DRS 2.18 Release Notes (June 2018)


This release includes updates to support Alma library system and integrates FITS 1.3.0 and Batch Builder 2.2.18. See below for key enhancements and bug fixes.

Key Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Web Admin
    • Ability to accept both Aleph IDs and Alma IDs for MODS import
    • Added "Alma" type to Harvard Metadata Links
    • Support for "hot links" for Alma IDs and Aleph IDs in Web Admin Harvard Metadata Links display
    • All related links with dynamic identifiers that are URLs (i.e. start with http) are displayed in Web Admin as clickable links
    • Object roles are now showing correctly for Video content model objects.
  • DRS Services
    • Deployed new ActiveMQ queue management system
    • Updated Related Links formulation for DRS delivery services to support Alma links
    • Integrated FITS 1.3.0 with support for "Alma" link type, and ability to limit the number of bytes read by Droid tool when analyzing certain large input files
    • Indexing events now logged for 7 days
  • Wordshack
    • Moved to Amazon cloud infrastructure
  • Batch Builder 2.2.8
    • Batch Builder now accepts both Aleph IDs and Alma IDs for MODS import
    • Batch Builder now accepts Harvard Metadata Link type "Alma"
    • Integrated FITS 1.3.0 with support for "Alma" link type, and ability to limit the number of bytes read by Droid tool when analyzing certain large input files

Please contact LTS Support Center with any questions: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:drshelp