Editing administrative metadata (Web Admin)

Editing administrative metadata (Web Admin)

On this page:


Administrative metadata provides information to help manage an object or file, such as when and how it was created, file type, identifiers, owner/billing information. Metadata of this type can be viewed and edited on the Admin. metadata tab for an object or file.

Storage Class

Storage class is file-level administrative metadata. Each file deposited to DRS is dispositioned across multiple storage locations based on its assigned storage class. There are six available storage classes, each based on differing curatorial, administrative, and operational file characteristics. At DRS deposit, each file is assigned a storage class but if it is necessary to change storage disposition after deposit – e.g., if the wrong storage class was assigned initially – you can make the change in Web Admin.

Currently, Web Admin supports changing storage class from a file's administrative metadata page. The ability to bulk-change storage class for a group of files will be supported in a future release.

When changing a file's storage class, you may also need to change its access flag or assign a delivery URN if one isn't defined. E.g., if you change a file's storage class to DE (deliverable) but don't change its access flag to P (public access) or R (restricted to Harvard), Web Admin will detect the conflicting metadata values and prevent you from saving the storage class change. The table below illustrates the acceptable combinations of storage class + access flag + URN. 

Table: Acceptable Combinations of Storage Class, Access Flag and Delivery URN

Storage class

File characteristics

Access flag


Delivery URN?

Archival (AR)

Non-sensitive, non-external, non-deliverable/repurposable, non-data, non-basic, non-large file.




Basic (BA)

Non-sensitive, non-external, non-deliverable/repurposable, non-data file designated for minimal sustaining management.

Large (LG)

Non-sensitive, non-external, non-deliverable/repurposable, non-data, non-basic file greater than or equal to 5 GB in size.

Deliverable (DE)

Non-sensitive, non-external file designated for patron retrieval.

P or R



Repurposable (RE)

Non-sensitive, non-external, deliverable also designated with an additional archivable role

Sensitive (SE)

File designated as containing level 4 high-risk confidential information (HRCI) under the University’s security policy (Harvard University, 2019).




To edit storage class:

  1. Display the file summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. Consult the Acceptable Combinations table (above) to determine an acceptable combination of storage class, access flag and delivery URN. 
  3. Change the value in the storage class field. If needed, change the access flag and add a delivery URN.
  4. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.
  5. It can take up to 30 minutes for a storage class change to trigger the redisposition of the file to its new storage configuration. 

Owner Supplied Name

An owner supplied name (OSN) serves as an identifier that can be used to associate an object or file deposited into the DRS with local information such as a local accession number or classification number. An OSN is required for objects and must be unique within an owner code. 

An owner supplied name is generally optional for files and need not be unique, except in the case of:

  • Images linked to Shared Shelf.
  • Audio files, if a playlist is in use.

Failure to supply a unique OSN in these cases will prevent access to these files. 

An owner supplied name must:

  • Not exceed 100 characters in length.
  • Include only alpha-numeric characters, periods (.), underscores (_), hyphens ( - )and curly brackets { }.

To edit owner supplied name:

  1. Display the object or file summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. Add or update the value in the owner supplied name field.
  3. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

Delivery URN

Web Admin lets you create URNs for deliverable content in the DRS. For still image, audio, document and text objects, delivery URNs are at the file level. For PDS objects, delivery URNs are at the object-level.  Using Web Admin, you can create a new URN or add an existing URN created directly in NRS. 

To add a delivery URN:

  1. Open the Admin Metadata tab for the object or file. Look for the Delivery URN field. For still image, audio, document and text objects, it will be in file admin metadata. For PDS objects, look in object admin metadata.
  2. Click the+ add URN link to open the add form.

  3. Click the Existing tab if you want to add an existing URN that was created directly in NRS.
    1. Enter the URN.
    2. Click Add to add the URN and close the window.
  4. Click the New tab if you want to create a new URN.
    1. Select the authority path.
    2. Enter a resource name. You can assign a specific resource name (such as a local accession number), use a URN mask to generate a resource name, or a combination of these. The result must be a resource name that is unique within the selected authority path. See the NRS User Guide for more information about resource names and URN masks: 
      Note: if you leave the resource name empty and click Add, no URN will be created. If you want DRS to assign the next available number, enter {n} in this field.
    3. Click Add to add the URN and close the window.
  5. Click save changes to commit this change.

New URNs will work in a browser about 10 minutes after you create them. If you delete a URN, it takes about 24 hours for the URN to be deactivated.

Owner and Billing Code

A DRS owner code is a coded representation of the Harvard organizational owner associated with an object. Transferring ownership of content (changing an object's owner code) is limited to users with the account_manager role. This role is limited to LTS staff.

