GAISTEM development team

GAISTEM development team


1) all code open source
2) spiral development approach, rapid iterations
3) clear vision of user need and focus on user experience
4) internal design and code reviews. 
5) version control via GitHub
6) manage as an integrated and cohesive effort
7) minimum committment of 10 hours per week of effort
8) HR and time sheet and payroll aspects managed by Bok Center
9) common choice of toolkit (langchain, etc) to the extent possible. 

(1-3 with 5 being high)
1: single course
2: 3-5 courses
3: >5 courses
effort scope
(1-3 with 3 being low)
1: > 1 calendar month
2: ~ 1 calendar month
3: < 1 month

classroom  information synthesis for active learning: Google form gathers student input, sent to  canned prompts and displays on screen, 1-button workflow for instructor313
implement nano-GPT in jupyter notebook 236
implement ability to execute queries on course-specific uploaded materials313
facilitate upload of student sessions as parsable text into grading system326
implement course management tools-
  1. grade sheet analysis and interrogation
  2.  automated generation of lecture notes from recordings and slides. 
incorporate chat functionality into course Slack channel339

new-course development toolkit

  1. generate course outline and save into useful format
  2. drill down to more specific lecture development
  3. generate homework and assessment tools from lecture material
  4. identify implicit expectations of student preparation
perform assessment of student preparation, based on instructor expectations326
perform assessment of student preparation, based only on uploaded course materials313
instructional lab data browsing, tailored to individual courses111
generation of lecture notes from recorded transcripts and video capture of blackboard? 313
Dynamic HW system, multishot training to guide student interaction313
Assess optimal temperature setting to maximize learning effectiveness (this is an experiment) 313
Assess performance of image capture for HW assessment. "work this problem then upload image of your work"326
Assess appropriateness of uploaded exam based on uploaded course materials covered thus far (hw, lecture transcripts, etc.)313

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