Open Problems and Questions

Open Problems and Questions



StatusPriorityIssue/QuestionImpactResolution OwnerResolution/DecisionNotes



SSO logins for staffStaff will log in with email and password for nowIndex DataIPLC is prioritizing this availability ahead of release. This is important functionality that will allow staff to login via HarvardKey. However, we have no asked this to be prioritized so we can ensure that ReShare is functioning for staff testing ahead of launch. 



Patron Messaging for D2D issuePatrons will still be able to access old interface, Index DataThis is in discussion with Index Data

From Amy Deschanes: I would advocate to add a message and to hide the search box and upper right links so folks can’t use it. Otherwise, it could be a terrible experience for our most experienced users. I’ve attached a mockup for reference.  bd-landing page mockup.pdf



Shelving Locations

Can now separate requests, though options do not "stick". Cannot combine multiple shelving locations across multiple libraries. Saving search parameters for quick usage is also an enhancement request

Index DataThis is in discussion with Index DataNot a blocker, but not ideal. 



Multi-Volume ProcessingPartnership is using workaround to process multi-volume requests.Index Data

In ReShare, multi-volume requests that we borrow from partners cannot be returned one volume at a time, as we currently are able to in RelaisD2D.

If one item is returned in ReShare, it automatically checks in all of the remaining volumes from Alma, removing them from the patron's account and closes the record in ReShare.



Accessibility ConcernsUX team has completed an accessibility report of the patron interface. There are 19 issues, 8 of which are designed as high priority (critical errors). Index Data

The report is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i1o8rI4S8SubACuPlGVi-M3qi85j7rjTgNNXOAvYQZg/edit#gid=1402933947


LOWConsecutive "checkouts" on same item allowedUnexpected response: already "out" item able to be checked out again for another requestIndex Data
Alma does not return an error message for repeated NCIP checkouts of the same item to a resource sharing partner. All checkouts are logged in the Resource Sharing Lending view in Alma.

Scope/liklihood of this being an issue in production is unclear. To confirm behavior in Alma NCIP with ExLibris/potentially work with Index Data on a solution if necessary.

Completed Issues



1.8 upgrade

  • Reduce staff processing times by combining steps for fill request and marked shipped
  • Ability to see shelving location (required for HD and RD to determine which requests are at remote storage)
  • Staff will see limited requests and will need to monitor filters in place and continuously uncheck selections
  • CheckInItem purges temporary bib record in Alma
  • Notes display on request
  • Cannot turn off and on, or separate branch requests with offsite storage locations - cannot take a tiered approach to ramp up the launch. 
Index DataUpgrade delayed until PACLI upgrade can be completed.  Initial upgrade pass for PALCI failed to undetermined reason.

1.8 includes  a new setting called 'Combine supplier actions 'fill request' and 'mark shipped'' in Settings>Resource Sharing>State/action configuration can be changed to allow the two actions to be combined into a single action.

"Hide complete" and other checkboxes do not "stick" after selected - need to select over and over again

Update 7/14/22: If "fill" and "ship" happen at the same time, you CANNOT undo the request to fix it afterward (including adding additional volumes) - no way to send a message to un-ship



Requests for locally available material are on hold
Index DataQuestion: Do we want to manually process these, or go to next lender?

Currently, patrons can submit requests for locally held materials in ReShare. ReShare's auto-responder can be toggled to either require staff intervention in these instances (e.g. to place a hold locally for the requested item) or to automatically reject the request as a lender and push it to the next lender in the rota

    • Added to ILLiad integration



1.10.1 ReleaseCannot separate book bands for on campus and offsite storage locationsIndex DataCan now separate requests, though options do not "stick". Cannot combine multiple shelving locations across multiple libraries. Saving search parameters for quick usage is also an enhancement request1.10.1 release to resolve this



1.10 Release
  • Book bands - need scannable barcodes to display
  • Vital for HD/Recap to create pick-lists. We cannot enable lending from HD/ReCAP without this functionality; staff would need to look up each item in HOLLIS/Alma for the barcode ahead of retrieving item. Also for staff to match requests to the correct item in-stacks.
Index Data

1.8 release now allows us to separate HD/ReCAP requests. We can turn off HD/ReCAP to go live with lending until we have scannable barcodes. 



