ATLAS variable catalog description

ATLAS variable catalog description


J/AJ/156/241 A first catalog of variable stars measured by ATLAS (Heinze+, 2018)

A first catalog of variable stars measured by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact
Last Alert System (ATLAS).
    Heinze A.N., Tonry J.L., Denneau L., Flewelling H., Stalder B., Rest A.,
    Smith K.W., Smartt S.J., Weiland H.
   <Astron. J., 156, 241-241 (2018)>
   =2018AJ....156..241H    (SIMBAD/NED BibCode)

ADC_Keywords: Stars, variable ; Binaries, eclipsing ; Photometry ; Optical ;
              Stars, distances ; Photometry, SDSS ; Surveys
Keywords: binaries: eclipsing - catalogs - stars: variables: delta Scuti -
          stars: variables: general - stars: variables: RR Lyrae - surveys

    The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) carries out
    its primary planetary defense mission by surveying about 13000 deg2
    at least four times per night. The resulting data set is useful for
    the discovery of variable stars to a magnitude limit fainter than r∼18,
    with amplitudes down to 0.02 mag for bright objects. Here, we present
    a Data Release One catalog of variable stars based on analyzing the light
    curves of 142 million stars that were measured at least 100 times in
    the first two years of ATLAS operations. Using a Lomb-Scargle periodogram
    and other variability metrics, we identify 4.7 million candidate variables.
    Through the Space Telescope Science Institute, we publicly release light
    curves for all of them, together with a vector of 169 classification
    features for each star. We do this at the level of unconfirmed candidate
    variables in order to provide the community with a large set of
    homogeneously analyzed photometry and to avoid pre-judging which types
    of objects others may find most interesting. We use machine learning
    to classify the candidates into 15 different broad categories based on
    light-curve morphology. About 10% (427000 stars) pass extensive tests
    designed to screen out spurious variability detections: we label these
    as "probable" variables. Of these, 214000 receive specific classifications
    as eclipsing binaries, pulsating, Mira-type, or sinusoidal variables:
    these are the "classified" variables. New discoveries among the probable
    variables number 315000, while 141000 of the classified variables are new,
    including about 10400 pulsating variables, 2060 Mira stars, and
    74700 eclipsing binaries.

      ATLAS (Tonry et al. 2018PASP..130f4505T) is designed to detect small
    (10-140 m) asteroids on their "final plunge" toward impact with Earth.
    Because such asteroids can come from any direction and go from undetectable
    to impact in less than a week, ATLAS scans the whole accessible sky every
    few days. To achieve this, we use fully robotic 0.5 m f/2 Wright Schmidt
    telescopes with 10560x10560 pixel STA1600 CCDs yielding a 5.4x5.4 degree
    field of view with 1.86 arcsec pixels. The first ATLAS telescope commenced
    operations in mid-2015 on the summit of Haleakala on the Hawaiian island
    of Maui, and the second was installed in 2017 January/February at Maunaloa
    Observatory on the big island of Hawaii. On a typical night, each ATLAS
    telescope takes four 30 s exposures of 200-250 target fields covering
    approximately one-fourth of the accessible sky. Together, the two telescopes
    cover half of the accessible sky each night.
      The ATLAS DR1 catalog we present herein makes a major contribution even
    in the context of the great expansion of known variable stars described
    in Section 1.1. It is based on analyzing the photometric time series
    (light curves) of 142 million stars, which we refer to herein as the
    "ATLAS light-curve set", and from which we identify 4.7 million as
    candidate variables.
      The ATLAS telescope on Haleakala observes with two customized, wide
    filters designed to optimize detection of faint objects while still
    providing some color information. The "cyan" filter (c; covering 420-650 nm)
    is used during the two weeks surrounding the new Moon; the "orange" filter
    (o; 560-820 nm) is used in lunar bright time. As described in Tonry et al.
    (2018PASP..130f4505T), the o and c filters are well-defined photometric
    bands with known color transformations linking them to the Pan-STARRS g, r,
    and i bands (Magnier et al. 2016arXiv161205242M). This initial data release
    is based on the first two years of operation of the Haleakala telescope
    only and covers observations taken up through the end of 2017 June.

File Summary:
 FileName      Lrecl  Records   Explanations
ReadMe            80        .   This file
table4.dat      1911  4817370  *ATLAS catalog of candidate variable stars
Note on table4.dat: In Table 4, two-character prefixes encode which stage of the
  ATLAS analysis produced the feature: "fp" means fourierperiod, "vf" means
  varfeat, "df" means the feature came from our statistical analysis of
  detections in the difference images, "ps" means from the proximity statistics
  (i.e., the angular distance to nearest neighboring star), and "ls" means

See also:
 II/264 : ASAS Variable Stars in Southern hemisphere (Pojmanski+, 2002-2005)
 II/250 : Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+ 2004)
 B/gcvs : General Catalogue of Variable Stars (Samus+, 2007-2017)
 II/337 : VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea Survey DR1 (Saito+, 2012)
 II/349 : The Pan-STARRS release 1 (PS1) Survey - DR1 (Chambers+, 2016)
 J/AcA/48/35      : All Sky Automated Survey variable stars (Pojmamski 1998)
 J/AJ/119/1901    : ROTSE all-sky surveys for variable stars (Akerlof+, 2000)
 J/AcA/52/129     : DIA OGLE2 candidate variable stars catalog (Wozniak+, 2002)
 J/AcA/59/33      : ASAS. Variable stars catalog in Kepler field.
