DRS Login Roles

DRS Login Roles

Library Systems Login Roles

These roles pertain to login requests for DRS.

See Also

Role Definitions

  • Owner Contact – Business owner or administrative contact for the owner code.

  • Login Liaison – Responsible for completing, signing and submitting Login Request Forms on behalf of Staff.

  • Login Approver – Responsible for approving and signing all completed Login Request Forms.

  • Login Creator (LTS Only) – Responsible for checking the completed forms and creating logins.

Multiple Owner Codes

(For logins requesting DRS permissions in multiple owner codes)

Owner codeOwner contactLogin LiaisonLogin Approver
Multiple owner codesStephen Abrams[User's manager]Stephen Abrams

Single Owner Codes

(For logins requesting permissions in one owner code)

Rielinger, Diane

Owner codeOwner contactLogin LiaisonLogin Approver
ARB.AAHODPearson, LisaLarissa GlasserLisa Pearson
DIV.LIBRBidlack, BethJane KellyBeth Bidlack

Smith, Bettina

Sandra Parker-ProvenzanoDaniel Boomhower
DOAK.MUSBoomhower, DanielSandra Parker-ProvenzanoDaniel Boomhower
DOAK.RESLIB (Lib & ICFA)Smith, BettinaSandra Parker-ProvenzanoDaniel Boomhower
FCOR.CARPSteward, JeffAbigail CramerJeff Steward
FCOR.FORSTBoose, EmeryEmery BooseMeg Hastings
FCOR.HCOBouquin, DainaKatie FreyDaina Bouquin
FCOR.REISCHMatsumoto, StacieHugh TruslowReischauer Institute: Gavin Whitelaw

FCOR.URIAleksic, OlhaOlha AleksicTymish Holowinsky
FCOR.WOLBACHFrey, KatieGiancarlo RomeoKatie Frey
FHCL.AEODKozbial, ArdysCarol ChiodoArdys Kozbial
FHCL.CABLeach, MichaelMichael LeachAmy Van Epps
FHCL.COLLArdys Kozbial Carol ChiodoArdys Kozbial
FHCL.DAVISTruslow, HughHugh TruslowDavis Center: Alexandra Vacroux
FHCL.ENVClark, George


(includes HFA content

Connor, BillNaoe SuzukiShalimar White
FHCL.FUNGTruslow, HughHugh TruslowFairbank Center: Dorinda Elliot
FHCL.GOVWood, Laura
 Laura Wood
FHCL.HOUGHHilton, AdrienAlexander DuryeeAdrien Hilton
FHCL.JUDRadnofsky, Violet
Violet Radnofsky
FHCL.MAPSBurns, BonnieJonathan RosenwasserBonnie Burns
FHCL.MEDHopper, Michael

FHCL.MUSIConor, ErinKerry MastellerErin Conor
FHCL.SLVKozbial, Ardys Carol Chiodo Ardys Kozbial
FHCL.TOZGilman, Susan

FHCL.WLDKozbial, ArdysCarol ChiodoKozbial, Ardys
FHCL.YENCHGreene, EllenAnnie WangSharon Li-shiuan Yang
FMUS.ARNRielinger, DianeChris RobsonDiane Rielinger
FMUS.CHSIFrankel, SaraSara FrankelHannah Marcus
FMUS.ECBRielinger, DianeChris RobsonRielinger, Diane
FMUS.FARLRielinger, DianeChris RobsonRielinger, Diane
FMUS.GRAYRielinger, DianeChris RobsonRielinger, Diane
FMUS.HUHEverritt, Jeannette MChris RobsonJeannette Everitt
FMUS.MCZDeVeer, JoeJoe DeVeerConnie Rinaldo
FMUS.ORCRielinger, DianeChris Robson
FMUS.PEABMackey, CynthiaKimberly AllegrettoKatherine Meyers Satriano
FMUS.SEMGreene, JosephKristen VagliardoJoseph A. Greene
FMUS.WAREBrown, JenniferChris RobsonJennifer Brown
GSD.LIBRReiskind, AlixAlix ReiskindMichelle Baildon
GSE.GUTMNMartin, RebeccaWhitacre, LindsayRebecca Martin
(shared repository for helper files)
Abrams, StephenPrimary owner code liaisonStephen Abrams
HBS.BAKRPendergrass, Keith

Keith Pendergrass

Mary Samouelian

HLNC.LIBRRobbins, Jill CurryJill Curry RobbinsZoie Lafis
HLS.LIBRPrescott, LeahLeanne PiersonLeah Prescott
HMS.COUNTBueso, ElizabethJessica M. SedgwickScott Podolsky
HPPM.PIRCCarey, ChristinaAllyson SekerkeChristina Carey
HPRE.WARDLupton, Paula

HUAM.MUSESteward, JeffKatie KujalaJeff Steward
HUAM.SARDISYildirim, Bahadir

HUL.ARCHBlakeman, HannahSkip KendallJuliana Kuipers
HUL.PRESBernier, BrendaJorge RodriguezBrenda Bernier
KSG.LIBRSirois, ChristinaChristina Sirois
RAD.ARCHDonovan, JoanneJoanne DonovanJennifer Weintraub
RAD.SCHLWeintraub, Jennifer

Jennifer Weintraub

Joanne Donovan

VIT.BERERocke, MichaelIlaria Della MonicaMichael Rocke