Fulfillment 1 - Class Materials and Script

Fulfillment 1 - Class Materials and Script

Spring 2019 Update

The scripts and training materials in this section were used by Alma peer trainers & facilitators during the active Implementation project phase (April 2018 - June 2019).

These materials are now archived and may contain outdated information/past practice - do not use as-is. This content was last updated August 2018.

For current Alma training, please visit the Learning Alma - for Staff and Managers page.


Fulfillment 1: Loans and Patron Records

Fulfillment includes areas related to circulation, reshelving, patrons, pick lists, resource sharing, course reserves, and billing.

Class Prerequisites

  • Introduction to Alma
  • Searching and Sets

Recommended Courses after this one

  • Fulfillment 2
  • Items and Holdings

Preparation for Trainers and Facilitators

Trainers: Before class, prepare a set of barcodes for use by each trainee (see “Barcodes template - FUL1.docx” document). For each trainee, create two bogus patrons (1, 2) and locate six barcodes in Alma. List one barcode that is not in Alma.

Facilitators: Make sure each trainee signs in and takes one class handout and one barcodes sheet. Tell each trainee as they sign in to remember the letter next to their name.

Loans and Patron Records Topics

Harvard Staff Documentation

Ex Libris Training & Documentation




Fulfillment 1 Handout

Class Script


Welcome to Fulfillment 1. My name is ..... and our facilitator/s in this class is/are... .

This class covers fulfillment-related searching, loans, returns, renewals, patron records, proxies, fine and fees, and work orders. It introduce the idea of Fulfillment in Alma - activities related to circulation, reshelving, patrons, pick lists, stacks maintenance, routing, resource sharing, course reserves, and billing - and builds on what you learned in Search and Sets. You can follow along with me as I demonstrate, or wait until each practice break to try it yourself.

A few notes:

  • Alma went live on July 3rd and, as expected, we're learning new things about it as staff work with real data in the system. Everyone is continuing to learn Alma, and will have the support they need to do so.

  • We are training on the tool of Alma, and while there is usually more than one way to do anything in Alma, we will show you one verified or preferred way to do tasks. Once you've learned the best practice, we encourage staff to discuss local procedures and workflows in your units.

  • We also encourage everyone to come together in Learning Circles - either cross-functional within units or on the same functions across units - to discuss how the implementation is going and how the new features and workflows in Alma might change work at Harvard.

  • Please continue to use the LTS Alma Support form to ask questions and report issues with Alma data, workflows, or roles & permissions. Asking these questions, and working groups providing answers, is an important part of everyone learning more about Alma. You can find the link in the Notifications widget in Alma, along with the link to Alma documentation on the LTS wiki.

  • You have a 1-page handout that contains a link to the Alma sandbox, the wiki page for this class, and a few other useful links. (If there are other handouts, describe them.) The script and all materials for this class are available to review on the wiki, and will continue to be updated with any changes in procedures.

Some quick logistics information: 

  • The nearest bathrooms & water supply are:
    • Lamont rooms: Restrooms are gendered by floor. Lamont 310 is on a men's room floor, Lamont B-30 is on a women's room floor.
    • 90 Mt Auburn: Two restrooms are on the opposite side of the building on the basement level, water is in the kitchenette and in a fountain by the restrooms
    • 625 Mass Ave: Restrooms are at the opposite end of the building on the 3rd floor, by the water fountain
  • Please ask questions when they come up; I will also pause between sections for questions and to make sure things are clear.

Let's start by introducing ourselves. (Go around the room and ask everyone to share their name, library/unit, and how this class relates to their work.)

Now, if you haven't already, please log in to Alma.

Fulfillment-related Searching

This is a review of searches that are relevant to Fulfillment functions, especially at circulation and other service desks. Everything we search for the next few minutes will be from the persistent search bar at the top of the screen.

Although searches will often contain electronic titles, we’ll focus on physical books and media in this class. For our main search example, we’ll use the Penguin Portable series found at Harvard libraries. (e.g., Portable Dante, Portable Harlem Renaissance Reader, etc.)

For this introductory section, I’ll give you instructions and we’ll be doing them at the same time using the same information. First we’ll look at how to view bibliographic, holdings, and item records from a search results list.

