Rubin Airflow Management.

Rubin Airflow Management.

C. Stubbs Feb 13, 2023. 

The following paths exist for airflow into and out of Rubin enclosure: 

  1. Through the hole in the windscreen, which is slightly larger than pupil diameter. The top end is right up against this. 
  2. Through the material in the windscreen, which is intentionally permeable to airflow
  3. Through the exhaust fan system that draws air out of the enclosure down through the floor and out the back of the building
  4. The a set of 34 adjustable louvers that wrap around the enclosure, designated A-N horiz and 1-3 in vertical direction 

Things to consider: 

  • instrument interior of louvers for airflow rate
  • internal dome seeing monitors like DIMSUM
  • DIMM data in conjunction with external one

Rotating vane anemometer

Bought a prototype rotating vane anemometer from Inspeed.com for about $150 that sends pulses down long cables, good for in-dome characterization. Will test it out. 
Labjack T7 can run 6 gated counters off their digital inputs. That will interface readily with EFD stuff and does not use Labjack A/D with which we had some problems. 


Louvers don't currently open with automation, that's 6-8 months out
Windscreen is also a long time away. 


We want to monitor macroscopic airflow in through the slit, in and out through side and back louvers, and down the fan-driven exhaust duct.
In addition we want to monitor turbulence and thermal structure in the dome air.  

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