Alma performance issues and tracking

Alma performance issues and tracking

DRAFT: Instructions on capturing slow tasks in Alma

If there is a task you perform that is always slow, follow steps 1-7 below, except you only need to starting record+tracking with the actions that lead up to the task. Stop recording+tracking after the task has completed. 

If there is a task you perform that is periodically slow, these are difficult to capture since they cannot be predicted, therefore we ask that you record a video of your screen while you are working for an hour or so and you expect to be performing that task multiple times. Follow steps 1-7 below. 

  1. Start a Zoom meeting with just yourself (Zoom > New Meeting), Share Screen, and Record to the Cloud (under More menu).
  2. In Alma, under Help menu, Start Performance Tracking session. Click Yes in dialog box.
  3. Work for an hour or so and make note of roughly what time it was when the slow task occurred, what the task was, and what record number was involved. When you capture slowness, you can end your session or you can keep working to try to catch another slow task.
  4. When you wish to stop, select the Alma option to Stop Performance Tracking Session and Generate File.
  5. End Zoom meeting.
  6. Send email to Corinna and Amanda with:
    1. What task was slow, when it occurred record number involved
    2. Tracking file attachment
    3. Link to cloud recording when you get it from Zoom
  7. Corinna/Amanda will update relevant ticket

Open tickets

Functional areaBrief descriptionSalesforce Case No.Date of last update Need more video/tracking from Harvard? Status
AcquisitionsAssociating/disassociating a POL with a holdings record07042729



Target fix date July 2024

AcquisitionsSaving a POL after editing (any field)070427323/6/2024Yes, when task takes excessive timeExL: task happens within reasonable time - an average of around 2 seconds
Resource ManagementDuplicating/creating items070429173/14/2024Yes, when task takes excessive timeExL asked for video and tracking file where it takes > 20 seconds
Resource ManagementSaving item records after editing070429733/1/2024Yes, when task takes excessive timeExL asked for video and tracking file
Resource ManagementPushing a record to the MDE070429112/23/2024 NoWill be addressed in the August 2024 release.
Resource ManagementWithdrawing items from the item list070589343/6/2024

Yes, when task takes excessive time

ExL: task happens within reasonable time: average 2 seconds for the "Confirm" popup, less than 6 seconds until the "Last item of holdings deleted ..." dialog to load, 3 seconds from "Go" until the end of the entire withdraw process.

Resource ManagementDeleting a holdings record070429813/1/2024

Yes, when task takes excessive time and you are not starting from a large result set of a Physical Titles search

ExL: task happens within reasonable time.

ExL: when deleting a holding from a list of holdings and then using the back button, Alma must again perform the "Physical Titles" search and reload all of the data because a holding was deleted. The amount of data that needs to be reloaded affects the processing time. Considering the amount of data, the action is done reasonably fast. Consider other methods to delete holdings, especially using the Physical Holdings search and deleting from there. 

Resource ManagementPhysical titles search 068699463/11/2024 NoExL: Under review
E-resourcesOpening any tab after the summary tab of a license record0689170910/12/2023Yes, when task takes excessive time

Performance has improved since ExL made changes, but task is still intermittently slow

Resolved or Closed tickets

Functional areaDescription of Problem
DateYour NameURL for Video CaptureSalesforce Case No.StatusNotes
MultipleSlow response 


Ex Libris Support Center06695539Pending developmentLast updated 3/26
MDESlow to open, slow to load records even after open
9/2/21Corinna BaksikSee Salesforce00989963

MDE -Browse Bib HeadingsBrowse Bib Heading slowness - new MDE
4/13/21Corinna Baksik(See Salesforce)00946117

MDE typing speeds

2/7/19Corinna BaksikSee Salesforce00649883
ExL closed case. 
APIAPI slowness - update holdings
2/7/2020Corinna Baksik
00810250Pending development
SearchingSearching Alma slowness
4/13/21Corinna Baksik

https://www.screencast.com/t/mfk6BmM9 - searching by bib MMS ID - 6 seconds

https://www.screencast.com/t/xfc910oqvHH - keyword search - 35 seconds

https://www.screencast.com/t/X2J05mTcCJ - series keyword search - 1 minute


Description of Problem
Date ResolvedDescription of ProblemSalesforce Case No.
Editing Online Services Order tables slow
December 2019Editing Online Services Order tables slow698624
ACTL slowness
September 2019ACTL slowness00628094
Loading Reading List Task list takes 30 seconds, changing between tabs takes many seconds as well
November 2018 ReleaseLoading Reading List Task list takes 30 seconds, changing between tabs takes many seconds as well00595488

Calling up an order from the list of POLs in review: ca 12 seconds

Note from Elizabeth: I also experienced the same thing when I search a PO Line by PO number. 
When I try to click through on the Order Line and open it to view, it takes 10+ seconds each time.

Fix implemented in May 2018 release.

Calling up an order from the list of POLs in review: ca 12 seconds

Note from Elizabeth: I also experienced the same thing when I search a PO Line by PO number. 
When I try to click through on the Order Line and open it to view, it takes 10+ seconds each time.


