9. Working with Accounts

9. Working with Accounts

This section describes how to view and edit EASi account data. Note that EASi users with the "manager" role (curators) are able to view and edit their own account. Users with the "admin" role (staff in OIS) are able to create new accounts.

An EASi account does the following:

  • Identifies the Harvard organizational owner of items (messages, attachments).
  • Controls what items a curator can view and edit.
  • Provides a default email address as the destination for DRS loader success and fail reports.

Each EASi account corresponds to a DRS owner account and the DRS owner code is used to identify the account in EASi displays.

To view or edit your account:

  1. Click the Accounts option on the main menu. Your account will display.
  2. Update account values (manager name, email, phone) as needed and click Save to save the changes.

Note that changing your EASi account metadata will not impact owner contact information maintained in DRS. In other words, it is possible for your EASi account and DRS owner account to have a different contact name, email and phone number.

EASi uses the account email as the default value in the DRS loader success and failure address fields in collection records associated with the account. If you change the account email, this will not update addresses stored with your collections.