Viewing Bibliographic Records

  1. From the permanent search bar, select All Titles > Keywords > type “portable penguin”. ENTER
  2. Check that Sort by and Secondary Sort by are Rank. If not, change them to “Rank”
  3. You’re looking at the results of your search
  4. Click on any title. You’re now viewing the bibliographic record.
  5. Click the back arrow to the left of Record View
  6. In the upper right, click Expand and select Physical
    1. This displays the physical holdings for all results.
    2. Scroll down and note that there don’t happen to be any electronic holdings
    3. Harvard isn’t currently using digital records so this will always display empty.
    4. Click the grey close box near Expand: Physical

Viewing Holdings Records

  1. Click a Physical (1) link under any title.
    1. You’re looking at the holdings locations for a single title
  2. Click on the Holdings link
  3. From the “List of Holdings” page, click a Holdings ID link.
    1. You’re viewing the holdings record
  4. Click the Back Arrow to the left of Record View
  5. Click the Back Arrow to the left of List of Holdings

Viewing Item Records

  1. Click on any Physical (1) again
  2. Click on Items link
  3. Look at the information that’s displayed for you: library, call number
  4. Click on the barcode link.
    1. You’re viewing the item record.  You could also edit here, but don’t.
  5. Click the back arrow to the left of Physical Item Editor.
  6. Click the back arrow to the left of List of Items.

Title Searching vs. Item Searching

To make sure we’re on the same page, let’s repeat our search.

  1. From persistent search bar, select All Titles > Keywords > type “portable penguin”.
    1. Click Search button or hit Enter key
  2. Now change “All Titles” to “Physical Titles” and confirm that “Keywords” and “portable penguin” remain the same.
    1. Click Search button or hit Enter key
    2. Note that in this case, Physical Titles displays similar results as “All Titles,” with slightly less info
  3. For any single title, click on the “Physical” link to display the physical holdings for that one record.
  4. In the persistent search bar, change “Physical Titles” to “Physical Items” and confirm that “Keywords” and “portable penguin” remain the same.
    1. Click Search button
  5. Note how the display changes. You’re looking at individual items and each entry displays the barcode.

Barcode Search

  1. Select any barcode from the physical items results on your screen and copy it
  2. Do a search via All Titles > Keywords > paste the barcode
    1. Note the speed of the results
  3. Do another search via Physical Items > Barcode > paste the barcode
    1. This direct search often delivers faster results.

Call Number Search

  1. In persistent search bar, select Physical Titles or Physical Items
  2. For the second search delimiter, choose Permanent Call Number
  3. Type in the call number PN1996, which happens to cover screenwriting
  4. Note that an asterisk — one only — can and should be used at the end of an incomplete call number during a search to represent one or more characters
  5. Type in the call number PN199*, which covers a broader range of motion picture topics

Using Articles in a Search

Unlike many search engines, including articles like “the” can affect the results of a search. The Sort by and Secondary Sort by should both be set to Rank. Compare the following:

  1. Search for Physical Titles > Title > Way
    1. Look at the results.
  2. Search for Physical Titles > Title > The Way
    1. Note that the results of this search differ.


Now, for the rest of this training, I’ll give you instructions and we’ll be doing them at the same time. I’ll be using different barcodes so our screens will differ.

Loan an Item

For most Fulfillment activities, location matters in Alma. Please click on the location to see the drop-down of possible locations. If you frequently switch between library locations or work at a shared PC with someone who does, make a habit of double-checking location when you start using Alma. Also, if you have an icon instead of your location, check the Always Show Current Location.

Now, let's go through how to loan an item to a patron.

  1. From the main menu, hover over Fulfillment and select Manage Patron Services
  2. Scan in the patron's barcode (today, type in barcode #1 from your example sheet) and click Go
  3. By default, you’re viewing the Loans tab
    1. The default is always to display Loans of current session
    2. The patron session times out after five minutes of inactivity, for patron privacy reasons
  4. Scan the item barcode (type barcode #3) into the “Scan Item Barcode” field and click OK. The item is now loaned to the patron’s account
  5. To loan additional items, continue scanning in barcodes. (type in barcode #4)

While we're here, let’s see how you would Add a Note to a Loan.

  1. Click ellipsis or More Actions button for either of the just-loaned items
  2. Select View Notes
  3. Click Add Note
  4. Type in any text, then click the Add button
  5. Click the back arrow to the left of Loan Notes
  6. You’ll now see a green check in the Loan Notes column.

When might you use a loan note? Let’s say someone accidentally typed in a barcode of something that was still in a patron’s hands, or someone at a desk accidentally discharged something and needed to charge it back out. In either case, you’d want to loan it again with a note about what happened. Remember: Any note you add will be visible to a patron on their account, so choose your words with that in mind.

