HOLLIS holdings & items display ("Access options" section, formerly "Get It")

Special note on serials with unreceived issues

Items with material type ISSUE do not display in HOLLIS unless they have been received. This is to prevent predicted, unreceived issues from displaying to the public.

Due to this configuration, if a serial title has a single holding with a single item, and that item has material type ISSUE and is unreceived, the entire bib record will be suppressed from HOLLIS. As a workaround, you can change the item material type to any other value temporarily until the item has been received. This will cause the bib to display in HOLLIS within 24 hours. 

Holdings fields that display

Summary lines (collapsed) include:

  • Library name
  • Location name
  • Call number
  • Summary availability indicator (if available)

Expanded locations include holdings notes outlined in the table below, followed by item records. 

Note for serials or multi-volume works: if a holding as no paired statements (used to generate textual holdings statements), then Alma/Primo will automatically generate a summary statement based on item enun/chrom fields by evaluating the first and last item, e.g. "from v. 1 until v.6." Gap information will not appear in this scenario. 


Value (MARC field : subfields)

Note852 : z (all instances) Instances of 852 z with angle brackets are copied into 992, and angle brackets are shown as parentheses, due to a Primo bug. Both 852z and data copied into 992 will display, which will cause some redundancy but will prevent data loss
Copy number852 : t
Online856 : 3,u,y,z
Acquisition status

995 $c : copied from

008/06= 3 (On order

008/06 = 4 (Currently received)

008/06 = 5 (Not currently received)(this value applies only when holding LDR = y,v


506 : 3,a,b,c,d,e,u

Reproduction note

843 : 3,a,b,c,d,e,f,m,n


996 : copied from : 561/1 or blank : 3,a,u

This field is also published as part of the bib and indexed

Copy and version

562 : 3,a,b,c,d,e

This field is also published as part of the bib and indexed

Binding Info

563 : 3,a,u

This field is also published as part of the bib and indexed

Terms of use

845 : a,b,c,d

Source of acquisition

997 : copied from : 541/1 : 3,a,b,c,d,e,f,h,n,o

This field is also published as part of the bib and indexed

Action note993 : copied from : 583/1 or blank : 3,a,b,c,d,e,f,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,z

For availability see

994 with u : copied from 977 : a,s,t,f

 Angle brackets are changed to parentheses for display purposes due to Primo bug
Holdings866 : o,a,z (automatically built off of paired statements)

966 : o,a,z
Supplements867 : o,a,z (automatically built off of paired statements)

967 : o,a,z
Index868 : o,a,z (automatically built off of paired statements)

968 : o,a,z 
Brinkler call number999 : a

NOTE:  if items are issues and have descriptions, and there is no 866, Primo will generate a from... until statement based on the earliest and latest items (via enum/chron evaluation). For example: from v.1 (2002) until v.8 (2009). Screenshot: 

Order of libraries/locations

This is not configurable as of summer 2018. 

There is an option to order by IP address based on user's locations but this is not turned on at Harvard. 

Holdings with the greatest number of available items are displayed first, then by: 

  • temporary locations
  • permanent locations
  • remote locations

Temp Loc functionality

When all items on a holding are Temp Loc'd to a new location, the original location from the holding record will not display to the user. Only the new Temp Loc will display to the user. This also means that any holdings statements from the original holding will not appear. Contact LTS to discuss possible alternatives for long-term temporary re-locations of special collections. 

Furthermore, Alma/Primo will generate a summary statement based on the items (because no holding statements are present for the temporary location). The statement is  based on item data by evaluating the first and last item, e.g. "from v. 1 until v.6." Gap information is not listed in this scenario. 

If the original holding has some items temp loc'd and others that are not, the user will see two separate locations, each with the appropriate item records. 

For example, here all 3 volumes are at their original location: 

Now volume 2 is temporarily located at Lamont. Note that Because the original location continues to have items, the holding notes display: 

Now all 3 volumes are temporarily located at Lamont. Because the original location has no items it is completely hidden from view (including any notes). 

