. I (Elana) will try to highlight the places that I most expect to change, but I cannot see the future.
- Submit a travel request through your preferred person, either through SLAC or AURA. Probably Lubi, Erin Carlson (AURA), or Regina Matter (SLAC). Here's a sample form: Blank TR Form.pdf
- Once that request is approved, a whole host of linked Jira tickets will be made for you automatically in the travel section. You should probably follow them and fill out any information that they ask for (although I'm honestly not sure it makes any difference). Someone will be in touch with you (probably Erin) about booking your flights. You'll probably also be automatically assigned a room in the Recinto, but you may need to ask.
- Check that you've completed all relevant safety trainings: https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/OST/Summit+Safety+Trainings. Email Giovanni Corvetto GCorvetto@lsst.org to make sure previous training is up to date.
- Create Jira tickets and coordinate with relevant people for all hardware installations and tests you plan to do.
- For scheduling time on the summit, join the LSST slack channel #sitcom-summit-schedule and begin joining the Wednesday 2:00 pm CLT SIT-Com Summit Coordination meetings at least one week before you travel to Chile. Ask Anastasia Alexov (although probably in the future ask Eric Christensen) if you have any special summit requests, such as staying over the weekend, and she'll let you know if you can be accommodated. Also fill out the spreadsheet linked on the slack channel. Filling out your preferences does not guarantee you get what you wanted, though.
- On the Friday before the week you're going on the summit, check for Maria Eugenia's email for bus assignments. If for some reason you don't receive the email, the parent page is: https://confluence.lsstcorp.org/display/LTS/Team+and+Bus+seat+distribution+-+year+2023. This page also lists breakfast, lunch, and dinner times. They don't check who is eating when, so you should try to make your assigned time but you can get food any time the Casino is open. Summit room assignments are listed on the #sitcom-summit-schedule spreadsheet.
- When you arrive in La Serena, there should be someone with a sign with your name on it and possibly also a sign that says AURA or Rubin or LSST. If there isn't, and you're staying on the Recinto (the compound in La Serena that has both the Rubin base facility and a set of houses), you can take a taxi to Avenida Juan Cisternas 1500. If you haven't been to La Serena before you should take a taxi with someone who knows about the Recinto (they will probably call it Tololo), because the entrance is a little odd, you have to pass a guard, and the houses can be a bit hard to find.
- There are multiple buses that run between the base facility and the summit, and it can be confusing. Make sure you understand which transport schedule you're on. If you are taking the normal morning bus, it will say Rubin on it. The first time you go up on the bus, have someone meet you so you know you're waiting in the right place and get on the right one.
- People sleep on the main bus in the morning (and sometimes in the afternoons), so do not open the windows. Ride the minibus at some point so that you can actually take in the view (or even better convince one of the few people who are allowed to drive up to the summit to give you a ride in their truck)!
- There are three facilities on the summit. 1) There is a dorm in the basin below the ridge that the Rubin, Gemini, and SOAR telescopes. If you're staying the night that's where you'll sleep. After you enter the building, go up the stairs. There is a key board at the top of the stairs on the right, and there should be a key with your name on it. Be sure to replace the key there upon departure! You can't walk back and forth from this dorm to the summit, due to safety concerns. You have to drive or be driven. 2) there is a cafeteria dedicated to the Rubin project. We have our meals there, not in the dorm cafeteria. Meal times are posted. You enter your name on the iPad on the wall to have meals charged to the appropriate account. You can walk back and forth from this cafeteria to the telescope. This brings us to 3) The Rubin telescope and operations building. The door is unlocked. The operations center is on the second floor. Don't go elsewhere without permission and/or an escort person. Construction safety equipment (helmet, steel-toed shoes, safety vest) is mandatory outside of the control room.
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