Appendix B: EAS Software Release History

EAS production release history

EAS version 1.0.4 (August 2016):

  • Upgrade to Emailchemy version 13.0.4.
  • Added support for the .olm email format (Outlook for Mac).
  • Updated EASi interface user guide link.

EAS version 1.0.3 (July 2015):

  • For auditing purposes, added logging of user activity in EAS to track what items are viewed and when.
  • Improved error handling on Packet Submit page. 
  • If a packet fails upload to EAS, reinstate the failed packet back to the dropbox in a time-stamped "reinstate" directory. Rename the load.txt file to load.txt.failed. Include name of the reinstated packet in failure notification sent to the curator.

EAS version 1.0.2 (May 2015):

  • Changes to ensure that email messages and attachments with a secure storage rights block are assigned the DRS access flag "N" (no access).

EAS version 1.0.1 (May 2015):

  • Add support link to EASi interface.
  • Fixed bug in push to DRS process in which post-archiver sometimes fails.

EAS version 1.0 (May 2015):

  • Add post-archiver processing (update database, solr, and file system) after content pushed to DRS.
  • Store packet events in the DRS.
  • Extract title for attachment at import to EAS and on push to DRS, write title to MODS titleinfo/title element of attachment descriptor.
  • Change Collection tab "View/Edit" to "View".
  • Change label for "Collection OIS URN" to "Object URN".

EAS prototype release history

Prototype #11 (released October 8 2014) included these changes:

  • Push to DRS2. EAS now supports the ability to push email content to DRS2 for permanent archival storage. Email content that is pushed to DRS2 is suppressed from display in EAS. In DRS2, email messages are stored as email objects. Attachments are stored based on format -- either stored in a supported content model (e.g. still image, audio, text or PDF attachments) or stored as an opaque object (e.g., Word or Excel attachments).
  • Collections now stored in DRS2. Collections created in EAS are now stored as collection objects in DRS2. Once created, a collection is view-only in EAS and can be managed in DRS2. The DRS ID and object URN of a collection object are viewable on the collection record in EAS.

Prototype #10 (released July 15 2013) included these changes:

  • Obfuscated file names to increase security. File names assigned to converted email messages now use random alpha-numeric strings rather than message subject.
  • More Wordshack integration. The Primary Name and Donor Name fields in the collection record are now powered by Wordshack person and organization terms.
  • “Replace” option when bulk editing a group of items. Use this option to replace metadata values in a selected set of items. You can use Replace to add, change, or remove values for all items in a set, or for items in the set with a particular metadata value. In this release, Replace has been implemented for single-value fields: Accession ID, Billing code, Collection, DRS access flag, Processing level, and Series.
  • Process history now tracked at packet level. When an email message or attachment is deleted, a deletion event will be associated with the packet rather than with the collection. Deletion events are now available by selecting Packets > Process History from the main menu.
  • Collection is now optional and billing code is required during packet ingest. For email packets uploaded to EAS, billing code is now required and collection title is now optional.

Prototype #9 (released Dec 4 2012) included these changes:

  • Software updates to Solr (full text indexing/searching), Emailchemy (email transformation), and Javascript libraries that power the user interface. Also refreshed the user interface theme for a more consistent look and feel.
  • Wordshack integration. Curators can now access Wordshack from a main menu link in EASi in order to create admin categories and tags (persons, organizations, and topics). EASi metadata drop-down lists for admin categories, tags, and admin flags are now powered by Wordshack. At packet ingest, EAS now extracts email addresses and stores them in Wordshack.
  • Enhancements to bulk metadata editing. Bulk removal of metadata values is now supported. Redesigned bulk edit icons (). Check existing metadata values in a selected set of items using a new lightbulb icon next to each metadata field.
  • Improved access to Rights Basis metadata. You can now filter a search by Rights Basis and add a Rights Basis column to the brief list.

Prototype #8 (released May 30 2012) included these features:

  • Curators can submit their own email packets to EAS. Secure EAS dropboxes are now available. Collection title is now required at packet submission.
  • Summary email statistics now available for packets, collections and accounts. Look for the “Summary” option under menu choices Accounts, Collections, or Packets.
  • Eudora attachments are now available. Because Eudora stores attachments separate from their messages, there is a higher likelihood of orphaned attachments (no message found) and missing attachments. To help identify these cases, there are labeling changes in full displays and new columns in search results.
  • Ability to delete messages and/or attachments, individually or in groups. When an item is deleted, a deletion event is recorded under Collections > Process History. Also, metadata for a deleted item is retained on the full display for the remaining item (e.g., if you delete an attachment, metadata for it is retained in full display of the message).