A few bugs found in testing, workflow issues to review
Index DataSolutions/workarounds found for issues
  • Combining returned by patron and return shipped doesn’t seem to work – we are receiving an error message when attempting to mark as shipped return, bypassing the mark returned by patron. We have ensured the settings were changed. - This is a confirmed issue that Index Data is investigating. You can perform this functionality on the flow page, but not the update screen. 
  • Possible enhancement request? Update all as “shipped” in one action (could there be checkmarks for everything that is at the filled status?) We have combined the steps in our settings, but still would like the undo functionality, so are trying to balance the option that takes the least amount of staff processing time
  • Branch printing – we need more lending requests to test how HD and ReCAP will do their own printing. As of now, it doesn’t seem that we can separate those requests. We can see the separate locations in the Host LMS shelving locations
  • Multi-volume requesting – can we walk through end-to-end processing of this? Curious about printing extra book bands, where barcodes show, etc.



Multi-volume processing for borrowing requestsDegradation from current service. 
Partnership decision: Lending institution will write to borrowing institution that request came for more than one volume (if in notes of request) Borrowing institution will submit individual requests for each volume 

In ReShare, multi-volume requests that we borrow from partners cannot be returned one volume at a time, as we currently are able to in RelaisD2D.

If one item is returned in ReShare, it automatically checks in all of the remaining volumes from Alma, removing them from the patron's account and closes the record in ReShare.

Options to decide amongst partnership:

  • Hold on to all multi-volume requests in RS office before processing in ReShare (would be an issue for space)
  • Only allow single volume requests (not good service for patrons). Also due to logic rules, would require manual intervention from staff.



OpenURL functionality

Ability to submit requests from VuFind via OpenURL to ILLiad. We cannot proceed with borrowing without this functionality; we cannot even test this functionality until it becomes available. 

Index Data



VuFind Corrupted Diacritics Search and display of characters does not work.

Index Data
From James:  Right now, this does not appear to be an issue with POD. In the examples we've seen (including those listed here), the records look completed normal in ReShare's mod-metastorage system, which means that the data coming from POD is fine. This seems to strictly be an issue with how the data is moving from mod-metastorage into VuFind, and Index Data is looking into the reason for it.



Atlas AddOn not availableCannot test borrowingAtlas/ID

To test when available:

  • OpenURL settings
  • IDS logic rules
  • Does IDS catch duplicate requests?
  • Requests for locally available material - will IDS logic catch these, or do we change ReShare auto responder setting? If we keep setting as is, we would like to test functionality within ILLiad, allowing IDS logic to catch these and place in queue for staff to put item on hold? 
    Or do we want to configure to skip and go to next lender? If we do this and they come back unfilled, staff will need to remember to check our holdings. 
  • Do patron notes (volume requests) transfer to ReShare?



Requests go to auto not supply even when available
Index Data

We submitted 16 requests on Monday 8/29, and of those 16, 10 went immediately to End of Rota. Have put a question in Basecamp about this - Jason



  • Requests not being filled without going to a lender
  • Ebooks display in VuFind, which is unexpected

Index Data
Response from James 7/19:
This is a known issue, and I'm working on it with Index Data. There are few ways to accomplish this - both in how we go about it and what the end result looks like (i.e. making these holdings discoverable but not allowing a request to be submitted vs. not making these holdings discoverable in the first place) - but the end result will be that patrons will not be able to submit requests for materials where it is known prior to a Z39.50 check (i.e. due to item type, shelving location, etc.) that no lendable copies exist within the BorrowDirect environment. This will be completed prior to going live.

This should ensure patrons do not submit requests for things such as licensed e-resources and other non-lendables, and it should also prevent situations of requests going into an End of Rota state without any lenders being added to the rota.