Handling of ISBD cataloging without punctuation (LDR/18=c)

Updated as of February 21, 2020


We addressed these fields only at this time:

  • 245

  • 250

  • 264 (not 260 -- PCC catalogers should not be using 260)

    • we did not account for multiple subfield a's because that means there will likely be a,b,a,b… in which case we recommend that cataloger NOT use LDR/18=c

  • 300

    • did not account for multiple subfield instances, same recommendation as above, e.g. if you have something like this, a cataloger should not use LDR/18=c: 

      • 300 ##$a 1 score (30 pages) ; $c 20 cm + $a 16 parts ; $c 32 cm

    • also, in order to create punctuation between subfields, I had to also enforce an order. I wrote the rules to anticipate subfields in this order: 3 a f b c e g. If there are complex combinations of a+f, a+f+g in a single 300, that may be another case where staff should manually punctuate and not use LDR/18 =c

  • 502

  • Did not include 505 because of the levels of variation that can be found with different material types, e.g. in music, $r is not always preceded by a slash (for performers), and a $t is sometimes preceded by a period or a semicolon (for hierarchical titles) – and a $g can be lots of things. 

Primo Back Office rules


  • For existing 245 rules, add condition that LDR/18 not equal c

  • When LDR/18 = c, we have the following rules


  • For existing 250 rule, add condition that LDR/18 not equal c

  • When LDR/18 = c, we have the following rules:

display -- multiple PNX fields for handling of 264

  • For existing 264 rules, add condition that LDR/18 not equal c

  • When LDR/18 = c,  we use multiple PNX fields to make sure the display label is correct, since it changes based on indicator values

  • Field 264 is also likely to exist with just a subfield c so we accounted for that as well. 

264 display variations

display/lds74 for 264 2nd indicator = 0

display/lds75 for 264 2nd indicator = 1 or null

same as lds74 except for indicator

display/lds76 for 264 2nd indicator = 2

same as lds74 except for indicator

display/lds77 for 264 2nd indicator = 3

same as lds74 except for indicator

display/lds78 for 264 2nd indicator = 4

same as lds74 except for indicator


  • For existing 300 rules, add condition that LDR/18 not equal c

  • When LDR/18 = c, we have the following rules

display/ (local field for 502)

  • not testing for LDR/18 = c because catalogers don't usually add punc for this field anyway