                                                               (Pigulski+, 2009)
 J/ApJS/213/9     : Catalina Surveys periodic variable stars (Drake+, 2014)
 J/AJ/150/107     : Variable stars from TNTS. I. 2012-2014 (Yao+, 2015)
 J/AJ/151/110     : BEST-II catalog of variables: CoRoT SRc02 field
                                                              (Klagyivik+, 2016)
 J/MNRAS/469/3688 : CSS Periodic Variable Star Catalogue (Drake+, 2017)
 J/AJ/156/204     : BEST-II catalog of variables. III. Puppis field
                                                                 (Dreyer+, 2018)
 J/ApJS/237/28    : WISE catalog of periodic variable stars (Chen+, 2018)
 http://mastweb.stsci.edu/ps1casjobs : Pan-STARRS1 DR1 database, allowing to
                                          query the ATLAS variable star database

Byte-by-byte Description of file: table4.dat
   Bytes   Format Units     Label           Explanations
    1-  17 A17    ---       ATOID           Official ATLAS name
                                             (ATO JDDD.dddd+DD.dddd)
   19-  27 F9.5   deg       RAdeg           Right Ascension in decimal degrees
   29-  37 F9.5   deg       DEdeg           Declination in decimal degrees
   39-  41 I3     ---       fp-c-pts        [0/366] Number of c-band points
                                             fourierperiod identified as good
   43-  45 I3     ---       fp-o-pts        [0/417] Number of o-band points
                                             fourierperiod identified as good
   47-  58 F12.6  d         fp-LSper        [0.021735/14505.8] Original period
                                             from fourierperiod's Lomb-Scargle
   60-  68 E9.6   ---       fp-origLogFAP   [0/41] PPFAP for fourierperiod's
                                             Lomb-Scargle periodogram (1) (2)
   70-  77 F8.6   mag       fp-origRMS      [0.00608/2.2687] rms scatter of
                                             median-subtracted input magnitudes
                                             that fourierperiod identified as
   79-  86 F8.6   mag       fp-magrms-c     [0/4.76449] rms scatter of
                                             median-subtracted c-band magnitudes
                                             that fourierperiod identified as
                                             good (1)
   88-  95 F8.6   mag       fp-magrms-o     [0/2.20223] rms scatter of
                                             median-subtracted o-band magnitudes
                                             that fourierperiod identified as
                                             good (1)
   97- 107 F11.6  d         fp-lngfitper    [5/1500] Final master period from
                                             the long-period Fourier fit (1)
  109- 116 F8.6   mag       fp-lngfitrms    [0.005034/1.62378] rms scatter from
                                             the final long-period fit
  118- 128 F11.6  ---       fp-lngfitchi    [0.087306/4314.64] Χ2/N for
                                             the long-period Fourier fit
       130 I1     ---       fp-Nfourl       [1/4] Number of Fourier terms used
                                             in the long-period fit 
                                             (fp-lngfournum) (1)
  132- 141 F10.6  mag       fp-lngmin-c     [-30/29.4918] Minimum brightness
                                             reached by the long-period fit to
                                             the c-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  143- 151 F9.6   mag       fp-lngmax-c     [8.84805/50] Maximum brightness
                                             reached by the long-period fit to
                                             the c-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  153- 162 F10.6  mag       fp-lngmin-o     [-30/20.9016] Minimum brightness
                                             reached by the long-period fit to
                                             the o-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  164- 172 F9.6   mag       fp-lngmax-o     [8.18799/50] Maximum brightness
                                             reached by the long-period fit to
                                             the o-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  174- 181 E8.6   mag       fp-lngfitrms-c  [0/1.90675] rms scatter of residuals
                                             from the long-period fit to the
                                             c-band data (1)
  183- 190 E8.6   mag       fp-lngfitrms-o  [0/1.58836] rms scatter of residuals
                                             from the long-period fit to the
                                             o-band data (1)
  192- 202 E11.6  ---       fp-lngfitchi-c  [0/5217.93] Χ2/N for the
                                             long-period Fourier fit to the
                                             c-band data
  204- 214 E11.6  ---       fp-lngfitchi-o  [0/3313.04] Χ2/N for the
                                             long-period Fourier fit to the
                                             o-band data
  216- 228 F13.6  mag       fp-lngconst-c   [-13196.6/7064.02] Constant term in
                                             the long-period fit to the c-band
  230- 241 F12.6  mag       fp-lngconst-o   [-7516.3/9822.24] Constant term in
                                             the long-period fit to the o-band
  243- 254 E12.6  mag       fp-sin1-c       [-8545.78/9203.88] Sine coefficient
                                             of the first Fourier term in the
                                             long-period fit to the c-band data
  256- 268 E13.6  mag       fp-cos1-c       [-16962/9486.04] Cosine coefficient
                                             of the first Fourier term in the
                                             long-period fit to the c-band data
  270- 281 E12.6  mag       fp-sin1-o       [-7889.02/5158.65] Sine coefficient
                                             of the first Fourier term in the
                                             long-period fit to the o-band data
  283- 294 E12.6  mag       fp-cos1-o       [-8299.74/5514.23] Cosine
                                             coefficient of the first Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to the
                                             o-band data (3)
