New DRS Software Enhancements

Improvements for curators, administrators and depositing agents:

  • A newly designed, easier-to-use management interface
  • New and improved collection management features such as:
    • Powerful and advanced searching on more than 200 metadata fields
    • Ability to manage objects and batches as well as files
    • View the history of key changes to content and metadata
    • Initial support for rights management activities and deposit of rights documentation
    • Integration with WordShack - a new central vocabulary registry
    • Archived billing reports
    • Automated notification of extensive deletion activity
    • Ability to restore deleted content within a 2 month window of the deletion
    • Drag-and-drop structure editor for page-turned objects
    • Custom image captions
    • Ability to import descriptive metadata from the central catalog
    • Adoption of community and standard metadata schemas for provenance and rights management
  • Improvements for audio collections:
    • Support for modern audio formats and playlists
    • A new web-based audio player with an improved user interface
  • Additional loaders running in parallel to increase deposit throughput

Improvements for preservation staff:

  • A more modular and scalable storage back-end on new hardware
  • Improved file deletion and recovery processes
  • Advanced format identification and automated technical metadata extraction
  • Validation that content conforms to object types ("content models") known to the DRS
  • Links to format registries
  • Virus checking and monitoring
  • Richer preservation and technical metadata for use in preservation monitoring and planning
  • Identification and flagging of content needing preservation attention
  • Tracking and documentation of changes to content
  • Versioning of key metadata
  • Adoption of community-standard metadata schemas and packaging formats
  • Metadata replicated and preserved to the same standards as content in the DRS

Following launch in October 2013, these additional features have been added:

  • Ability to edit metadata in bulk
  • Ability to delete and restore content in bulk
  • Ability to create a custom download set of objects/files
  • Improved support for linking to and searching within serials
  • Faceted search for collection and preservation management
  • Ability to deposit sensitive content into a separate secure storage area that meets Harvard's requirements for systems hosting high risk confidential information
  • Integration with the Electronic Archiving Service (EAS) to support DRS-archiving of email collections
  • Integration with DASH/ETD to support DRS-archiving of theses