From Authority Control Task List, filter the previous week to only one type of report: 59 seconds

From the resulting list, push a record to the MDE and wait for it to open: 46 seconds

From MDE, hit back button to go back to task list: 21 seconds

From task list, dismiss the list item: 23 seconds

Case closed on 2/22/2018; Ex Libris switched authority_control_link_available to false for February test load.

From Authority Control Task List, filter the previous week to only one type of report: 59 seconds

From the resulting list, push a record to the MDE and wait for it to open: 46 seconds

From MDE, hit back button to go back to task list: 21 seconds

From task list, dismiss the list item: 23 seconds

Clicking tabs in Vendor Interface details causes Alma crash.
Fix implemented in August 2018 release.Clicking tabs in Vendor Interface details causes Alma crash.473183
Alma API too slow to deliver holdings information to full display page in Primo. "Get It" area in Primo full display page for a record with multiple holdings was blank for unacceptable period of time until holdings loaded. (18 seconds)

August 2018 included improvements; case still open as of October 2018.

Had been scheduled to be fixed in the March 2018 Alma release, but slowness remained. Case updated by CB on 3/5/18; Lynn Higgins forwarded to ExL Development.

Alma API too slow to deliver holdings information to full display page in Primo. "Get It" area in Primo full display page for a record with multiple holdings was blank for unacceptable period of time until holdings loaded. (18 seconds)474157
Calling up the Receiving Dashboard (Acquisitions > Receive) for the first time in a session (ca 43 seconds)
Fix implemented in July 2018 release.Calling up the Receiving Dashboard (Acquisitions > Receive) for the first time in a session (ca 43 seconds)476143
Creating a one-time Purchase Order Line for a shared service ordering unit: 3:34 minutes
Submitted video comparisons of order creation in Aleph v Alma to Claudia Balby on 2/12/18; the videos were attached to ExL internal development ticket (URM-81736) which is in analysis process. Claudia requested update from Development on 3/28/18.

ExL requested updated video on 10/31
  • ExL response: I can see there has been improvements with adding a POL but there is still some slowness. Development has indicated that some improvements have been made, which you can see. I have sent your video to them and asked if this is expected, if it will be improved and when the improvement will be. I will provide updates as they become available.
Creating a one-time Purchase Order Line for a shared service ordering unit: 3:34 minutes478818
Looking for the postage on an invoice, 2 minutes
 Fix implemented in May 2018 release.Looking for the postage on an invoice, 2 minutes 480382

Viewing invoice with large number (975) of line items: 3:55 minutes

Starting point: invoice lines tab of POL 119674-4

3 people viewing EBSCO renewal invoice concurrently >10 minutes

Fix implemented in May 2018 release.

Viewing invoice with large number (975) of line items: 3:55 minutes

Starting point: invoice lines tab of POL 119674-4

3 people viewing EBSCO renewal invoice concurrently >10 minutes



5 seconds to open MDE
3.5 seconds to open a bib
14 seconds to do a search
4 seconds to open a record in MDE from search results

Version commitment July


5 seconds to open MDE
3.5 seconds to open a bib
14 seconds to do a search
4 seconds to open a record in MDE from search results

9 seconds for physical title search
Fix was implemented in August 2018; case remains with Ex Libris development as of October 2018.9 seconds for physical title search492156
"Currently at…" takes 6 seconds to change to a different department
Fix implemented in July 2018; case remains with Ex Libris development as of October 2018."Currently at…" takes 6 seconds to change to a different department492161

Saving a record in MDE takes 13 seconds

Fix implemented in July 2018 release; case remains with Ex Libris development as of October 2018.

Saving a record in MDE takes 13 seconds

Running simple analysis takes more than 5 minutes in group training session. Additional example, 2/12/18: ~1:30 for a brief list of column values to load when working with prompts
Fix implemented for June 2018 release.Running simple analysis takes more than 5 minutes in group training session. Additional example, 2/12/18: ~1:30 for a brief list of column values to load when working with prompts516138
Berenson reports recurring slowness opening the MD Editor. Videos document it taking between 2.5 and 3 minutes. The issue generally takes place between 9 and 11:30 am in Italy. The MD Editor opens normally otherwise.
Berenson reported significantly improved response speeds in MDE beginning in February 2019.Berenson reports recurring slowness opening the MD Editor. Videos document it taking between 2.5 and 3 minutes. The issue generally takes place between 9 and 11:30 am in Italy. The MD Editor opens normally otherwise.626671
Reaching, filtering list of course reserve citations is slow.
Fix implemented January 2020.Reaching, filtering list of course reserve citations is slow.638955
Quick print slow to bring up print dialog.
Fix implemented July 2020.Quick print slow to bring up print dialog.754788
Receiving Department Items / Manage In Process Items slow
Fix implemented July 2020.Receiving Department Items / Manage In Process Items slow724503
Receiving 20 POLs takes nearly 2 minutes
Performance improvements to receiving list made March 2021Receiving 20 POLs takes nearly 2 minutes594223
Receiving list slow to open at Berenson
Performance improvements to receiving list made March 2021Receiving list slow to open at Berenson604938