Querying the ATLAS database

Querying the ATLAS database

The ATLAS forced photometry server can be queried by following this API guide. 

The API guide code can easily be turned into a script that will query the database for an arbitrary amount of locations. Here's a sample notebook that works with Chris's compiled KMT events (see the microlensing page): Sample ATLAS API Notebook.ipynb. It's almost identical to the API guide, but includes a few more options when you send the request and is in script format.

A few notes about this process:

  • The connection to the server resets and stops taking new requests seemingly randomly. So you can load usually a few hundred tasks into the queue and then it will stop working (although I've seen this number vary between 10 and 3000). Once this happens, the code in the notebook then switches to downloading those requests as they finish.
  • The server can sometimes do a 1 to 3 requests in parallel, I think, so there isn't much value to sending many new requests before waiting for the ones you've sent to complete.
  • Sometimes the server will stop responding (or some other issue occurs) while you're trying to download tasks. Check your queue and you will see tasks that have data but didn't successfully download https://fallingstar-data.com/forcedphot/queue/

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