  296- 304 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPlong1   [0/41] PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best long-period
                                             Fourier fit with one term (2)
  306- 317 E12.6  mag       fp-sin2-c       [-4987.1/3878.38]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the second Fourier 
                                             term in the long-period fit to the
                                             c-band data (3)
  319- 330 E12.6  mag       fp-cos2-c       [-7037.28/4419.9]?=0 Cosine 
                                             coefficient of the second Fourier 
                                             term in the long-period fit to the 
                                             c-band data (3)
  332- 343 E12.6  mag       fp-sin2-o       [-2728/2875.01]?=0 Sine coefficient 
                                             of the second Fourier term in the
                                             long-period fit to the o-band data
  345- 356 E12.6  mag       fp-cos2-o       [-2322.39/2763.02]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the second Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to the
                                             o-band data (3)
  358- 366 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPlong2   [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best long-period
                                             Fourier fit with two terms (2)
  368- 379 E12.6  mag       fp-sin3-c       [-6221.59/2566.56]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the third Fourier 
                                             term in the long-period fit to the 
                                             c-band data (3)
  381- 392 E12.6  mag       fp-cos3-c       [-3703.32/3052.83]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the third Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to
                                             the c-band data (3)
  394- 405 E12.6  mag       fp-sin3-o       [-1031.2/1280.57]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the third Fourier 
                                             term in the long-period fit to the
                                             o-band data (3)
  407- 418 E12.6  mag       fp-cos3-o       [-3164.26/1140.22]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the third Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to
                                             the o-band data (3)
  420- 428 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPlong3   [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best long-period
                                             Fourier fit with three terms (2)
  430- 441 E12.6  mag       fp-sin4-c       [-2971.96/2222.28]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the fourth Fourier 
                                             term in the long-period fit to the
                                             c-band data (3)
  443- 454 E12.6  mag       fp-cos4-c       [-2190.53/1883.03]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the fourth Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to
                                             the c-band data (3)
  456- 466 E11.6  mag       fp-sin4-o       [-948.079/1779.61]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the fourth Fourier 
                                             term in the long-period fit to the
                                             o-band data (3)
  468- 479 E12.6  mag       fp-cos4-o       [-1138.85/2195.2]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the fourth Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to
                                             the o-band data (3)
  481- 489 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPlong4   [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best long-period
                                             Fourier fit with four terms (2)
  491- 501 F11.6  ---       fp-hifreq-c     [0/2961.99]?=0 A measure of the
                                             relative power in the
                                             high-frequency vs low-frequency
                                             terms in the long-period Fourier
                                             fit to the c-band
  503- 513 F11.6  ---       fp-hifreq-o     [0/1623.17]?=0 A measure of the
                                             relative power in the
                                             high-frequency vs low-frequency
                                             terms in the long-period Fourier
                                             fit to the o-band
  515- 527 F13.6  ---       fp-timerev-c    [0/128573]?=0 A measure of the 
                                             degree of invariance of the 
                                             long-period Fourier fit to the 
                                             c-band data with respect to the 
                                             reversal (i.e., mirroring) of the 
                                             time axis about the time of minimum
                                             light (large value=invariant)
  529- 540 F12.6  ---       fp-timerev-o    [0/30660]?=0 A measure of the 
                                             degree of invariance of the 
                                             long-period Fourier fit to the 
                                             o-band data with respect to the 
                                             reversal (i.e., mirroring) of the 
                                             time axis about the time of minimum
                                             light (large value=invariant)
  542- 552 F11.6  ---       fp-phase180-c   [0/1441.45]?=0 A measure of the 
                                             degree of invariance of the 
                                             long-period Fourier fit to the 
                                             c-band data with respect to a 
                                             180° phase shift
                                             (large value=invariant)
  554- 563 F10.6  ---       fp-phase180-o   [0/809.737]?=0 A measure of the 
                                             degree of invariance of the 
                                             long-period Fourier fit to the 
                                             o-band data with respect to a 
