Hathi Report

Hathi Report

Data provided by Hathi regarding rights and access for scanned items in HathiTrust repository

  • Hathi provides what is commonly referred to as "the Hathi file," a full extract of all items in the digital library (~17M as of 2023).
  • File includes item-level identifiers (barcodes with institution prefix: hvd)
  • The file is issued monthly and posted to a permanent URL. https://www.hathitrust.org/hathifiles.  (There is also a daily differential.)
  • Hathi documentation about what is in the file: https://www.hathitrust.org/hathifiles_description
  • The "hvd" items will be added to a table in HART

Data in HART will be updated monthly, ~ the 15th. 

Field nameDefinitionData type
Hathi Bib NumberPermanent HathiTrust item identifier.Text
Hathi Digitization AgentThe organization that digitized the content. Code is either 'google' for Google scanned content or in a few cases 'harvard' for Progrio scanned items uploaded to Hathi. Text
Hathi Full Text AccessAccess code indicating whether or not users can view the item. The access code is derived from the rights attribute. Values are:
allow - end users can view the item
deny - end users cannot view the item
Hathi Full Text FlagY or null. Y indicates that a scan of the item is available and access code = allow.Text
Hathi Full Text RightsA code that describes the copyright status, license or access. Codes are documented here: https://www.hathitrust.org/the-collection/preservation/rights-database/#AttributesText
Hathi Scanned Item LinkLink to full text. Text