A DRS billing code is a short alphanumeric code that represents the Harvard accounting code used to bill organizations for DRS-related project and service charges. Billing codes are associated with objects only. Users with the metadata_editor role will have the ability to change an object's billing code. Users will only be able to select billing codes associated with the owner code for which they are authorized.

This procedure describes how to change the billing code for an object.

  1. Display the object summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. To change billing code, in the Owner & Billing codes field, select the appropriate value from the pull down list.
  3. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

Access Flag

The DRS access flag specifies who can access a digital object if it is deliverable. There are three options to choose from: P for public, R for restricted (available only to the Harvard Community) and N for no access (available only to collection managers through Web Admin). 


Note: The access flag value B stands for "bypass" and is reserved for content in systems that manage their own delivery and access control (e.g., the Web Archiving Service). Do not assign this flag value to your content via Web Admin.

Both objects and files have access flags that can be independently set. However, an object's access flag cannot be more restrictive than the access flag of any of its files (e.g., you can't set an object's access flag to R if any of its files is set to P). 

To edit an access flag:

  1. Display the object or file summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. Locate the Access flag field and select the appropriate value.
  3. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

Admin Categories

An administrative category is a curator-assigned label, such as an exhibit name, project name, etc., that can be used to group together a set of objects or files. For example, you can search by category to retrieve a set of objects or files for viewing or editing. Multiple categories can be assigned to an object or file. 

This procedure describes how to assign an admin category to an object or file. Note that admin categories are controlled terms managed by the Wordshack vocabulary management service. Before you can assign category metadata, you need to create it via the Wordshack interface in Web Admin.

To assign a category:

  1. Display the object or file summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. In the Admin. Categories field, click the + add option to open the Add Category window.
  3. To display a list of category values, click into the input box and either type an asterisk ( * ) to see all values, or begin typing the term to see matching values.
  4. Select the term and click Add.
  5. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

To remove a category:

  1. Display the object or file screen and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. In the Admin. Categories field, click the little red x next to the category. This will cross out the value. To undo the delete (before the change is saved), click the red "x" again.
  3. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

Admin Flag

An administrative flag indicates a possible issue with an object or file that may require additional processing. In most cases, admin flags are automatically assigned during upload to the DRS. You can search by admin flag to retrieve a set of objects or files for viewing and editing. Multiple flags can be assigned to an object or file.

This procedure describes how to assign an admin flag. Note that admin flags are controlled terms managed by the Wordshack vocabulary management service. Before you can assign flag metadata, you need to create it via the Wordshack interface in Web Admin.

To assign a flag:

  1. Display the object or file summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. In the Admin. flags field, click the + add option to open the Add New Flag window.
  3. To display a list of flag values, click into the input box and either type an asterisk ( * ) to see all values, or begin typing the term to see matching values.
  4. Select the term and click Add.
  5. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

To remove a flag:

  1. Display the object or file screen and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).
  2. In the Admin. flags field, click the little red x next to the flag. This will cross out the value. To undo the delete (before the change is saved), click the red "x" again.
  3. Click the save changes button to commit this change. If the Save button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.

Image Captions

This section describes the format of DRS2 image captions and how to add them.

A caption is a string of descriptive information that you can append to the deliverable versions of still images, including page images delivered as part of a PDS object. Image captions are generated on the fly and appear together with the image in the browser. You can use the default caption format or create your own custom caption.

Note these caption features:

  • Captions can be applied to JPEG and JPEG2000 based still images.
  • Captions will not be applied to images with a width of 300 pixels or less.
  • The length of the entire caption (all components, including the Harvard University prefix) must not exceed 500 characters.

Below is a sample still image with default caption:

Format of the DRS2 caption

A default still image caption consists of: 

Harvard University, [unit name], [object owner supplied name]. 
e.g., Harvard University, Baker Library, Harvard Business School, W80671_1.

You can customize either of these fields by changing the Caption unit name or the Caption description on the Admin Metadata screen of the object.

Note about PDS captions. PDS objects have captions that appear just below each page image in the document and also on each page of the PDF created by the PDS "Print" feature. The default PDF caption format differs from the default still image caption described above. The PDF caption format is:

Harvard University – [unit name] / [METS label of the PDS object]. 
e.g., Harvard University –Collection Development Department, Widener Library, HCL / The Radcliffe magazine. Cambridge, Mass : Radcliffe College, 1899-.

The METS label is descriptive text that also displays in the top frame of the PDS user interface. In the absence of a METS label, MODS title will be used (if present in object metadata). Like the still image caption, the [unit name] can be customized by changing the Caption unit name field in Web Admin. Since the [METS label] is used as caption description, you can customize the METS label on the object's Descriptive metadata tab or you can add text to the Caption description field.

Adding a caption

Caption behaviors are controlled by options in object metadata that can be set in Batch Builder or Web Admin. Although the following procedure is specific to Web Admin, the same fields are available in the object template in Batch Builder. 