                                             180° phase shift
                                             (large value=invariant)
  565- 569 I5     ---       fp-power-c      [1/32766] Highest amplitude Fourier
                                             term in the long-period fit to
                                             the c-band data (fp-powerterm-c) 
  571- 581 I11    ---       fp-power-o      [-2016320490/2071847958] Highest
                                             amplitude Fourier term in the
                                             long-period fit to the o-band data
                                             (fp-powerterm-o) (1)
  583- 593 F11.6  d         fp-domper-c     [0.000153/1500] Period corresponding
                                             to fp-powerterm-c
  595- 605 F11.6  d         fp-domper-o     [-0.000008/1499.992432]? Period
                                             corresponding to fp-powerterm-o
 % *** I don't think this exists. Ignore. CWS Oct 2 2022 ***      606 A1     ---     f_fp-domper-o     [I] I for infinity
       608 I1     ---       fp-fit          [0/1] Was a short-period fit
                                             performed? (0=no, 1=yes) 
                                             (fp-shortfit) (1)
  610- 618 F9.6   d         fp-period       [0/29.9995]?=0 Final master period 
                                             from the short-period Fourier fit 
  620- 627 F8.6   mag       fp-fitrms       [0/1.57105]?=0 rms scatter from the
                                             final short-period fit
  629- 639 F11.6  ---       fp-fitchi       [0/4959.91]?=0 Χ2/N for the
                                             short-period Fourier fit
       641 I1     ---       fp-Nfours       [0/6]?=0 Number of Fourier terms 
                                             used in the short-period fit 
                                             (fp-fournum) (1)
  643- 646 F4.1   ---       fp-alias        [-3/3]?=0 Diurnal alias j of the 
                                             final period relative to fp-LSper
                                             (see Equation (4), Section 3.4)
       648 I1     ---       fp-mult         [0/6]?=0 Multiplication factor f of
                                             the final period relative to
                                             fp-LSper (see Equation (4),
                                             Section 3.4) (fp-multfac)
  650- 658 F9.6   ---       fp-phaseoff     [-5.975/2]?=0 Offset of the final
                                             period relative to fp-LSper, in
                                             cycles over the full temporal span
                                             of our data
  660- 669 F10.6  mag       fp-min-c        [-30/20.4622]?=0 Minimum brightness
                                             reached by the short-period fit to
                                             the c-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  671- 679 F9.6   mag       fp-max-c        [0/50]?=0 Maximum brightness reached
                                             by the short-period fit to the 
                                             c-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  681- 690 F10.6  mag       fp-min-o        [-30/19.4405]?=0 Minimum brightness
                                             reached by the short-period fit to
                                             the o-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  692- 700 F9.6   mag       fp-max-o        [0/50]?=0 Maximum brightness reached
                                             by the short-period fit to the 
                                             o-band photometry at any time
                                             corresponding to an actual
                                             measurement (1)
  702- 709 F8.6   mag       fp-fitrms-c     [0/2.1455]?=0 rms scatter of 
                                             residuals from the short-period fit
                                             to the c-band data (1)
  711- 718 F8.6   mag       fp-fitrms-o     [0/1.82797]?=0 rms scatter of 
                                             residuals from the short-period fit
                                             to the o-band data (1)
  720- 730 E11.6  ---       fp-fitchi-c     [0/4920.98]?=0 Χ2/N for the
                                             short-period Fourier fit to
                                             the c-band data
  732- 742 E11.6  ---       fp-fitchi-o     [0/5625.9]?=0 Χ2/N for the
                                             short-period Fourier fit to
                                             the o-band data
  744- 754 F11.6  mag       fp-const-c      [-940.908/4534.28]?=0 Constant term 
                                             in the short-period fit to the 
                                             c-band data (1)
  756- 766 E11.6  mag       fp-const-o      [-942.724/4534.26]?=0 Constant term 
                                             in the short-period fit to the 
                                             o-band data (1)
  768- 779 E12.6  mag       fp-sin1         [-2029.7/1303.39]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the first Fourier 
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  781- 792 E12.6  mag       fp-cos1         [-1164.18/7578.69]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the first Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  794- 802 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPshort1  [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best
                                             short-period Fourier fit with one
                                             term (2)
  804- 815 E12.6  mag       fp-sin2         [-2540.77/1245.46]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the second Fourier 
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  817- 827 E11.6  mag       fp-cos2         [-634.503/4398.58]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the second Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  829- 837 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPshort2  [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best
                                             short-period Fourier fit with two
                                             terms (2)
