Berenson Export to Remote Storage - DONE
Berenson Export to Remote Storage - DONE
Exporting physical item requests to BER FTP location
Part I: Physical item request config:
- Configure New Remote Storage:
- Alma >General > Locations > Remote Storage: Add new remote storage
- Alma >General > Locations > Remote Storage: Add new remote storage
- Add new S/FTP connection type
- Put Public Key from Alma in the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the destination SFTP server
- NOTE: key is the same on both PSB and production environment
- Verify destination SFTP server accepts incoming traffic from ExLibris domains
- Alma > General> External systems > S/FTP definitions
- Can copy existing using duplicate option
- Use Edit option to Test FTP to make sure it's connecting
- NOTE: In Sandbox, you must also allow outgoing S/FTP connection for testing purposes
- Configure this at Alma > General > Allowed S/FTP connections
- This option doesn't exist in Production and isn't necessary as outgoing connections are not blocked
- Put Public Key from Alma in the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the destination SFTP server
- Add integration Profile for RS:
- Alma >General>Integration Profiles
- In Actions tab: Integration type - xml/ncip
- Export file path = blank (could be set up to export to a specific directory if needed)
- Job runs nightly at 24:00 Eastern time to export waiting requests to BER server
- Alma >General>Integration Profiles
- Add new Berenson Remote Storage Circ desk
- Picks from shelf = yes
- Supports digitization = yes (not really necessary as BER decided not to implement digitization workflows in Alma)
- Add operators who need to use this desk
- Add new Berenson locations/adjust existing locations to make them remote storage locations:
- Berenson decided to flip DEP, AUCT, STORE, and PER from regular locations to be remote storage locations
- Need to adjust Type, Fulfillment unit, remote storage field, and External name for this change
- Make sure they are associated with remote storage circ desk for reshelve relationship
- Items returned to remote storage from BER will be manually "reshelved" (scanned in) by BER remote storage staff who will use a generic circ login to do this work
- Make sure type = Remote storage and remote storage = Berenson Storage for each new location
- Berenson decided to flip DEP, AUCT, STORE, and PER from regular locations to be remote storage locations
- Adjust TOUs for BER:
- Go to Config > Fulfillment > Fulfillment units (Harvard University scope)
- In this case added new Fulfillment unit so that items in remote storage locations are requestable via HOLLIS (for physical requests); current Non Cambridge TOU does not allow for HOLLIS requesting.
- Fulfillment unit is called NONCAMBREQ
- On shelf request policy = anywhere to allow HOLLIS requesting for these locations
- Make sure New BER remote storage locations are in Fulfillment Unit locations
- Go to Rule type = request
- Add rule for BER requests remote storage for physical items such that they are requestable in HOLLIS:
- Add rule for BER requests remote storage for physical items such that they are requestable in HOLLIS:
Part II: Digitization Dept config:
NOTE: BER decided not to implement this. See page history (pre-August 30 2019) for info on how it was configured for testing.
, multiple selections available,