We're finished with this transaction, so move the mouse over the Done button

  • Note that CTRL+ALT+D appears as a shortcut
  • Click “Done” to close the patron record

Loan an Item to a Sponsor via a Proxy Account

Important: the patron needs to identify that they want to loan items to their sponsor account before items are loaned.

If a proxy (a.k.a. research assistant) is already affiliated with Harvard, they use their own Harvard ID to check out books.

  • Checking “proxy” allows you to select the sponsor for that loan.
  • Special proxy (a.k.a. research assistant) cards will still exist, but the only people who will have them will be non-Harvard affiliates working as proxies. 

To loan an item to someone who has identified themselves as a proxy for a faculty member or researcher:

  1. From the main menu, hover over Fulfillment and select Manage Patron Services
  2. Check the Use proxy checkbox
  3. Search for the proxy's barcode (type in barcode #2) - not the faculty/researcher
  4. Select the faculty/researcher they are acting as a proxy for from the drop-down menu and click Go
  5. Scan the item's barcode (type in barcode #5)

Loan an Item That Has No Barcode (a.k.a. Create Item)

If a patron presents an item to borrow that is not in the system, you can create an 'on-the-fly' item to loan the material now. Item records created on the fly will be reviewed when they are returned in the following way:

  • A request is automatically placed on these so when discharged, they’re en route to cataloging.
  • Any changes that need to be made to the catalog record will be made at that time.
  • When selecting a Citation Type, always choose “Book” no matter what type of item it is.

To loan an item that's not in the system or has no barcode:

  1. Select/Verify current location
  2. From the main menu, select Fulfillment > Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan in the patron's barcode (type in barcode #1) and click Go
  4. Click on the Create item link to the right of the Scan Barcode field
  5. Select Existing or New Holding Type.
    1. Best Practice: Use “New” even when barcoding a periodical volume because it’s faster and easier. The item is flagged so that the record is updated once the item is returned.
    2. Best Practice: Leave “Suppress for discovery” checked at all times.
  6. Choose Citation Type: Book
  7. Enter as much information about the item as possible.
    1. Under Item Information, you must include Location (and Collection), barcode, Material Type (Book, Issue, etc.) and Item Policy (Loan Period).
    2. Nothing is needed in the public note field.
    3. If the book is in another language and the patron is present, consider asking them for assistance with the title, author etc.
    4. Attach a barcode to the item using whatever is your local practice and scan it in. (type barcode #6 into field)
  8. Click Save
  9. The item will be loaned according to the Item policy entered and the patron’s status.

Return an Item

  • Follow local workflow protocols for handling hold shelf material
  • When an item that has a hold request for a patron is scanned in Return Items at the library that the patron selected for pickup, an email notification is sent telling them the item is on hold for them.
  • Remote storage items (Harvard Depository, ReCAP, etc.) no longer have to be returned to owning library before sending to remote storage.
  • If an item’s record needs work, for example, cataloging work by ITS, returning it will generate the message “Item is requested by another patron”
    • In this situation, “patron” includes both individuals and library departments, such as Conservation
    • The Return function is also used by departments when they’ve completed their work on a book

To return items:

  1. From the main menu, select Fulfillment > Return Items
  2. Scan in the barcodes (type barcode #7) into the Returns field
    1. Note that this is a regular return to the owning library (here, Widener)
  3. For another example, type barcode #8 into the Returns field
    1. Note that this is a Harvard Depository item.
  4. And now, type barcode #9 into the Returns field
    1. This item has a note

Renew an Item for a Patron

  • Patrons can renew their own items online in Primo.
  • You can renew one item, all items, or a set of loaned items for a patron.

To renew an item:

  1. Verify your Current Location from locator button
  2. From Fulfillment menu, select Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan in the patron's barcode (type barcode #1) and click Go
  4. From the drop-down Loan Display menu, select All Loans
  5. There are three renewal choices and each produces a different result:
    1. Renew all loans: Renew all by clicking Renew All above the loaned items list.
    2. Renew individual items: Individually renew each item by clicking on the row action items button (the ellipsis / …) and select Renew.
    3. Renew by changing date: Renew or change date for specific loans by selecting their boxes on left side of list, then clicking on Renew Selected or Change Due Date from the list
  6. If an item fails to renew - for example, if the item has been requested - you will see an alert at the top of the screen and the item will not loan.

Alma confirms how many items were or were not renewed successfully in a message with a blue background. A “fail” error alert with a red background may also appear.