  839- 850 E12.6  mag       fp-sin3         [-1667.47/495.677]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the third Fourier 
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  852- 862 E11.6  mag       fp-cos3         [-484.095/1663.08]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the third Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  864- 872 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPshort3  [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best
                                             short-period Fourier fit with three
                                             terms (2)
  874- 884 E11.6  mag       fp-sin4         [-616.885/221.102]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the fourth Fourier 
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  886- 896 E11.6  mag       fp-cos4         [-287.216/352.483]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the fourth Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  898- 906 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPshort4  [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best
                                             short-period Fourier fit with four
                                             terms (2)
  908- 918 E11.6  mag       fp-sin5         [-173.413/83.6868]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the fifth Fourier 
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  920- 929 E10.6  mag       fp-cos5         [-60.0101/82.5777]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the fifth Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  931- 939 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPshort5  [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best
                                             short-period Fourier fit with five
                                             terms (2)
  941- 950 E10.6  mag       fp-sin6         [-32.4282/9.5854]?=0 Sine 
                                             coefficient of the sixth Fourier 
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  952- 961 E10.6  mag       fp-cos6         [-55.3204/9.23645]?=0 Cosine
                                             coefficient of the sixth Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit (3)
  963- 971 E9.6   ---       fp-PPFAPshort6  [0/41]?=0 PPFAP of residuals after
                                             subtraction of the best
                                             short-period Fourier fit with six
                                             terms (2)
  973- 982 F10.6  ---       fp-hifreq       [0/690.006]?=0 A measure of the
                                             relative power in the
                                             high-frequency vs. low-frequency
                                             terms in the short-period Fourier
  984- 995 F12.6  ---       fp-timerev      [0/18088.5]?=0 A measure of the 
                                             degree of invariance of the 
                                             short-period Fourier fit with 
                                             respect to a reversal (i.e., 
                                             mirroring) of the time axis about 
                                             the time of minimum light 
                                             (large value=invariant) (1)
  997-1006 F10.6  ---       fp-phase180     [0/344.646]?=0 A measure of the 
                                             degree of invariance of the 
                                             short-period Fourier fit with 
                                             respect to a 180° phase shift
                                             (large value=invariant) (1)
      1008 I1     ---       fp-power        [0/6]?=0 Highest amplitude Fourier
                                             term in the short-period fit 
                                             (fp-powerterm) (1)
 1010-1018 F9.6   d         fp-domperiod    [0/29.9995]?=0 Period corresponding
                                             to fp-powerterm
 1020-1022 I3     ---       vf-Nc           [1/372] Number of c-band
 1024-1026 I3     ---       vf-No           [1/420] Number of o-band
 1028-1033 F6.3   mag       vf-c-med        [9.501/19.995] Weighted median
                                             c magnitude (1)
 1035-1040 F6.3   mag       vf-o-med        [8.246/19.005] Weighted median
                                             o magnitude (1)
 1042-1047 F6.3   mag       vf-per5         [-9.047/-0.009] 5th percentile of
                                             median-subtracted magnitudes (1)
 1049-1054 F6.3   mag       vf-per10        [-6.935/-0.007] 10th percentile of
                                             median-subtracted magnitudes (1)
 1056-1061 F6.3   mag       vf-per25        [-4.431/-0.002] 25th percentile of
                                             median-subtracted magnitudes (1)
 1063-1067 F5.3   mag       vf-per75        [0.003/5.136] 75th percentile of
                                             median-subtracted magnitudes (1)
 1069-1073 F5.3   mag       vf-per90        [0.007/6.197] 90th percentile of
                                             median-subtracted magnitudes (1)
 1075-1079 F5.3   mag       vf-per95        [0.009/6.282] 95th percentile of
                                             median-subtracted magnitudes (1)
 1081-1087 F7.3   ---       vf-Hday         [-6.472/610.677] A statistic probing
                                             the significance of intranight
                                             variations (1)
 1089-1096 F8.2   ---       vf-Hlong        [0/23856] A statistic probing the
                                             significance of internight
                                             (long-term) variations (1)
 1098-1102 F5.3   ---       vf-wsd          [0.007/3.899] Weighted standard
                                             deviation (4)
 1104-1108 F5.3   ---       vf-iqr          [0.008/6.173] Interquartile range
 1110-1118 F9.3   ---       vf-chin         [0.181/12738.3] Reduced
                                             Χ22/(N-1) (1) (4)
 1120-1125 F6.3   ---       vf-roms         [0.281/83.186] Robust median
                                             statistic (1) (4)
 1127-1134 E8.5   ---       vf-nxs          [-0.03235/25.7368] Normalized excess
