Divinity Project

Divinity Project


Andover Harvard Theological Library will undergo renovation.   They need to move 80,000 items from the General Collections to HD (permanently) and 48,000 items from Special Collections (temporarily) by May 1, 2019.

They have hired NLR staff to facilitate HD transfer for the general collections.   Specialized processing staff will be hired for special collections.

General Collection Workflows

Target is to pull and transfer 3,000 items a week to meet HD accession capacity.  Workflows in use thus far have fallen short of this goal.

1. Week 1 - 675
2. Week 2 - 1100
3. Week 3 - 1800 - 2000

Current Periodicals Process

  1. Holdings records were pre-updated to indicate HD location.   No item policy changes are expected for this set of records.
  2. Items are pulled from shelf and recorded in manifest.
  3. Items cleaned.
  4. Circ staff re-barcode physical item and update item in Alma.
  5. Items are discharged to put in transit.
  6. After accession at HD, normal HD end of day would remove transit.  Any waiting request would be sent to HD to pull in next transfer.

Steps 4 and 5 are taking a long time due to processing times in Alma to update each item and discharge each item.  LTS suggests use of barcode replicator rather than updating item to a new barcode and automating the transit piece.

Proposed Periodicals Process (if additional sets of periodicals are sent in future)

  1. Holdings records were pre-updated to indicate HD location.   No item policy changes are expected for this set of records.
  2. Barcode replicator will be used to create duplicate barcode which will be applied to front cover.
  3. Staff will scan items into excel or a text file to note they are handed off to NLR.
  4. NRS cleans items.
  5. NLR scans into weekly transfer manifest
  6. LTS will run process to put batch of items into transit status. A revised EOD script will be used (see documentation on Divinity.py).
  7. After accession at HD, normal HD end of day would remove transit.  Any waiting request would be sent to HD to pull in next transfer.

Proposed Non-Periodicals Process 

  1. Items are pulled from shelf.
  2. Barcode replicator will be used to create duplicate barcode which will be applied to front cover.
  3. Staff will scan items into excel or a text file to note they are handed off to NLR.
  4. NRS cleans items.
  5. NLR scans into weekly transfer manifest
  6. LTS will run process to update sets of items to permanent HD location/change item policy if needed according the following procedure:
    1. An itemized set of barcodes (public) should be created in Alma for LTS to run the batch change items job.
    2. The same set of barcodes should be emailed to LTS in .txt format.
    3. Format of the name of each set should be as follows:

      Where all records from one loc are going to a new loc



      Item Policy needs to be updated

      [library]_[oldloc]_[newloc]_ [olditempol]_[newitempol] [YYYYMMDD]

      Temp location request[library]_[temploc]_[intransitflag]_[YYYYMMDD]DIV_HDSP_Y_20181004
    4. The person creating the sets in Alma must have the Requests Operator role in order to view the error message logs associated with loading the sets.
    5. A report called "Add Members to Set" will be emailed from Alma to the person who created the set indicate how many records were processed successfully and how many were invalid. Invalid records will be dropped from the set and will need further investigation.
    6. LTS will run the following procedure on the set:
      1. Run a job > change physical items on the set
      2. Change type: Permanent; New library: Andover-Harvard Theological Library; New location: As specified in set file name 
      3. If Item policy also needs to be updated, the following fields will be included in the job: Change other fields > Item Policy: as specified in set file name
  7. LTS will run process to put batch of items into transit status. A revised EOD script will be used (see documentation on Divinity.py).
  8. After accession at HD, normal HD end of day would remove transit.  Any waiting request would be sent to HD to pull in next transfer.

Action items:

  • Nell will identify set of barcodes to Alma Sandbox with specialized holdings information.
  • LTS will create process to update items to permanent HD locations.

Special Collection Workflows

It is expected that any of the special collections workflows can mirror those for the non-Periodicals process related to batch item/holding update and transit work, though the location change would be a temporary location change. There are variation in pulling materials and barcoding, though a replicator will be needed for the collections. 

  • Nell and LTS will test processes with Special Collections data sets, if needed, after Non-Periodicals process if finalized.