Course management examples.
Course management examples.
application | sample prompt | development needed |
generation of new-course outline | you are a professor at a highly selective University. Construct a syllabus for a 12 week course, with two 90 minute lectures per week, about numerical methods for applications in the life sciences. | none |
generation of single-lecture outline | you are a professor at a highly selective University. Construct an outline for a 90 minute lecture targeted at molecular biology seniors, on contemporary genetic comparison methods. Include examples from sequence analysis, BLAST, and other tools, with specific code examples. | none |
generation of worked examples for a section discussion on basic mechanics | I am supposed to teach a one-hour long discussion section for 20 undergraduate engineering students, on the topic of torques and angular momentum. Can you provide some appropriate worked examples, including one numerical problem, that would capture the interest of these students. | none |
student support- grade-sheet queries | upload grade data table, then execute useful queries as if it were a database. | perhaps integration with on-line grade sheet tools? |
Active lecture support: student-input distillation and synthesis, during active lectures | I will upload a text file with student input obtained during an active lecture. Please summarize the top three questions and requests for clarification. Be as specific as possible. | workflow facilitation from Google forms or equivalent to compendium of input (with anonymized attributions) to GAI. Execution of a preloaded query would be a time-saver as well. The goal is to have one-button management of this by the instructor. Perhaps an HTML page with pre-loaded question/prompt for students that generates Goodle form, query to be executed, pointer to results file, and display of GAI output? |
Grade-sheet management and data exploration | see example | Needs combination of data analytics and privacy. |
Student support- upload of GAI transcript of student interaction for assignments and grading. | workflow of GAI interaction to a gradable format, along with student identifiers . Do we need some kind of file folder structure, one per student? What's the data structure we will construct and support? | |
Virtual discussion group using Slack and GAI participation. This changes the 1:1 interaction model to 1:many. Also applicable to projects and interest groups. | hey @gpt what do you think about our discussion about the historical evolution from a barter economy to one that uses money? | Integration of GAI with course-specific Slack channel. |
data exploration and analysis and model comparison from instructional lab data | (need to turn on advanced data analytics ) | Workflow of data to GAI analytic capability. Needs GPT-4 like data analytics and a pathway for moving the data, and capturing the results in a submittable analysis notebook. |
capture and distill student input in real time, one-click for instructor | data input from students, aggregation, pass to AI, deliver to instructor | |
add AI entity to work-with-your neighbor | none? But we have talked about ways to extend the 1:1 interaction model to 1:many, akin to breakout rooms | |
real-time feedback to instructor from transcript parsing. Let the AI ask questions? | audio to text to AI to instructor | |
replace 'clicker' questions with more interactive assessments. | none? capture the exchange and initial answers? | |
automated generation of classroom notes? | audio and video to text to dissemination | |
capture who is in attendance through AI login | need timestamped login and activity information by HUID, sent to Canvas | |
active-learning with AI facilitation and feedback. | worksheet with links, that sequentially executes prompts and captures the exchange? | |
capture in-class demos and post to canvas | same as capturing student input, just goes to folder with that day's lecture. | |
capture code generated in demos | same as capturing student input, just goes to folder with that day's lecture. capture code generated in demos | |
SLack channel integration for in-class behind the scenes exchanges | integration of AI with Harvard Slack | |
what about labs and sections? |
, multiple selections available,
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