OCLC Reclamation - collection analysis, clean-up and enhancement

OCLC Reclamation - collection analysis, clean-up and enhancement


Collection overview Collection overview. Count of bibs and holdings by material type and resource type. Includes criteria that Alma uses to create resource type categories.Material type and Resource type by library (Analytics)Review report for resource types Microform, Electronic and Manuscript, and check the number of holdings with an 843, or 856 field. Use the location code to identify location codes assigned to reproduction or manuscript material. Highlight rows that need review and perform searched in Alma to evaluate collections.
Form of Item coded incorrectlyIdentify bibliographic records incorrectly coded as reproduction in 008 Form of item and change to blank.

Report name: Analysis of microform and electronic holdings

Data Sources:

Analysis of microform and electronic holdings (Analytics)

MMSID lookup - other holdings from Titles subject area (Analytics)

MarcEdit extract of LDR Type, Form of Item from 008, and 007 from holdings (Alma publishing & MarcEdit)

Highlight rows where form of item is coded incorrectly. Check for print format holding - either by owning library or one of the other libraries with a holding on the bib, or for bibs with holdings for multiple formats: MIC, MMF, NET, FIG, etc.
Reproduction formats lacking note (843) and physical characteristic field (007)Identify holdings where location code, call number or presence of 007 or 843 (but not both) indicates reproduction format.Highlight rows to select holdings for reproduction format that need 007 or 843 field added.
Non-English language of catalogingIdentify bibliographic records in WorldCat where holdings are on a non-English language of cataloging record. Extract OCNs and create an itemized set of physical titles. Remove 079s on all holdings on the matching bibs to ensure Reclamation match on English language of cataloging record.Query collection search in WorldShare Collection Manager: li:[OCLC symbol] not ll:engDownload MARC file from WSM and use MarcEdit to extract OCN in field 035. Create itemized physical titles set to use as input to norm rule.
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptReview bibliographic records coded as manuscripts where notes, physical description and other material indicate facsimile or reprint.

Report name: Analysis of manuscripts

Data sources:

Analysis of manuscripts (Analytics)

MarcEdit extract of LDR Type, LDR archival control, Form of Item in 008, 007 from holdings, 040 $e, and other fields as needed

Check titles where Resource type includes "Manuscript" (based on LDR Type), but other coding indicates a facsimile, or reproduction

Clean-up & enhancement

Correct manuscripts with incorrect Type (send spreadsheets to OCLC for correction QC)ManualCorrecting LDR Type can change the length and values in 008, so changes must be made manually. Correction should also be made in WorldCat if bib has an OCN (otherwise record will not match).

Set Form of Item to blank and remove 079 field from linked holdingsBatchFrom MMSIDs on spreadsheet, get IEP identifier and create a physical titles itemized set. Apply norm rule to correct.
Add 843 Reproduction note and 007 field to holdings for microforms, electronic reproductionsBatchFrom MMSIDs on spreadsheet, get IEP identifier and create a physical titles itemized set. Apply norm rule to generate a correctly coded 007 field, and 843 field with subfield $a Microfilm, Microfiche, or Electronic reproduction.
Non-English language of cataloging

Remove 079 field from all linked holdingsBatchSubmit physical titles itemized set to norm rule for correction.

Status by Library (Complete)

Berenson Library 

Contact: Paris O'Donnell  Status: Done

Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archivalDone
Analysis of microform and electronic

DoneForm of itemDoneNorm ruleDone
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneNorm ruleDone
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneNorm ruleDone
Leader Type incompatible with reproduction formatDoneManualDone
Analysis of manuscriptDoneIncorrectly coded as manuscriptDoneManualDone
Unknown resource typeDoneReview for incorrect Type, Level and Form of item valuesDoneManualDone
Non-English language of catalogingDoneExtract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneNorm ruleDone

Fine Arts 

Contact:   June Rutkowski Status: Done

ReportsStatusAnalysisStatusAction - BibAction - HolStatus
Collection OverviewDoneMICCO is for microform (unless call number indicates print guide, etc.). Call number S.C. for sales catalog are all print. XCAGE is all print materials. VISCO may include electronic reproduction formats.Done

Alysis of microform and electronic

DoneForm of item.Ready. Set of 5787 physical titles named: FAL set form of item to blankNorm rule changes Form of item to blankand also removes 079 from all linked holdingsDone
Missing microform 843 and/or 007Ready. Set of 287 physical titles named: FAL holdings to add 843 and/or 007Norm rule on holdings (zSYS - MFRM holdings Data Sync)Norm rule looks for 843 or 007 or presence of 'Microfilm' or 'Microfiche' in the call number and adds appropriate 843 and/or 007 if missing.Done 4/21/20 (CB)
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007. Consulting with Ruth on whether there are any in FAL collectionN/A. No electronic reproductions in FAL.