                                             variance (4)
 1136-1140 F5.3   ---       vf-nppa         [0/0.363] Normalized peak-to-peak
                                             amplitude (4)
 1142-1148 F7.3   ---       vf-inu          [0.305/136.35] Inverse von Neumann
                                             ratio (1) (4)
 1150-1158 F9.3   ---       vf-WS-I         [-26.432/12705.5] Welch-Stetson I
                                             (1) (4)
 1160-1166 F7.3   ---       vf-S-J          [-5.725/124.856] Stetson J (1) (4)
 1168-1172 F5.3   ---       vf-S-K          [0.088/0.968] Stetson K (4)
 1174-1176 I3     ---       df-Ndet         [0/791] Number of detections at this
                                             location in the difference images
 1178-1182 F5.2   mag       df-medmag       [0/29.16] Median magnitude of
                                             detections in the difference images
 1184-1188 F5.2   mag       df-meanmag      [0/29.16] Mean magnitude of
                                             detections in the difference images
 1190-1196 F7.2   ---       df-medsig       [0/1000] Median S/N of detections
                                             in the difference images
 1198-1204 F7.2   ---       df-meansig      [0/1000] Mean S/N of detections in
                                             the difference images
 1206-1212 F7.2   ---       df-r2sig        [0/1000] S/N of the secondmost
                                             significant difference image
 1214-1220 F7.2   ---       df-r1sig        [0/1000] S/N of the most significant
                                             difference image detection
 1222-1227 F6.2   ---       df-medchin      [0/997.73] Median Χ2/N of PSF
                                             fits on the difference images
 1229-1231 I3     ---       df-Nbright      [0/632] Number of positive-going
                                             detections on the difference images
 1233-1237 F5.1   ---       df-medPvar      [0/999] Median value of Pvr
                                             (probability of being a variable
                                             star) from vartest
 1239-1243 F5.1   ---       df-meanPvar     [0/999] Mean value of Pvr
 1245-1247 I3     ---       df-r2Pvar       [0/999] Second highest value of Pvr
 1249-1251 I3     ---       df-r1Pvar       [0/999] Highest value of Pvr
 1253-1257 F5.1   ---       df-medPscar     [0/999] Median value Psc
                                             (probability of being a star
                                             subtraction residual) from vartest
 1259-1263 F5.1   ---       df-meanPscar    [0/999] Mean value Psc (probability
                                             of being a star subtraction
                                             residual) from vartest
 1265-1268 F4.1   arcsec    ps-dist         [0.6/60]?=99.9 Angular distance to
                                             the nearest star in our Pan-STARRS
                                             reference catalog
 1270-1273 F4.1   arcsec    ps-dist0        [0.6/60]?=99.9 Angular distance to
                                             the nearest star in our Pan-STARRS
                                             reference catalog that is at least
                                             equally bright
 1275-1278 F4.1   arcsec    ps-dist2        [1.2/60]?=99.9 Angular distance to
                                             the nearest star in our Pan-STARRS
                                             reference catalog that is at least
                                             two magnitudes brighter
 1280-1283 F4.1   arcsec    ps-dist4        [1.9/60]?=99.9 Angular distance to
                                             the nearest star in our Pan-STARRS
                                             reference catalog that is at least
                                             four magnitudes brighter
 1285-1287 I3     ---       ls-Npt          [100/692] Number of photometric
                                             measurements input to lombscar
 1289-1291 I3     ---       ls-Nuse         [12/691] Number of photometric
                                             measurements lombscar identified as
 1293-1298 F6.3   mag       ls-c-med        [1.132/27.226] Median c-band
                                             magnitude calculated by lombscar
 1300-1305 F6.3   mag       ls-o-med        [-8.752/64.347] Median o-band
                                             magnitude calculated by lombscar
 1307-1317 F11.6  d         ls-Pday         [0.038263/3540.18] Period output by
 1319-1325 F7.3   ---       ls-PPFAP        [0/114.048] PPFAP from Lomb-Scargle
                                             periodogram in lombscar (2)
 1327-1332 F6.3   ---       ls-Chin         [0.008/37.232] Χ2/N for the
                                             Fourier+polynomial fit performed
                                             by lombscar
 1334-1341 F8.3   ---       ls-Cchin        [0.055/1529.44] Χ2/N for the
                                             constant-magnitude fit performed
                                             by lombscar
 1343-1349 F7.3   ---       ls-Pchin        [0.053/239.199] Χ2/N for the
                                             polynomial-only fit performed by
 1351-1358 F8.3   ---       ls-Xchin        [0.172/1504.22] Χ2/N for the
                                             polynomial-only fit performed by
                                             lombscar, without outlier trimming
 1360-1365 F6.4   ---       ls-Fraclo       [0/0.6763] Fraction of points with
                                             magnitudes more than 5σ below
                                             the median
 1367-1372 F6.4   ---       ls-Frachi       [0/0.6897] Fraction of points with
                                             magnitudes more than 5σ above
                                             the median
 1374-1379 F6.3   ---       ls-txclo        [-0.694/0.992] Fraction of low
                                             outliers with time difference less
                                             than 0.06 days
 1381-1386 F6.3   ---       ls-txchi        [-0.694/0.992] Fraction of high
                                             outliers with time difference less
                                             than 0.06 days