About Patron Records

  • Staff with sufficient Alma clearance will be able to search for patrons by name
  • Alma refers to external users and internal users. Perhaps counter-intuitively:
    • External users are those loaded into Alma by Harvard’s database
    • Internal users are created within Alma, such as Interlibrary Loan institutions

View a Patron Record

  • As we've just seen, the loan display view has two options: Loans of this Session or All Loans. The default is always the current session.
  • Alma closes individual patron records after five minutes of inactivity.
  • Patron return lists are purged after a period of time, reportedly six months.

To view a patron record:

  1. Verify your Current Location
  2. From Fulfillment tab >> Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan in the patron barcode (type in barcode #1) and click Go
  4. To view all the patron’s loans:
    1. The Loans tab is selected by default
    2. The Loan Display option will always default to Loans of this session, meaning it will only show items that have been loaned to the patron in the current session
    3. To see all of the patron’s loans, including the current session, click on Loan Display and select All Loans
    4. A green check mark next to a loan means there is a note on the record
      1. Click a green check mark to see the note.
      2. If you did this, return by clicking the < back button to the left of Loan Notes
    5. To change how the list of loans displays, click on the gear icon to the right of the Renew links
      1. Any changes you make persist for your login, so you’ll see them each time you log into Alma
      2. For example, check the box next to Call Numbers to add the call number for each loaned item, then scroll down and click the Done box.
  5. To view a patron’s requests:
    1. Click on the Requests tab
  6. Click on ID to go to User Details
    1. Any dog-eared tabs contain information

Note: If you leave a patron record and return, you’re starting a new session, so the Loans of this session will now be blank.

View a Patron’s Fines or Fees

  1. Select/Verify current location
  2. From the main menu bar click FULFILLMENT > Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan in the patron's barcode (type barcode #1) and click Go
  4. Click the dollar value in the Active Balance link, which takes you to the User Details.
  5. Click Fines/Fees tab if you are not already on that tab
  6. Click Fine/Fee type to select a type, e.g., card renewal, lost item processing fee
  7. Click on Status to select a status (e.g., Closed)

Mark an Item Claimed Return, Lost, or Found

There are three additional statuses you can set for an item other than Loan on a patron record:

  • Selecting Claimed Return leaves the book charged to the patron’s account, though not accruing fines after the date of marking it Claimed Return.
  • Selecting Lost generates a fee for the book.
  • Selecting Found reverses either of these.

To change these statuses:

  1. Select/Verify current location
  2. From the main menu bar click FULFILLMENT > Manage Patron Services
  3. Type barcode#1 and click Go
  4. From the Loan Display, choose All loans
  5. From the list, locate the item(s) the patron is claiming were returned or lost
  6. For each item, select Claimed Return or Lost
    1. Once an item is set to Claimed Return, you will see both Lost and Found as choices in the row action item list
    2. Once an item is set to Lost, you will see only Found as a choice in the row action item list

Notifications: Overdue notices, fine notices, etc.

  • Patrons will receive notifications about hold requests, overdue items, lost bills, and so forth on a regular schedule.
    • These are being configured and will be ready by the launch of Alma.
    • For some activities, such as cancelling a request, you have the option not to notify the user (Unclick “notify the user” box.)

To Set a Patron as a Proxy or Create a Proxy Patron

To set a Harvard-affiliated patron as a proxy, you will need to have their Harvard ID on hand. Local practice determines what other verification you have that the student/research assistant is authorized to loan items out for that faculty member/researcher.

  1. Select/Verify current location
  2. From the main menu bar click FULFILLMENT > Manage Patron Services
  3. Scan in the patron's barcode (type in barcode #1)
  4. Click the number next to the word ID (under the Active Balance) to view the User Details page
    1. Go to the Identifiers tab
      1. Click Add Identifier
      2. Select Barcode from the Identifier Type drop-down and scan in the barcode of the proxy or RA’s Harvard ID (barcode #2)
      3. Click Add Identifier and select identifier type Additional
      4. Enter the first 8 digits of the person’s Harvard ID number
      5. Add note as needed and click Add
    2. Go to the Proxy For” tab
      1. Click Add Proxy For
      2. Scan in the sponsor's Harvard ID (in this class, use barcode #1 or your own Harvard ID)
      3. Click Add User to complete
  5. Click Save

To create a proxy patron for someone who is not affiliated with Harvard, you will need to have the sponsor’s Harvard ID at hand. Like normal patron records, each proxy record we create should have a Primary Identifier and two additional Identifiers.