Leader Type incompatible with reproduction formatN/A. None found.

Analysis of manuscriptsDoneReview coding for theses. Propose coding Harvard theses at Type t in cases where 040 agency is also Harvard. Otherwise, code as Type a.In process

Analysis of thesesDonePropose coding original Harvard theses as manuscript with LDR Type t, and changing all photocopy theses coded as Type t to Type aReady. Set of 92 physical titles named: FAL - Harvard thesesNorm rule checks for a) Type a + 502 note contains 'Harvard' + 040 $a is HFL, MH-FA, MH-RB and changes to Type t and b) Type t + 502 not not contains 'Harvard' + 843 contains 'Photocopy' and changes to Type a


4/21/20 (AP)

Non-English language of cataloging
Query collection li:HFL not ll:eng gets 7328 WorldCat bibsReady. Set of 5299 physical titles named: HFLnonEngCat,
Norm rule removes 079 from all linked holdingsDone

Center for Hellenic Studies

Contact:  Erika Bainbridge    Status: Done

ReportsStatusAnalysisStatusAction - BibAction - HolStatus
Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival

Analysis of microform and electronic

DoneForm of itemDoneNorm rule changes Form of item to blankand also removes 079 from all linked holdingsDone 5/13/2020. AP
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneNorm rule on holdings (zSYS - HEL microforms)Norm rule looks for location codes for MFIC and MLFM and adds appropriate 843 and/or 007 if missing.Done 5/13/2020. AP
Analysis of manuscriptDoneIncorrectly coded as manuscriptDoneCorrected 10-12 records manually

Done 5/13/2020.


Non-English language of catalogingDoneQuery collection li:HCH no ll:eng gets 2668 WorldCat bibsReady. Set of 262 physical titles named: HELnonEngCat
Norm rule removes 079 from all linked holdingsDone 5/11/2020. AP

Cabot Science

Contact: Jia Lin Jin    Status: Done

ReportsStatusAnalysisStatusAction - BibAction - HolStatus
Collection OverviewDoneAsking Jia Lin about CDROM and MFIC collections, and whether there are any others that can contain reproduction formats.Done
Analysis of microform and electronic

DoneForm of itemDoneChange form of item to blank in 96 bibsRemove 079 in all linked holdingsDone 5/26/2020. AP
Missing microform 843 and/or 007Done
Add 843 / 007 in 128 holdingsDone 5/26/2020. AP
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007Done
Change 843 $a from "Reproduction (DVD)." to "Electronic reproduction." in 527 holdingsDone 5/26/2020. AP
Analysis of manuscriptDoneMost are theses. Checking with MSWG on coding of Harvard theses at Type t and non-Harvard theses as Type a, and whether any should be coded with LDR 08 = a. Also a handful of photocopies.In process
  • Change Type t to a for non-Harvard theses with photocopy in 843 note. 45 bibs.
  • Change Type a to t for Harvard theses that are not manuscripts. 5244 bibs
  • Remove LDR-08 archival byte from theses in 179 bibs.

Done 5/26/2020. AP
Non-English language of catalogingDoneli:CLS not ll:eng gets 1084 bibs in WorldCatDone

Set name: CLSnonEngCat, 775 bibs in physical titles set. Run norm rule to remove 079 for all linked holdings.


Dumbarton Oaks

Contact:   Sandra Parker-Provenzano Status: Done

ReportsStatusAnalysisStatusAction - BibAction - HolStatus
Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archivalDone
Analysis of microform and electronic

DoneForm of item
Update 291 bibsRemove 079 from all holdingsDone
Missing microform 843 and/or 007

Update 210 holdingsDone.
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007

Update 6 holdingsDone
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript
Update 116 bibs

Non-English language of catalogingDone

Query collection li:DDO not ll: eng gets 2668 WorldCat bibs.