Item Status display

There is a "Status" column for item records which is used to indicate whether an item is in one of the following states: 

  • On loan
  • In transit
  • Missing / Lost
  • On order
  • Library processing

Example of Status column in HOLLIS

Example of Status column

Various terms that have been used in the Item Status field

When an item is NOT in one of the states above, deciding what term to display has been a thorny issue, as we can only use a single term regardless of the the type of resource. We have tried several terms over the years, and none have been ideal for all scenarios. Terms that have been used include:

  • Not Checked Out
    • This term is misleading for special collections because those materials are non-circulating and have to be consulted at the repository. 
    • This term is misleading for general collection non-circulating material, such as bound journals, which cannot be loaned.
    • The term is also misleading for items that exist for preservation purposes only and cannot be requested. In these cases there is a separate reproduction copy that can be used. 
  • Available
    • Same issues as above. 
  • In library or Storage
    • This term aligns with the facet 'In library or storage' that is used to indicate that an item is at its "home" location, as opposed to On Loan, etc. 
    • This term is confusing for users who are less familiar with library location naming conventions, e.g. unless a location contains the word "Offsite," then the location is on campus.
    • Note that the actual location of an item is listed between the library name and the call number if present, e.g. Baker Business   Stacks -- LC Books   HF296.B7 C65 1906.
  • Item in place
    • This is the term that staff see in Alma. It was used in HOLLIS only during a preview period related to the Alma migration in the summer of 2018. 

Example use cases to take into consideration during discussion of text for the Item Status field

The examples in the table below reflect some different use cases that should be considered during any conversation about the "status" display. 

Type of resourceSample titleLocation displayPolicyRequest link

Labels we've used in the Status column

Not Checked out 


Item in place

(2018 for Alma/Primo preview period)



In library or storage


BookWhat Masie knew / Henry JamesWidener Library   WID-LC   PS2116.W43 H8 1989Semester loanRequest pick up

Confusion about location of item

With fire and sword / Henryk Sienkiewicz

Widener Library   Offsite Storage   Slav 7123.1.580 Semester loanRequest pick up

The Commercial Club of Boston

Baker Business   Stacks -- LC Books   HF296.B7 C65 1906 Semester loanRequest pick up

The essays of Virginia Woolf

Lamont Library   GEN   PR6045.O72 A6 1986b 

Semester loanRequest pick up

Confusion about location of item
Book, ReserveSelf-portrait with ghost : short stories / Meng Jin

Lamont Library   Reserves   PS3610.I56 S45 2022 

3-hour loan n/a

Book, RareThe expedition of Humphry Clinker. 1771. Houghton Library   GEN   Lowell *EC75 Sm792H 1771ba In-library use only Request to Copy or Visit

"Not checked out" is misleading because the item cannot be checked out

"Available" is problematic because it suggests that an item is available for use right away
Bound volume of a serialAnnual review of law and ethicsWidener Library   WID-LC   K10 .A46x In-library usen/a

"Not checked out" is misleading because the item cannot be checked out

Confusion about location of item
Special collection [Rothstein Political Buttons Collection]Harvard Kennedy School   Offsite Storage   NK3669 .R68 1900z (Images may be viewed in VIA)Not available for usen/a

"Not checked out" is misleading because the item cannot be checked out

"Available" is problematic because the item is not available for use
Archival collection (unprocessed)Charles J. Ogletree, Jr. papers, circa 1970-2005Harvard Law School Library   Offsite Storage   LAW MMC 401 In-library use onlyn/a

"Not checked out" is misleading because the item cannot be checked out

Archival collection (processed)Wilma Cannon Fairbank personal archive, 1924-2016 and [undated]Harvard University Archives   Offsite Storage   HUM 430In-library use onlyRequest to Copy or Visit

"Not checked out" is misleading because the item cannot be checked out

"Available" is problematic because it suggests that an item is available for use right away