Alma Recommendations (DARA)

Alma Recommendations (DARA)

About DARA Recommendations

DARA (Data Analysis Recommendation Assistant) is a service for Alma that uses smart algorithms to provide recommendations to improve workflows and optimize Alma configurations for more efficient use. See Ex Libris Knowledge Center documentation of DARA.

Some Harvard Library functional teams, such as e-resources, rely on DARA recommendations as part of their workflow.

Accessing Recommendations

Recommendations are accessed from the robot face icon in the upper right corner of the Alma screen. The number represents active recommendation notices awaiting attention. 

IMPORTANT: Do not clear active recommendation notices!

DARA recommendations in Alma are global, not individual. This means that if you remove the notices in your Alma session, they will be removed for all Alma users, not just you.

Since some library staff rely on these recommendations for their work. we ask that you not make any changes to recommendations unless you have explicit instructions to do so.

Assigning Recommendations

The June 2021 release adds the ability to assign DARA recommendations, either to yourself or others.

The recommendation list can also be filtered to remove items assigned to others or to only show items assigned to you.

Hiding DARA Recommendations

The New Alma Menu Layout allows you to hide DARA recommendations, if not needed for your work.

  1. Click More Options:

    Screen shot of Alma menu with arrow pointing to More Options

  2. Then Customize:

    Screen shot of Alma More Options Menu with arrow pointing to Customize

  3. And drag the DARA icon under Hide Icons:

    Screen shot of Alma Customize menu showing Dara icon under Hide Icons

  4. You must click Save. (This varies from the customization of the left main menu configuration).