625 Training Room information
625 Training Room information
There are 2 rooms available for training at 625: Room 331 (on the 3rd floor) and Room LL19 (on the Lower Level).
Building access
- Access to the 625 exterior doors (aka entering the building) is via a fob that can hang on your key chain.
- If you don't have a fob, there is a guard at the front door; knock for entrance.
- The guard has been given the schedule of training classes and asked to be at the desk for 20 min before and 10 min after class start times.
- Interior access within 625 is via ID card.
- HL Operations has arranged to "unlock" the doors (no swipe will be needed; green light will flash) on the days classes are scheduled.
- If there is an issue, please contact Scott Wicks, Scott Waite and Murray Barsky.
- HL Operations has arranged to "unlock" the doors (no swipe will be needed; green light will flash) on the days classes are scheduled.
Computers for training
- There are 12 training laptops located in Room 331.
- They can be loaded into the rolling computer cart in the room and moved to LL19, but please note that will not happen automatically.
- The laptops have a wired connection to the internet via network ports.
- To log into the laptop, users will enter the username printed on the white label on their laptop, to the left of the track pad. They will use the password on the board for 625 Alma Training.
- There are wired mice at every machine. There are also wireless mice available and mice pads if users prefer those; they are located on the computer cart.
- If the projector turns off during the session, just manually turn it off (push button twice, you should hear a beep) and then push button again to turn it on. Then it should work.
, multiple selections available,