Ready. Set of 1881 physical titles named: DDOnonEngCat,
Norm rule removes 079 from all linked holdingDone 5/11/2020. AP


Contact: Nell Carlson    Status: Done

Collection OverviewDone
Analysis of microform and electronic

DoneForm of itemChanged Form of item to blank in 573 bibsRemoved 079 from 1778 holdingsDone. 6/16/2020
Missing microform 843 and/or 007
Added 843 and or 007 to 2300 holdingsDone. 6/16/2020
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007N/A

Analysis of manuscript
Changed manually by DIV

Non-English language of cataloging

Removed 079 field from 1444 holdings

Done. 6/15/2020.


Contact:  Karen Carlson Young    Status: Done

ReportsStatusAnalysisStatusAction - BibAction - HolStatus
Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archivalDone

Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemDoneSet Form of Item to blank in 1900 bibs.Removed 079 from linked holdings from 1900+ holdingsDone. AP 6/30/2020
Missing microform 843 and/or 007Done
Added 843 007 to 192 holdingsDone. AP 6/30/2020
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript
Corrected manually by GUT

Non-English language of cataloging
Query collection li:HMG no ll:engDone
Remove 079 field from 130 holdingsDone. 6/15/2020

Kennedy School & Center for Science and International Affairs

Contact:   Tom Ma   Status: Done

Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemNone

Missing microform 843 and/or 007None

Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007None

Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptManually fixed 6 records

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatSet of 59 bibs. KSGNonEngLangCat.Removed 079 fields from holdings on non-English language of cataloging bibs.Done. AP 7/21

Baker Library (Harvard Business School)

Contact:   Elke Piontek, Christine Riggle   Status: Done

Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of item s to blank - 26071 bibs with other holdings (including BAK microform) incorrectly coded as ElectronicDone.Updated bib form of item to blank and deleted OCN in field 079 from all linked holdings.Done. AP 7/25/20
Form of item s to a - 22710 bibs with microfilm holdings only incorrectly coded as ElectronicDone.Updated bib form of item to a and deleted OCN in field 079 from all linked holdings.Done. AP 7/25/20
Form of item a or b to blank - 2106 bibs with coded for microform with other non-micro holdingsDoneUpdated bib form of item to blank and deleted OCN in field 079 from linked holdingsDone. AP 7/26/20
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneAdded 843 and or 007 to 2635 holdingsDone. AP 7/27/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript
Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat717 bibs.Done.Done. AP 7/25/20

Countway Medicine

Contact:   Tom Ma   Status: Done

Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemDone.Set form of item to blank in 577 bibs. Removed 079 from linked holdings.Done 7/30/20
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneEnhanced 135 holdings to add 843 and or 007 for microformDone 7/31/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatSet of 1536 bibs. HMSNonEngLangCat.Removed 079 from holdings on 811 non-Eng language of cataloging bibs.Done 7/30/20

Harvard Yenching

Contact:   Isabel Quintana   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemDoneSet form of item to blank in 4,321 bibs, and removed 079 from linked holdings.Done. 8/24/20
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneAdded 843 and or 007 to 2061 holdingsDone. 8/23/20
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007None.

Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptOn hold

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatReady. Set of 3411 physical titles HMYNonEngLangCat.Norm rule removes 079 from all linked holdings.Done 8/25/20.

Master Microforms

Contact:  Katherine Sweeney, Robert Heintz  Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemDone.Set Form of Item to blank in 23977 bibs, and all linked holdings.Done. 8/26/20.
Missing microform 843 and/or 007Done.Updated 24164 holdings.Done. 8/25/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptOn hold.

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatNone.

Microforms (Lamont)

Contact:   Jia Lin Jin   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of item
Updated 18897 bibs and linked holdingsDone 9/8/20.
Missing microform 843 and/or 007Done.Updated 17361 holdings to add 007 and or 843Done. 9/5/20.
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptOn hold.

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat

Widener (WID)

Contact:   Various   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemDoneChanged Form of Item to blank in 38402 bibs. Removed 079 from linked holdings.Done. 8/30/20.
Missing microform 843 and/or 007Done.Updated 518 holdings.Done. 8/30/20.
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007Done.Updated 4782 843 fields to 'Electronic reproduction'.Done. 8/29/20.
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptOn hold.

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDone.Deleted 079 fields from holdings on 51890 bibs.


Contact:   Various   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of item
Changed Form of Item to blank in 488 bibs. Removed 079 from linked holdings.Done. 8/31/20.
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneUpdated 34 holdings to add 007.Done. 8/31/20.
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptOn hold.

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat
Recorded in section for Widener.