  1. Select/Verify current location
  2. From the main menu bar click FULFILLMENT > Manage Patron Services
  3. Click the Register New User button and fill in the following fields:
    1. User Information: Fill in required fields and other fields as needed (Primary identifier is system generated but can be changed)
    2. User Management Information: Select No for institutional record and leave password field blank
    3. Email Addresses: Select email type and enter email address
    4. Addresses: Select address type and enter address
    5. Phone Number: Select phone type and enter phone number
    6. When all fields are complete, click Update User
  4. Click the number next to the word ID (under the Active Balance) to view the User Details page
    1. Go to the Identifiers tab
      1. Click Add Identifier
      2. Select Barcode from the Identifier Type drop-down and scan in the barcode of the proxy or RA’s Harvard ID (barcode #2)
      3. Click Add Identifier and select identifier type Additional
      4. Enter the first 8 digits of the person’s Harvard ID number
      5. Add note as needed and click Add
    2. Go to the Proxy For” tab
      1. Click Add Proxy For
      2. Scan in the sponsor's Harvard ID (in this class, use barcode #1 or your own Harvard ID)
      3. Click Add User to complete
    3. Click Save


Accuracy Matters!

Fields have minimal error-checking, so be careful inputting any information.

Billing: Fines and Fees

Comments you add will display in the patron's record and be visible to the patron. Therefore, be very careful to keep them neutral.

To prepare for the following actions:

  1. From the main menu bar click FULFILLMENT > Manage Patron Services
  2. Type barcode#1 or your own Harvard ID
    1. We suggest using your own so you can experiment in the same place
    2. Click on the number link to the right of “Active balance”
    3. Click the Fines/Fees tab

Add a Fine or Fee

  1. Click “Add Fine or Fee” link above the Fine/Fee menu bar to start
  2. Select a fee type from the Fee Type drop-down
  3. Enter a fee amount
  4. Enter the item barcode, if applicable
  5. Add a comment
  6. Click “Close” to add another or “Add and Close” to complete

Dispute a Fine or Fee

  1. Click the "More Actions" button for a fine/fee and select “Dispute”
  2. Add a comment.
  3. Click “Dispute” and click “Confirm” in the Dispute Confirmation pop-up to complete

Waive a Fine or Fee

  1. For any line, click on the ellipsis icon, also known as the "More Actions" button
  2. Select “Waive”
  3. Enter the amount you want to waive in the “Fee amount” field if this is a partial waive; otherwise leave the field as is
  4. Select a waiving reason from the drop-down menu and add a comment as needed
  5. Click “Waive” to continue, then click "Confirm" to complete your action

Notes about waiving fines/fees:

  • A fine waiver type does not display on the main patron screen of fines unless you click on the remaining balance, which is linked in blue.
  • Alternatively, you can waive fines by clicking the check box to the left of one or more lines and clicking the "Waive selected" link
  • You can select all fines by clicking the check box to the left in the results bar

Work Orders

Work Orders are a new concept in Alma, and affect multiple functional areas:

  • A work order is an internal library request to route physical materials to a specific department for internal processing
  • Work orders are based on context and are often automatic, that is, the next step in an item’s journey.
  • Use of work orders will depend on local practices.
  • There will be a separate “Managing department” for each unit that doesn’t fall under Widener collections care (this isn’t 100% configured yet)
  • Note that you can place a Work Order to Preservation for a book that you are circulating so that when it’s returned, it will route directly to Preservation.

For much more, see the Work Orders section of this wiki, and the Work Orders Staff Documentation - Job Aids page for specific processes.

Preservation Review

Situation: you have an item in hand that should be reviewed by Preservation staff.

  1. Scan the barcode into a physical item search in order to retrieve the item record
  2. Click on the ellipsis or “More Actions” button and select “Work Order”
  3. For Process type, select “Preservation Work Order”
  4. Leave checked “Do not pick from shelf”
  5. Add a note, for example, “some pages are loose”
  6. For Managing department, select “Collections Care (Widener)”
  7. Click the “Submit” button


That’s it for this class. You can learn more about Fulfillment activities in Fulfillment 2, which covers items, requests, pick lists, hold shelf, processing bins, missing, claimed return, and lost.

Many of you may also take the following classes:

  • Items and Holdings
  • Cataloging 1

After today, you’ll receive a link to an online evaluation form with 12 questions. It should only take a few minutes, and will help us improve these sessions and also to create long-term trainings for the future.