HOLLIS (Primo) API Key Request/Approval Process

HOLLIS (Primo) API Key Request/Approval Process


How to Get Access to the Primo API

1. Application Owner submits HOLLIS API Request Use Agreement to LTS

  • Use Agreement must include:
    • List of HOLLIS/Primo API areas you would like to access
    • For each area, summarize expected use case(s)
  • Even though only one person (the Application Owner registers) for the API key below, all project team members who will know/use the API key need to submit a copy of the agreement form.

2. Application Owner registers directly for Primo Sandbox API access via the Harvard {API} Catalog (H{API})

  1. Open Ex-Libris: Primo API in the H{API} Staging Portal: https://portal.stage.apis.huit.harvard.edu/ex-libris-primo-overview
  2. Follow these instructions to register for a HOLLIS/Primo Sandbox API key with the following settings:
    • App Name – name of application that will be using this API key
    • Description – detailed description of API application/use
    • App Owner – the person registering the app (the person logged in)
    • APIs –  Select Ex-Libris Primo by clicking the plus sign next to it
    • When complete, click Create to submit registration and create an API key.
    • (Edit an existing Sandbox API key registration by selecting it from the Apps screen.)
  3. The API key string is created as soon as the app registration is submitted, but it is not immediately active.
  4. LTS Support receives notification of app registration and activates the API key in H{API}, typically within one business day. 
  5. The Application Owner will receive an email when the HOLLIS/Primo Sandbox API Key is active for use.

3. Application development/testing using HOLLIS Sandbox API access

4. Application Owner submits all uses of the HOLLIS/Primo API to LTS for code review

5. LTS reviews API use as submitted and approves access to production API

6. Application Owner registers dierctly for Primo Production API access via the Harvard {API} Catalog (H{API})

  1. Open Ex-Libris: Primo API in the H{API} Production Portal: https://portal.apis.huit.harvard.edu/ex-libris-primo-overview
  2. Follow these instructions to register for a HOLLIS/Primo production API key. Values should match Sandbox (Step 2 above).
  3. Edit an existing Production API key registration by selecting it from the Apps screen.
  4. As with Sandbox, the Production API key is available immediately, but LTS must activate it for use, typically within one business day.
  5. The Application Owner will receive an email when the HOLLIS/Primo Production API Key is active for use.

7. Application Owner performs final testing with production API, releases application for intended use


If you have any further questions about registering for a HOLLIS/Primo API key in Sandbox or Production, contact the LTS Support Center.

Quick Links

Further Harvard {API} Documentation