Networked Resources (FIG)

Contact:   Various   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of item
Updated 9902 bibs and updated linked holdingsDone. 9/8/20
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript
Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat

Map Collection

Contact:   Zuzana Nagy   Status: Done

Collection OverviewDone.Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of microform and electronic

Form of itemDoneSet form of item to blank in 20 bibs and removed 079 from linked holdings.
Missing microform 843 and/or 007
Updated 2 holdings
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007None.

Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptOn hold.

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat
Updates under Widener section.

arvard Film Archive

Contact: Christine Eslao   Status: Done

Collection OverviewDoneInterview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

DoneForm of item
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007
Analysis of manuscriptDoneIncorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of catalogingDibeExtract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat


Contact:   June Rutowski   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDoneChanged to blank in 89 bibsDone. AP 10/20/20
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneAdded 007 and or 843 to 3090 holdingsDone. AP 10/20/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 from 2479 bibs.Done. AP 10/20/20


Contact:   Tom Ma   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.

Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDone3534 Bibs change to blank form of item. Removed 079 from linked holdings.Done. AP 10/22/20
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneUpdated 3079 holdings.Done. AP 10/29/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 in linked holdings on 6669 bibs with HVL holdings on nonEnglishLang bibs in WorldCat.

Tozzer (TOZ, PEA)

Contact:   Isabel Quintana   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.DoneN/AN/A
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDoneSet form of item to blank in 272 bibs and all linked holdings.Done 11/16.
Missing microform 843 and/or 007DoneAdded 007 and or 843 to 1094 holdings.Done 11/16.
Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 from holdings on 1530 bibsDone 11/16.

Loeb Music

Contact:  Anne Adams  Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.Done.

Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDone.Change form of item to blank in 1316 bibs and all linked holdings.Done 11/23
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007Done.Add 843 and or 007 to 3658 holdings.Done 11/24
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDone.Removed 079 from holdings linked to 627 bibsDone 11/23.

Harvard Art Museum, Straus Center for Conservation

Contact:   Megan Schwenke/Alicia Morris   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.Done

Analysis of electronic

Form of itemNone

Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007None

Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptNone

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatNone


Contact:   Jia Lin Jin  Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDone.Form of item to blank in 119 bibsDone. 12/17/20
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneEnhanced 58 holdingsDone. 12/17/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptNA

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 from holdings on 963 bibsDone. 12/17/20

Smithsonian Astrophysics (WOL S)

Contact:   Daina Bouquin   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDoneForm of item to blank in 25 bibsDone. 12/17/20
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneEnhanced 40 holdingsDone. 12/17/20
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscriptNA

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 from holdings on 59 bibsDone. 12/17/20


Contact:   Lee Sullivan   Status: In Process

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.DoneN/AN/A
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDoneUpdated 145 bibs2/8/21
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneUpdated 130 holdings2/8/21
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneUpdated 154 holdings on 162 bibs2/10/21

Botany Libraries (ARN, AJP, ORC, ARG, FOR, ECB, FAR, GRA)

Contact:   Chris Robson   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDoneUpdated 98 bibs2/10/21
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneUpdated 142 holdings2/17/21
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneUpdated 1517 holdings on 1400 bibs2/17/21

Ernst Mayr

Contact:  Joe DeVeer    Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDoneUpdated 77 bibs2/19/21
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007DoneUpdated 360 holdings2/19/21
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 in 1450 holdings2/19/21


Contact:   Kate Bowers   Status: Done







Collection Overview

Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.



Analysis of electronic

Form of item

DoneCorrected 6 records manually.Done 3/8/21

Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007

DoneUpdated 52 records.Done 3/8/21

Analysis of manuscript

Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging

Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat

DoneRemoved 079 in 8 holdingsDone 3/8/21

Networked Resources (NET)

Contact:   Various   Status: Done

Collection Overview
Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.
Analysis of electronic

Form of item

Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007

Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCat

Houghton (HOU, POE, THE)

Contact:  Susan Pyzynski    Status: Done

Collection Overview

Interview library contact about locations and practices for reproductions and

manuscripts/archival. MFRM location or permanent call number 'film med'.

Analysis of electronic

Form of itemDone.Form of item to blank in 2805 bibs.Done 3/12/21.
Missing electronic reproduction 843 and/or 007Done.Updated 6805 holdingsDone 3/12/21.
Analysis of manuscript
Incorrectly coded as manuscript

Non-English language of cataloging
Extract query collection for non-English cataloging holdings in WorldCatDoneRemoved 079 from 810 holdingsDone 3/12/21