DRS Quick Start Reference
On this page:
Contents of this guide are applicable to services available in the New DRS (DRS2) environment.
How to report feedback or ask for help?
To get help please fill out the DRS feedback form at: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:drshelp
When are services available?
DRS 2 Loader is available Monday through Saturday 8 AM - 8PM. DRS 2 Web Admin and Delivery Services and the DRS 2 SFTP drop boxes are available 24/7. If the batches are loaded to drop boxes outside of the DRS Loader availability window, they will be processed as soon as the DRS Loader starts running.
Where is the DRS Documentation?
See https://harvardwiki.atlassian.net/wiki/x/c4CUAg
Batch Builder
How do I install Batch Builder 2?
- Download the Batch Builder zip archive. A Google Drive window entitled "BatchBuilder-2-current.zip" will display.
- Roll your cursor over the top menu bar and click the download icon.
- At the "Google can't scan ..." message, click "Download anyway".
- When prompted, save the zip archive to your computer (e.g. a download directory or your desktop)
- Unzip the archive and extract the files to a directory of your choice (e.g. Program Files or Applications). The installer will create a "batchbuilder-2.x" directory and copy the files to it
- To start the GUI, double click BatchBuilder.exe file on PC and on BatchBuilder.command on Mac.
A message "Open File – Security Warning" may appear. If so, click on "Run" to continue.
Note for PC users: on most Harvard PC computers there is a security software called Parity which blocks “unapproved” applications from running. Some users’ configurations allow them to “unblock” the application and allow it to run. Other configurations don’t allow the “unblock” feature. If you see a Parity prompt when trying to run Batch Builder and Parity won’t allow you to unblock Batch Builder, call your HUIT field support and ask them to unblock it for you.Note for Mac users: on the Mac, the first time you run Batch Builder you will need to press and hold the Control key, and then click the BatchBuilder.command file. Then click on Open from the shortcut menu. This will save the application as an exception to Mac security settings (which by default only allow registered apps from Mac app store to run). Next time you need to run Batch Builder, simply double click on the Batch Builder icon.
If you can't start BB using the executable, try the following alternative:
- On Windows: double click on the file batchbuildergui.bat. A command prompt window will open and then BB Graphical User Interface will start up.
- On Mac or Linux: open terminal, change directory to the BB home directory and type: sh batchbuildergui.sh and then press Enter. BB Graphical User Interface will start up.
- To start the Command Line Interface (CLI):
- On Windows: run the command prompt (CMD), change directory to the BB home directory, type batchbuildercli with required parameters and press Enter. See Creating Batches Using Command Line Interface for examples of required parameters.
- On Mac or Linux: run the Terminal, change directory to the BB home directory and type: sh batchbuildercli.sh with required parameters and press Enter.
System Requirements
- Operating System: 64 bit Windows 7/8/10; 64 bit Mac OS X 10.7 or higher; 64 bit Linux Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu.
- Processing Power: Intel Core i3/i5/i7; AMD FX, Athlon, A series
- Physical Memory: 8 GB RAM or higher
- Java SE 64 bit version 1.7 or 1.8.
- Download Java SE 1.7 64 bit here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/java-archive-downloads-javase7-521261.html
- Download Java SE 1.8 64 bit here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
Setup Instructions
Unzip the installation package to a directory of your choice. To run Batch Builder double click on the executable file
Note: on the Mac, the first time you run Batch Builder you will need to press and hold the Control key, and then click the Batch Builder icon. Then click on Open from the shortcut menu. This will save the app as an exception to Mac security settings (which by default only allow registered apps from Mac app store to run). Next time you need to run Batch Builder, simply double click on the Batch Builder icon.
SFTP Clients
What are compatible SFTP clients?
There are two SFTP clients that have been tested to work with DRS 2:
- FileZilla- http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client: a free open source Windows and Mac compatible SFTP client.
- WinSCP - http://winscp.net/eng/download.php: a free SFTP, SCP and FTP client for Windows.
