7. Managing Controlled Terms in Wordshack

7. Managing Controlled Terms in Wordshack


On this page:

Wordshack is a central vocabulary management system that supports the controlled terminology used in some EAS metadata fields. You can associate controlled terms with email in the EASi interface, but to create controlled terms, you must use the Wordshack interface in DRS2 Web Admin.

This section describes how to access Wordshack from EASi in order to create controlled terms used in EASi. It also describes some special Wordshack support for email address metadata.

Users with the DRS2 metadata_editor role will be able to create admin category terms. Users will need the Wordshack term_editor role to be able to create organizations, persons, and topics.

For detailed information about using Wordshack, see the DRS2 Web Admin User Guide.

Adding terms in Wordshack

Admin categories and tags (persons, organizations, and topics) are managed in Wordshack. Follow these steps to create or edit these terms.

  1. In EASi, click the Wordshack main menu choice to access the Wordshack area in DRS2 Web Admin.

    • If you recently logged into DRS2 Web Admin, you will connect directly to the Wordshack area within a few seconds.
    • If you haven’t logged in recently, you will be taken to the DRS2 Web Admin Search page. This connection can take up to 30 seconds to make. Select Wordshack from the Web Admin menu to continue.
  2. Select the type of term from the Wordshack menu.
  3. Type your new category term in the search box. If no match is found, click the Create New button to open a data entry form.
    Tip: Enter an asterisk into the search box to see the full list of defined terms; select a term from the list to display its record.
  4. Fill out the new term form. Enter data in required fields, and if desired add a note about the term in the Note field. Required fields are:
    • Admin Categories:
      • Value: enter the category term here.
    • Organizations:
      • Name Part: enter the organization name here. If name has multiple parts, enter first part here and click + as needed to define other parts of the name.
    • Persons:
      • Name: enter name here (last name, first name).
    • Topics:

      • Value: enter the topic here.
  5. Click Save New Term and the term will be created.

Linking email correspondents to person terms in Wordshack

This section describes how to relate an email address term to a person term in Wordshack.

EAS provides an option to associate email correspondents (the recipient addresses referenced in the To:, From:, CC: and BCC: fields of the email header) with controlled personal name terms defined in Wordshack. This association will facilitate better access to your email content in a future discovery system.

This linking process occurs automatically when email content is pushed to DRS and depends on the curator creating a relationship between a correspondent’s email address and a person term in Wordshack before the push. This can be done in Wordshack because email addresses are extracted from email content during the initial import to EAS and stored as email terms in Wordshack.

To associate an email address with a person term:

  1. In EAS, copy the email address you want linked to a person name.
  2. Open Wordshack by clicking the Wordshack option on the EAS main menu.
  3. Click the Email Addresses menu option and paste the address into the Edit Email Address box. When the matching address displays, click it to open the address term.
  4. Scroll down to view the Relationships section. In the Associate with … box, enter the person term you are looking for.
  5. If there is a matching person term click to select it and click the Save Term-to-Term Relations button.

If there is no matching person term, you will need to create the person term first and then repeat this procedure. See Adding terms in Wordshack for instructions.