Alma Items

Alma Items

Field NameDescriptionData type
Number of ItemsItem count on number of barcodes. Count(Barcode)Integer
BarcodeAlma BarcodeText
Call NumberHoldings call number for display without subfield codes and delimitersText
Call Number 852Call number from holdings with subfield codes and delimitersText
Call Number TypeItem call number typeText
Chron IMain level of chronology - usually the yearText
Chron JNext level of chronologyText
Copy IDItem copy number Text
Create DateDate the physical item was created. Format DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 AMDatetime
Created ByUsername of the operator that created the physical itemText
Current LibraryIf Temp Loc = Y, the temporary library. Otherwise the same as permanent libraryText
Current LocationIf Temp Loc = Y, the temporary location. Otherwise the same as permanent locationText
DescriptionChronology and Enumeration for displayText
Due Back DateDate item is due back from lender. Format DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 AMDatetime
Enum AMain level of enumeration, usually the volumeText
Enum BNext level of enumerationText
Fulfillment NoteNote content displayed during the circulation processText
Hathi Full Text FlagY or null where Y indicates the physical item is available in full text from HathiTrust. Link to full text is in Google Scanned Items table. In Alma Metadata subject area only.Text
Holdings IDHolding unique identifierText
In HD FlagY/N value where Y indicates Alma item barcode is active in the HD inventoryText
In ReCAP FlagY/N value where Y indicates Alma item barcode is active in the ReCAP inventoryText
In PlaceY/N field where Y indicates item is in place Text
Internal Note 1Item Internal note 1Text
Internal Note 2Item Internal note 1Text
Internal Note 3Item Internal note 1Text
Inventory DateItem inventory dateText
Inventory NumberItem inventory numberText
Item Call NumberCall number from Item recordText
Item Call Number TypeCall number from Item recordText
Item MaterialItem material typeText
Item PIDItem unique IDText
Item PolicyItem circulation policyText
Library CodePermanent Library codeText
LifecycleItem Lifecycle where A is active and D is deletedText
Location CodePermanent Location code. Documentation: 


MagneticY/N magnetic mediaText
Modified ByUsername of the operator that last modified the physical itemText
Modified DateItem last date of modification. Format DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 AMDatetime
PagesItems number of pagesText
Physical ConditionItem physical description: brittle, damaged, deteriorating or fragileText
PiecesItems number of piecesText
PO Line NumberPO line for the itemText
ProvenanceCode indicating the item's originText
Public NotePublic NoteText
Receiving DateDate the item was received/activated for the first time. Format DD/MM/YYYY 12:00:00 AMDatetime
Retention Commitment

Indicates if a commitment has been made to retain the item. Values are Y, N and null (empty)

Retention Note

Additional information regarding retention commitment

Retention Reason

Controlled field for the commitment agreement. Current values : HATHI, HATHI_RECAP, RECAP 

Statistics Note 1Statistics Note 1Text
Statistics Note 2Statistics Note 2. Used for commitment statementText
Statistics Note 3Statistics Note 3Text
Storage Location IdStorage location from itemText
Temp Call NumberCall number for item temporary locationText
Temp Call Number TypeCall number type for item temporary locationText
Temp LocY/N where Y indicates item is in a temporary locationText