Prototype #7 (released December 15 2011) included these features:

  • Added two new pages under the "Packets" menu choice:
    • New "Packet Import Queue" page lists submitted packets that are waiting for import processing.
    • New "Packet Summary" page lists summary metadata about content being processed in EASi.
  • Updates to the existing "Submit Packet" page:
    • Rearranged fields in the metadata panel.
    • Moved/renamed interface options: "Select packet" dropdown list is now at top left corner above metadata panel; "Cancel" button renamed "Reset metadata".
    • Improved performance of inventory tree for large packets.
    • Changes to background loader and import processes that are triggered by submitting a packet.
  • Rearranged fields in all metadata panels (where ever these appear) per recommendations of Core Group. Also, removed the show/hide toggles on most fields.
  • Results list: made sorting of null values predictable (nulls sort first in ascending order; last in descending order).

Prototype #6 (released August 3 2011) included these features:

  • New "Submit Packet" workflow added. Curators can define metadata values for content in the packet and trigger the upload of content to EASi.
  • Date range searching is now available as a filter option on the Brief Display.
  • Process history for each message and attachment is now available from a link in the full display.
  • Minor changes:
    • Replaced calendar date pickers with type that is easier to use.
    • On Brief Display, changed the link that opens/closes the bulk metadata panel to "edit metadata". To close this panel, added the link "close form".
    • On Brief Display, to reduce screen clutter the "filter on" and "date range" filters are now hidden by default. Click the "show filters" link to expose them.

Prototype #5 (released April 11 2011) included these features:

  • New rights metadata fields now available for messages and attachments.
  • Messages are now flagged at ingest for the potential presence of sensitive data (social security and credit card numbers).
  • New "Needs Review" flag (date and note field) is available for messages and attachments.
  • New "Accounts" management area added.
  • New "Collections" management area added.

Prototype #4 (released February 15 2011) included these features:

  • Attachments now appear in search results:
    • Attachments are now indexed with email message content so that they can be retrieved when you search or filter on message content.
    • Search and filter results now sorted by EASi ID, with message and associated attachments grouped together.
    • New Item Type drop-down that lets you limit the results list to messages only, attachments ("files") only, or both messages and attachments.
    • This prototype is only handling attachments that are encoded in the message. Attachments that are stored separately from the message (e.g., Eudora email) are not available yet.
    • Attachment metadata is indexed and searchable, but attachment contents are not.
  • Indexing/searching changes:
    • Search box now searches the full content of messages including headers.
    • Filters on message correspondence fields (To, From, etc.) have been simplified. For example, CC (email) and CC (display) filters have been combined in a single CC filter.
    • New filters added: Notes, Series.
  • Changes to Brief Display results list:
    • Added columns for embargo dates.
    • Sorting on multi-value fields (e.g., To) is now fixed. When results are sorted by these fields, sort is on the first value in the field.
    • New selection modes: click the check box above the "Select" column to select all items on current page; to select entire result set, click the check box and also click "Select all xxx search results" link.
  • Bulk editing now available from Brief Display. Use the "Edit" link above the results list to open and close a metadata panel. Metadata changes can be applied to a selected group of items in the results list.

Prototype #3 (released December 7 2010) included these features:

  • Attachment full item display.
  • Metadata editing in the full display of both messages and attachments.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Email records with substandard HTML no longer interfere with the Brief Item Display.
    • Faster Email Full Display rendering for emails with many/large attachments.

Prototype #2 (released October 6 2010) included these features:

  • Access:
    • HUID/PIN login now required to access EASi. With this change, access to data is restricted to your owner code.
    • "Logout" option in EASi interface now works.
  • Searching and filtering:
    • Searching now supports wildcards at the beginning, middle and end of search terms.
  • Brief results display:
    • EASi ID column is now exposed by default. Clicking the ID opens the Full Item display in a separate browser window or tab.
    • Sorting of data in the "Relative path" column is now working properly.
  • Partial implementation of Full Item Display is now available, including a metadata panel, summary message display and link to original message display.

Prototype #1 (released September 8 2010) included these features:

  • Searching for email messages and filtering of email search results.
  • Email Brief Display (email search results), including add/remove columns, column resizing, column sorting.