To add a default or custom caption:

  1. Display the object summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left). Captions are always defined at the object level.
  2. Set the Caption behavior field to On.
  3. For default captions, leave the Caption unit name and Caption description fields blank.
  4. To customize the caption, add text to the Caption unit name and/or Caption description fields.

  5. Click the save changes button to commit the change. If the button is not active (green), click once anywhere on the form to activate it.
  6. To check the resulting caption:
    To check the caption on an individual still image (JPEG or JP2), append the file ID to this IDS URL: http://ids.lib.harvard.edu/ids/view/\[DRS_ID_of_file\]
    To check captions on a PDS object, open the object by clicking the delivery URN that displays in the object's metadata summary. 
    Note: If you previously viewed the file or object, remember to reload the browser window to see changes in the caption.

View Text

View Text is an object-level field that controls the View Text menu option in the PDS user interface. Set this field on and a user can click View Text to display the OCR for a selected page. Set View Text off and the menu option will be grayed out and unavailable.

Below is an example of an active View Text option. Clicking this option will display OCR text for the selected page.

View Text can be enabled in Batch Builder when a PDS object is deposited or in Web Admin after deposit. 

To activate View Text in Web Admin:

  1. Display the object summary and select the Admin. metadata tab (on the left).

  2. Set the View Text radio button to On.

  3. Click save changes button to commit the change.

Bulk edit access flag and billing code

In this release file access flag and object billing code values can be updated in bulk from the search results screen. Note that when editing billing code, all objects in the result set need to have the same owner code.

Transfers of objects from one owner code to a different owner code can be executed only by repository manager. If you need owner code transfer, please contact the DRS Support Team.

Bulk edit access flag

Only files have access flags. In order to bulk edit file access flags:

  1. Search for the files that you want to edit using quick search or advanced search.
  2. (optional) We recommend that you download the search results in CSV format and make sure the CSV includes the current access flag values (in case you make a mistake when you bulk edit and need to revert).
  3. Select the items you want to edit from the search results. Use either the selection checkboxes next to each item or select pages at a time or the whole results set using the Select drop-down.
  4. Choose “Bulk edit metadata” from the Action drop-down (to the right and above the Select drop-down). 
  5. From the Field name drop-down select “Access Flag”.
  6. Choose the access flag value you want to set for your items. “N” = no access, “R” = restricted to Harvard and “P” = public. “B” = bypass and is for internal use. 
  7. Click on “Bulk Edit Metadata” button. You will get an “Are you sure?” prompt. Bulk metadata changes are not reversible so make sure you selected the correct items and correct access flag. 
  8. Click “OK”
  9. You will get a pop-up message that says: “Success: Your bulk operation has been initiated. A detailed email message will be sent describing results.”

You will get an email with the subject “Results of bulk update.” Depending on the number of items being updated it can take a while for the results email to arrive. The email will include information about updated files and a CSV attachment listing each file’s DRS ID and the transaction outcome. If some files could not be updated, the email will report on that as well and include another attachment with a list of DRS IDs for files that could not be updated and the reason for failure. If all files could not be updated, the email will include the attachment with the list of files that could not be updated and the reason for failure.

Bulk edit billing code

Only objects have billing codes. In order to bulk edit object billing code:

  1. Search for the object that you want to edit using quick search or advanced search. Note that all the objects in your result set need to be in the same DRS Owner Code.
  2. (optional) We recommend that you download the search results in CSV format and make sure the CSV includes the current billing code values (in case you make a mistake when you bulk edit and need to revert).
  3. Select the items you want to edit from the search results.  Use either the selection checkboxes next to each item or select pages at a time or the whole results set using the Select drop-down.
  4. Choose “Bulk edit metadata” from the Action drop-down (to the right and above the Select drop-down).
  5. From the Field name drop-down select “Owner & Billing Code”.
  6. Choose the current Owner Code and then select the Billing Code value you want to set for your items. If you have access to more than one Owner Code, make sure that you select the Owner Code that is the same as the current Owner Code for the result set.
  7. Click on “Bulk Edit Metadata” button. You will get an “Are you sure?” prompt. Bulk metadata changes are not reversible so make sure you selected the correct items and correct access flag.
  8. Click “OK”
  9. You will get a pop-up message that says: “Success: Your bulk operation has been initiated. A detailed email message will be sent describing results.”

You will get an email with the subject “Results of bulk update.” Depending on the number of items being updated it can take a while for the results email to arrive. The email will include information about updated objects and a CSV attachment listing each object’s DRS ID and the transaction outcome. If some objects could not be updated, the email will report on that as well and include another attachment with a list of DRS IDs for objects that could not be updated and the reason for failure. If all objects could not be updated, the email will include the attachment with the list of objects that could not be updated and the reason for failure.