 1388-1396 F9.3   ---       ls-Chin-minus-1 [0.013/40784.3] Χ2/N for the
                                             lombscar Fourier fit to j=-1 alias
 1398-1407 F10.3  ---       ls-Chin-minus-h [0.016/216941] Χ2/N for the
                                             lombscar Fourier fit to j=-0.5
 1409-1414 F6.3   ---       ls-Chin-plus-h  [0.013/86.651] Χ2/N for the
                                             lombscar Fourier fit to j=+0.5
 1416-1422 F7.3   ---       ls-Chin-plus-1  [0.014/123.748] Χ2/N for the
                                             lombscar Fourier fit to j=+1 alias
 1424-1430 F7.3   mag/yr    ls-Ply1         [-26.434/16.03] Linear coefficient
                                             of the polynomial fit by lombscar
 1432-1438 F7.3   mag/yr2   ls-Ply2         [-70.895/221.363] Quadratic
                                             coefficient of the polynomial fit
                                             by lombscar
 1440-1444 F5.3   ---       ls-Phgap        [0.007/0.875] Biggest time gap with
                                             no points in the folded light curve
                                             (fraction of ls-Pday)
      1446 I1     ---       ls-D            [0/1] Period doubling (6)
 1448-1458 F11.3  ---       ls-RMS          [0.003/1.233053e+06] rms of
                                             residuals from lombscar Fourier fit
 1460-1465 F6.3   ---       ls-F0           [-0.742/0.858] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             constant Fourier term divided by
 1467-1472 F6.3   ---       ls-F1cos        [-0.948/0.935] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             cos1 Fourier term divided by rms
 1474-1479 F6.3   ---       ls-F1sin        [-0.952/0.951] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             sin1 Fourier term divided by rms
 1481-1486 F6.3   ---       ls-F2cos        [-0.999/0.999] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             cos2 Fourier term divided by rms
 1488-1493 F6.3   ---       ls-F2sin        [-0.999/0.999] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             sin2 Fourier term divided by rms
 1495-1500 F6.3   ---       ls-F3cos        [-0.902/0.9] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             cos3 Fourier term divided by rms
 1502-1507 F6.3   ---       ls-F3sin        [-0.943/0.937] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             sin3 Fourier term divided by rms
 1509-1514 F6.3   ---       ls-F4cos        [-0.898/0.903] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             cos4 Fourier term divided by rms
 1516-1521 F6.3   ---       ls-F4sin        [-0.962/0.958] Amplitude of lombscar
                                             sin4 Fourier term divided by rms
 1523-1529 A7     ---       Class           Final ATLAS variable classification
      1531 I1     ---       ddc             [0/1] Difference image statistic
                                             (1=probably variable independent of
                                             any other information) (ddcSTAT)
      1533 I1     ---       prox            [0/1] Proximity statistic
                                             (1=variability detection probably
                                             not caused by blending) (proxSTAT)
 1535-1553 F19.17 ---       P(CBF)          [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the CBF 
 1555-1573 F19.17 ---       P(CBH)          [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the CBH 
 1575-1593 F19.17 ---       P(DBF)          [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the DBF 
 1595-1613 F19.17 ---       P(DBH)          [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the DBH 
 1615-1633 F19.17 ---       P(HARD)         [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is IRR, LPV, 
                                             or "dubious"
 1635-1653 F19.17 ---       P(MIRA)         [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the MIRA 
 1655-1673 F19.17 ---       P(MPULSE)       [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the MPULSE 
 1675-1693 F19.17 ---       P(MSINE)        [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the MSINE 
 1695-1713 F19.17 ---       P(NSINE)        [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the NSINE 
 1715-1733 F19.17 ---       P(PULSE)        [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the PULSE 
 1735-1753 F19.17 ---       P(SINE)         [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the SINE 
 1755-1773 F19.17 ---       P(IRR)          [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the IRR 
 1775-1793 F19.17 ---       P(LPV)          [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the LPV 
 1795-1813 F19.17 ---       P(dubious)      [0/1] Machine classifier probability
                                             that this star is in the "dubious" 
 1815-1820 F6.3   mag       gmag            [3.61/23.297] Pan-STARRS1 DR1 g-band
 1822-1826 F5.3   mag     e_gmag            [0/0.333] Uncertainty gmag
 1828-1833 F6.3   mag       rmag            [4.12/21.866] Pan-STARRS1 DR1 r-band
 1835-1839 F5.3   mag     e_rmag            [0/0.333] Uncertainty on rmag
 1841-1846 F6.3   mag       imag            [4.49/20.516] Pan-STARRS1 DR1 i-band
 1848-1852 F5.3   mag     e_imag            [0/0.333] Uncertainty on imag
 1854-1859 F6.3   mag       zmag            [4.11/20.434]?=-9.999 Pan-STARRS1
                                             DR1 z-band magnitude
 1861-1865 F5.3   mag     e_zmag            [0/0.333]?=9.999 Uncertainty on zmag
 1867-1872 F6.3   mag       ymag            [4.31/20.145]?=-9.999 Pan-STARRS1
                                             DR1 Y-band magnitude
 1874-1878 F5.3   mag     e_ymag            [0/0.333]?=9.999 Uncertainty on ymag
 1880-1892 A13    ---       starID          Old version of the ATLAS star
                                             identifier (historical interest
 1894-1911 I18    ---       objID           Object identifier, useful for
                                             linkage with the "detection"
Note (1): Used for machine classification.
Note (2): For convenience, we will refer to -log10(FAP) as PPFAP, meaning
  "power of the periodogram FAP".
Note (3): Used for machine classification after conversion of sine and cosine
  coefficients to an overall amplitude and phase (see Equations (6) and (7),
  Section 4.).