How do I access DRS 2 Drop Boxes
Once you receive your DRS 2 drop box credentials and your drop box account is active, install a compatible SFTP client. Then enter the following information:
DRS 2 Production Dropboxes
- Host Name: drs2drop.lib.harvard.edu
- User Name: as provided by LTS
- Password: as provided by LTS
- Remote directory: /incoming
DRS 2 QA (Test) Dropboxes
- Host Name: drs2drop-qa.hul.harvard.edu
- User Name: as provided by LTS
- Password: as provided by LTS
- Remote directory: /incoming
Access to active DRS 2 drop boxes is restricted to trusted Harvard networks or Harvard VPN. If you need to access DRS 2 drop boxes via Harvard VPN and your VPN subnet has not been registered with LTS, please contact us using the DRS 2 feedback form: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:drshelp
Batch Rename Utilities
Can you recommend a utility to batch rename files?
Windows: free utility for Windows used by DRS depositors for batch file renaming:
- Ant Renamer (freeware) - (https://www.fosshub.com/Ant-Renamer.html)
- Bulk Rename Utility (freeware) - runs on Windows XP/Vista/7(http://www.bulkrenameutility.co.uk/Download.php)
Mac: these utilities seem to work well for batch renaming (tested at LTS):
- NameChanger (freeware) – runs on OS X 10.5+ http://www.mrrsoftware.com/MRRSoftware/NameChanger.html
- Name Mangler (commercial $20): runs on Mac OS X 10.6 or later http://manytricks.com/namemangler/
- A Better Finder Rename for Mac (commercial - $19.99) http://www.publicspace.net/ABetterFinderRename/index.html
- Better File Rename – runs on Windows and Mac (commercial $19.95) http://www.publicspace.net/windows/BetterFileRename/
Web Admin
How do I connect to DRS 2 Web Admin?
Access to the DRS 2 Web Admin requires a registered Harvard ID and PIN, an active Web Admin account, and access through a Harvard VPN tunnel.
Users with active Web Admin accounts can access the DRS 2 Web Admin using the following URLs:
- DRS 2 Web Admin Prod
- DRS 2 Web Admin QA (Test)
The following browsers are supported:
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
Internet Explorer is not supported at this time.
Users with active Web Admin accounts can access the tool only via Harvard VPN. If your VPN subnet has not been registered with LTS, please contact us using the DRS 2 feedback form: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.ois:drshelp.
Downloading Content
How do I unzip content downloads from Web Admin?
To support downloads larger than 4GB, DRS2 uses the ZIP64 standard. You will need to use a ZIP client that can handle ZIP64 archive files. In most cases, the built-in ZIP support available on Windows and Macs does not handle ZIP64 files very well. Here are several recommendations for third party tools:
- Windows
- Mac
- UnArchiver GUI or/and UnArchiver command line (free)
- Keka (free)
- ExpressZIP (free Mac version)
- BetterZip2 ($19.95)
PDS Maintenance
This functionality is now part of Web Admin. In Web Admin, open a PDS object metadata page, select File Structure from the menu and edit the object's structure.
Managing Delivery URNs
Individual delivery URNs can be managed in DRS 2 Web Admin. See the Editing administrative metadata section of the Web Admin User Guide for instructions.
DRS Delivery Systems Links
The links below can be used to check that recently deposited content is delivery correctly in DRS delivery systems.
Production delivery links:
- Check file and object (PDS Document Objects only) delivery by delivery URN:
- http://nrs.harvard.edu/[delivery URN of the file or PDS Document Object from the DRS deposit report]
- Check PDS Document object delivery in PDS:
- http://pds.lib.harvard.edu/pds/view/[DRSID of the PDS Object]
- Check audio streaming delivery in SDS:
- http://sds.lib.harvard.edu/sds/audio/[DRSID of the audio file or an audio playlist]
- Check file delivery in FDS:
- http://fds.lib.harvard.edu/fds/deliver/[DRSID of the file]
- Check image delivery in IDS:
- http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/[DRSID of the image file]
QA (test) delivery links:
- Check file and object (PDS Document Objects only) delivery by delivery URN:
- http://nrstest.harvard.edu:9031/[delivery URN of the file or PDS Document Object from the DRS deposit report]
- Check PDS Document object delivery in PDS:
- http://pdstest.lib.harvard.edu:9005/pds/view/[DRSID of the PDS Object]
- Check audio streaming delivery in SDS:
- http://sdstest.lib.harvard.edu:9007/sds/audio/[DRSID of the audio file or an audio playlist]
- Check file delivery in FDS:
- http://fdstest.lib.harvard.edu:9001/fds/deliver/[DRSID of the file]
- Check image delivery in IDS:
- http://idstest.lib.harvard.edu:9001/ids/view/[DRSID of the image file]