DRAFT About ILL / Scan & Deliver in links in HOLLIS, and when they appear

Type of requestUsed forCriteria we use in HOLLIS to determine whether a link will appearInternal info: ILLiad item genre
1Interlibrary Loan
(includes Borrow Direct)

Loan of physical books in the general, circulating collection

TBD: Certain other physical media in circulating collection such as CDs, DVDs, Scores

  • Book & ISBN
  • Book & E-ISBN
  • Book & date > 1923
  • ReCAP partner record
  • CRL record (via CDI)
  • CDI content: books, book chapters, reference entries


2Scan & Deliver
(book chapter)
Scans of chapters from physical books in the general, circulating collection, or from library partners
  • Book & ISBN
  • Book & E-ISBN
  • Book & date > 1923
  • ReCAP partner record (book only)
  • CRL record (via CDI) (book only)
  • CDI content: books, book chapters, reference entries


3Scan & DeliverPDFs of articles

Article (CD)


  • Journal & ISSN
  • Journal & EISSN


Examples where links should appear

  1. Physical book, locally owned, in-library use.  990125742280203941. Dogs : domestication and the development of a social bond (2010). 
  2. Physical item from Center for Research Libraries (via CDI), no ISBN or pub date or old date:
    1. "Reportorio muy copioso de el texto y leyes de las siete Partidas" / Alfonso. (1576)
    2. "Valeur des Variations Morphologiques du Bacille Tuberculeux au point de vue du diagnostic et du Pronostic de la Tuberculose Pulmonaire" / Rollot. (1921)
  3. Physical item from a ReCAP partner (any).
    1. "Manual of the polarizing microscope" / Cooke. (n.d.)
    2. 15 Red Army songs (score) (1943, 1941)
  4. Book in CDI that we don't license. ISBN 0857009869. eISBN 0857009869. "Direct Work with Family Groups" by Audrey. (2015)
  5. CDI "reference entry" (i.e. chapter from a book. want to off S&D and ILL in case they want book). "Aggression" by Bushman, from Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, 2007, Vol.1, p.20-25. ISBN 9781412916707. eISBN 9781412953955
  6. Dissertation
  7. Book chapter in CDI, no access. Has eISBN. "Additional Information on Dog Aggression Terms" / Wright. (2021)
  8. Book chapter from Harvard physical book
  9. Book chapter from physical book from a ReCAP partner
  10. Journal
  11. Article from a locally held print journal
  12. Article from a ReCAP partner print journal
  13. Article from an e-journal to which we do not subscribe

Examples where links should not appear

  1. Physical rare book in special collection
  2. Physical book, locally owned, no ISBN, pub date 1910. 990066221520203941. Power of the dog / Smith.  (1910). 
  3. Physical book, locally owned, no ISBN, no pub date (via openURL). 990067172530203941. Interim report. (1963). Tel Aviv. 
  4. Physical map 990113663770203941. 2007.
  5. Archival collection. 990098478120203941. 990074301250203941
  6. Image - undigitized (JSTOR Forum)


Type of record in HOLLISCriteriaRequest label in HOLLISILL/S&D form typeILLiad item genreLTS internal code

rfe.kind is empty

rfe.dcType = unknown (genre bug workaround) = do not show

rfe.place NOT aeon


Scan & Deliver30articleScanDelISSN



Scan & Deliver (book chapter)30bookitemRequest Genre=book item



rfe kind is empty


rfe.place NOT aeon

Scan & Deliver (book chapter)30bookitemScanDelISBN

default: DO NOT SHOW 

rfe.kind is not empty, don't show, i.e. don't show on HVD records

rft.type = article & rfe kind is empty - show on CDI articles

rft.genre = book, don't show

rft.genre = bookitem, don't show

isbn is not empty, don't show

rfr_id = via, don't show

issn not empty, show

issn is empty, show

Scan & Deliver / Interlibrary Loan30articleILLarticle

don't show if ISSN

don't show if EISSN

don't show if VIA source

has ISBN


Interlibrary Loan (now includes Borrow Direct)30bookILLbook

originally intended for non-hvdScan & Deliver (book chapter)30bookitemILLchapter

ebook chapters

needed to map EISBN to ISBN field.

Scan & Deliver (book chapter)

needed to  map EISBN to ISBN on ILL formInterlibrary Loan (now includes Borrow Direct)
bookRequest ILL Book (EISBN)