  Equation (6): fm(t)=amsin(m.(2πt/P))+bmcos(m.(2πt/P));
  Equation (7): fm(t)=dmcos(m((2πt/P)-Φm)).
Note (4): Sokolovsky et al. 2017MNRAS.464..274S.
Note (5): Negative-going detections are included by calculating magnitudes from
  the absolute value of the flux.
Note (6): Period doubling as follows:
  1 = The lombscar output period has been doubled relative to the highest peak
      in the Lomb-Scargle periodogram;
  0 = The lombscar output period has not been doubled relative to the highest
      peak in the Lomb-Scargle periodogram.
Note (7): Classification as follows:
      CBF = Close binary, full period. These stars are contact or near-contact
            eclipsing binaries for which the Fourier fit has found the correct
            period and hence fit the primary and secondary eclipses separately;
      CBH = Close binary, half period. These stars are contact or near-contact
            eclipsing binaries for which the Fourier fit has settled on half the
            correct period and hence has overlapped the primary and secondary
            eclipses. Physically, the CBF and CBH stars are expected to differ
            in that the primary and secondary eclipses are likely to be more
            similar in depth in the latter class;
      DBF = Distant binary, full period. These stars are detached eclipsing
            binaries for which the Fourier fit has found the correct period and
            hence fit the primary and secondary eclipses separately;
      DBH = Distant binary, half period. These stars are fully detached
            eclipsing binaries for which the Fourier fit has settled on half the
            correct period and hence has overlapped the primary and secondary
  IRR/LPV = The acronyms stand for "long-period" and "irregular" variables.
            These classes serve as "catch-all" bins for objects that do not seem
            to fit into any of our more specific categories. The LPV class
            contains objects whose variations appear to be dominated by low
            frequencies, corresponding to P≳5 days, while the IRR class
            contains objects whose dominant frequencies are higher. Most of the
            stars classified as LPV or IRR (especially the latter) do not show
            coherent variations that can be folded cleanly with a single period.
            Hence, both classes are in some sense "irregular," though the
            characteristic timescales are different. Among the objects that
            cannot be cleanly phased to a single period, the LPV class surely
            includes many semiregular red giant variables, while the IRR class
            has a large number of cataclysmic binaries;
     MIRA = Mira variables. These stars are a subset of the LPV's that have
            photometric amplitudes exceeding 2.0 mag in either the cyan or
            orange filter. They generally show coherent periodicity, but the
            two-year temporal baseline of our data may in many cases be
            insufficient to solve for the period accurately;
   MPULSE = Stars showing modulated pulsation, such that the Fourier fit has
            settled on a period double or triple the actual pulsation, in order
            to render multiple pulses of different amplitudes or shapes. These
            objects could be multimodal or Blazhko-effect stars, or stars
            exhibiting some other kind of variability in addition to their
    MSINE = Stars showing modulated sinusoids. These are exactly analogous to
            the MPULSE stars, except that instead of a classic sawtooth pulse
            light curve, the fundamental waveform being modulated is a simple
            sinusoid. Thus, MSINE stars may show two, three, four, five, or even
            six cycles through the Fourier fit. Each cycle appears to be a good
            approximation to a sine wave, but the amplitude and/or mean
            magnitude varies from one to the next. Physically, the MSINE stars
            may include spotted ellipsoidal variables, rotating stars with
            evolving spots, and sinusoidal pulsators such as RR Lyrae (RRC)
            stars that have multiple modes or multiple types of variability;
    NSINE = Sinusoidal variables with much residual noise or with evidence of
            additional variability not captured in the fit. Many spotted
            rotators with evolving spots likely fall into this class, as well as
            faint or low-amplitude δ Scuti stars and ellipsoidal
    PULSE = Pulsating stars showing the classic sawtooth light curve, regardless
            of period. They are expected to include both RR Lyrae and
            δ Scuti stars, and some Cepheids. These classes are resolvable
            based on period, color, amplitude, and the phase offsets of the
            various Fourier terms;
     SHAV = These are the slow high-amplitude variables, an extremely rare class
            with long periods and Mira-like amplitudes, but with color
            insufficiently red for a true Mira. Only 17 of these were identified
            in our entire catalog. They include AGNs, R Coronae Borealis stars,
            and at least one apparent nova;
     SINE = Sinusoidal variables. These stars exhibit simple sine-wave
            variability with little residual noise. Ellipsoidal variables likely
            dominate this class;
    STOCH = These are the variables that do not fit into any coherent periodic
            class, not even IRR. They would be classified as "dubious" except
            that they have ddcSTAT=1, meaning that detections on the difference
            images demonstrate their genuine variability. Their physical nature
            is unclear, but many of them do appear to exhibit highly significant
            stochastic variations with very little coherence on the timescales
            probed by ATLAS;
  dubious = Star might not be a real variable.

    From electronic version of the journal

(End)                       Tiphaine Pouvreau [CDS]                  09-May-2019
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