HOLLIS as a web browser search engine
Google Chrome
Setting up HOLLIS as a Chrome search engine allows you to use a shortcut key in your browser bar to search HOLLIS. This is a setting in your Chrome settings. Chrome automatically stores some sites as search engines in your browser. To add or edit the setting for HOLLIS, go to Settings > Search Engine: Manage Search Engines.
Search engine: HOLLIS
Keyword: H (or any other value you would like as the shortcut, such as HOLLIS)
Once you have saved your settings, type H into your browser URL bar and then the search terms you want to send to HOLLIS.
More about Chrome's search engine feature is here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95426?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en
As of early 2018, there does not appear to be a way to change the URL that is automatically set by Firefox for searching HOLLIS via the browser bar. If Firefox incorrectly sets the URL, we recommend avoiding using the browser bar for HOLLIS searches in Firefox, and instead going directly to https://hollis.harvard.edu.